Search results 17
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....topics in body systems and functions, conditions and common care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......major health professions, includ......ratory therapy and more
- Contents...d-fast culture and smear Activities of daily living e......Administration of medication Ado......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......Care Act Aging and the aged Aging......ts Alternative and complementary ......phy Ambulatory surgery centers Americ......ntesis Amylase and lipase tests A...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......l fibrillation and flutter Attent......s Autopsy Back and neck pain, phy......cteria Balance and coordination tests Ball and socket joint B......valvuloplasty Bandages and dressings Bariatric surgery Barium enema B......ort (BLS) Beds and bed preparation techniques Be...
- Alternative TitleEncyclopedia of nursing & allied health
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....anged entries, of which about 10......topics in body systems and functions, conditions and common care issues and theories, techniques and practices, and devices and equipment. It ......major health professions, includ......ratory therapy and more.
- Contents...d-fast culture and smear Activities of daily living e......Administration of medication Ado......tion Adrenal gland computed tomog......aphy Adrenal glands Adrenocortica......stration Aging and the aged AIDS ......ts Alternative and complementary ......phy Ambulatory surgery centers Americ......ntesis Amylase and lipase tests A...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......l fibrillation and flutter Attent......s Autopsy Back and neck pain, phy......cteria Balance and coordination tests Ball and socket joint B......valvuloplasty Bandages and dressings Bariatric surgery Barium enema B......ort (BLS) Beds and bed preparation techniques Be...
- Is Format Of...e encyclopedia of nursing and allied health. Farmington Hil...
National Diet Library
- Contents... decompression and stabilization ......r the thoracic and lumbar spine. ......logic deficits of the thoracolum...... Fujiya Static and fatigue properties of anterior thora......nstrumentation systems. by Y. Kotani ......rimental study of thoracolumbar ......gham Influence of disc degenerat......n on mechanism of thoracolumbar evaluation of spinal fixatio......canal stenosis and neurologic def......ior correction surgery of scoliosis. by ......ior correction of thoracolumbar ......ior correction of thoracic scoli......the management of thoracolumbar and lumbar scolios...... thoracolumbar and lumbar scoliosis. by K. Kaned...
- Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)...raduate School of Medecine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Hokkaido Univ,......raduate School of Medecine
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Provides in-depth coverage of neurological diseases and disorders, inc......tigo, amnesia, and epilepsy, targ......their families and allied health ......, medications, and the needs of Alzheimer patient caregivers ...
- Contents...rders Agenesis of the corpus cal......ic disease Alexander disease Alpe...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......on Awake brain surgery Back pain Balance and gait disorders......nger disease Biofeedback Biopsy ...... anatomy Brain and spinal tumors ......nital disorder of glycosylation ......ation COVID-19 and stroke (arteri...... body disease Dandy-Walker syndro......isometheptene, and acetaminophen ......phalopathy Endovascular embolization E......n Hearing loss and hearing disord......asm Hemiplegia and paraplegia Hem......RI) Management of convulsive sta......entral pontine and extrapontine) ......m) Myoclonus Myofibrillar myopathy Myopathy Myo...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Provides in-depth coverage of neurological diseases and disorders, inc......tigo, amnesia, and epilepsy, targ......their families and allied health ......, medications, and the needs of Alzheimer patient caregivers ...
- Contents...rders Agenesis of the corpus cal......ic disease Alexander disease Alpe...... Anticoagulant and antiplatelet d......on Awake brain surgery Back pain Balance and gait disorders...... anatomy Brain and spinal tumors ...... body disease Dandy-Walker syndro......isometheptene, and acetaminophen ......phalopathy Endovascular embolization E......n Hearing loss and hearing disord......asm Hemiplegia and paraplegia Her......entral pontine and extrapontine) Myoclonus Myofibrillar myopat......ticercosis Neurofibromatosis Neu......rosurgeon Neurosurgery Neurosyphilis ......e Pallidotomy PANDAS Pantothenate......Reye syndrome Sandhoff disease Schilder's diseas...
- Is Format Of...e encyclopedia of neurological disorders. Farmi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....rom historical and international ...... basic science and current clinic......r leads a team of global experts......l, scientific, and clinical issue...... fully revised and updated, Immersion, and Hypo- and Hyperthermia; Immediate and Long-Term Comp......ical Research; and Interpreting t......y, palliation, and sleep/wake dis...... more readable and actionable. Fe...... the knowledge and expertise of former lead ed......r. Kate Leslie of the University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourn......Provides state-of-the-art coverage of anesthetic dru......hetic practice and patient safety......e unique needs of pediatric patients, and much ...
- Contents...duction. Scope of modern anesthe......national scope and practice of anesthesia ; performance and patient safety......thical aspects of anesthesia car......sness, memory, and anesthesia ; S......ral physiology and the effects of anesthetic dru......ory physiology and pathophysiolog......nal physiology and pathophysiolog......tic physiology and pathophysiolog......, pharmacology and evaluation of function ; Basic principles of pharmacology ;......cs: mechanisms of action ; Inhal......on, metabolism and toxicity ; Pul......y pharmacology and inhaled anesth......tics: delivery systems ; Intravenous anesthetics ; O...
- Note (General)Revised edition of: Miller's anesthesia / [edite...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSurgery of the breast ; Surgery of the abdomen Ge......nsiderations ; Surgery of head and neck ; Principles of plastic surgery Surgery of nerves and vascular systems ; Surgery of the chest ; Surgery of bones and joints Hernias ; Gynecology and genito-urinary surgery
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...s in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation for cardiovascular research Membrane structure and its biological......cs, Cosmology, and Fundamental Ph...... in the understanding and treatment of asthma HIV-associated cardiovascular disease : clinical and biological insights The role of I[131]-labeled......ins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of constructed Myelination and dysmyelination......he development of the Rhone river basin Timing and time perceptio......stry, biology, and clinical uses of nucleoside ana......, measurement, and control Mechanisms of tissue ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...r Continuation of: Handbuch der medizi......= Encyclopedia of medical radiology
- Related Material...ency radiology of the abdomen : ......aging features and differential d......t-enhanced MRI of the breast 3D ......g : techniques and clinical appli......seases Imaging of complications and toxicity follo......ion sonography of the peripheral......ders Radiology of the upper urin......s in conformal and intensity modu...... Multislice-CT of the abdomen Biliary tract and gallbladder ca......oach Carcinoma of the bladder : ......tive Spiral CT of the abdomen Dy......ia : diagnosis and treatment Radiology of the stomach and duodenum Coron......moradiotherapy and thermochemothe......Radiopathology of organs and tissues Virtual co...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIntrathoracic fluid and gas compartmen......ifferent modes of ventilation : ......mplete mapping of different vent......rns Expression of TGF-β isoforms, their receptors and related SMAD p......udies focusing of infarcts, abscesses and malignant glio......Transformation and replication characteristics of in vitro evolu...... minimal model of the immune sys......ratory effects and air quality Co......-effectiveness of screening for ......Genetic typing of HLA polymorphi......ion to studies of disease association and forensic medic......etic stability and characterisation of the protein pr......t Feasiblility of the fluorometric microculture...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCurrent concepts of infectious dis......roscopy Manual of nonfermenting ......Computed brain and orbital tomogr......hy : technique and interpretation...... health care professionals Standards of oncology nursi......, tomographic, and neuropathologi......sing diagnosis and intervention i......practice Fetal and maternal medic...... Complications of pediatric surgery The Patient wi......stem : origins and functions Comp......hensive review of respiratory ca......nts, children, and adolescents An...... for the study of human disease ......e Nursing care of the older adul...... nursing home, and community The dynamics of clinical dietetics Understand...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...w Intracranial vascular malformations ......ical treatment of movement disor......rgical aspects of pregnancy Surgery of the cranial nerves of the posterior ......ripheral nerve surgery Current management of cerebral aneurysms Endovascular neurological i......ndoscopic neurosurgery Degenerative disease of the cervical s......e primary care of neurological d......stheses Cerebrovascular occlusive disease and brain ischemia......rgencies LINAC and gamma knife radiosurgery Calvarial and dural reconstr......ary management of spinal cord in...... Syringomyelia and the Chiari Mal......ons Philosophy of neurological surgery Neurosur...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialObservation, prediction and simulation of phase transiti......m field theory and quantum gravit......istry Delivery systems for peptide drugs Structure and dynamics of RNA Carbon as a source of carbon : biochemical and chemical uses ...... organizations and development in infancy and early childhoo......y biogeography of the marine algae of the North Atla......tic The impact of processing tec......ophysical jets and their engines ......onvective heat and mass transfer ......dia Prediction of interannual cl......ogical effects and physics of solar and galactic cosmi......atology Status and future developments in the st...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...oulik Hormones and hypertension Naturalism and subjectivism R......cian Treatment of toxic goiter w......a : mechanisms and pathology Card...... : plain films and angiocardiogra...... The diagnosis of salmonella typ......Newer concepts of inflammation Elements of pediatric anes...... The evolution and chemistry of aggression Chemistry and prevention of dental caries ......nual symposium of the Eastern Pe......erbaric oxygen and its clinical v......on biochemical and cardiovascular aspects Chemotherapy of urogenital tum......ystic fibrosis of the pancreas in infants and children The c......ary endoscopy, and choledocholithotomy Optokinet...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...logy : methods and applications Epidemiology and control of neural tube de......e in pregnancy and childbirth The causes of cancer : quant......tive estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the ...... today Oxford handbook of sport and exercise medic......ical practice, and public health ......rol Principles of medicine in Af......ine Essentials of microbiology to choosing and using Fracture......ension Oxford handbook of clinical haematology Oxford handbook of expedition and wilderness med......xford textbook of psychiatry Bra......s tuberculosis of bone and joint to produce and interpret them Surveillance i...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProceedings of the Ketotifen ......n the occasion of the VIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immun...... : proceedings of the Xth Intern......ional Congress of Pharmacology (...... : proceedings of the second Int...... Royal College of Physicians, Lo...... : proceedings of the Seventh In......therosclerosis and the 7th Scientific Committee of the National Foundation of Australia, Mel...... : proceedings of the Internatio......basic research and novel therapeu...... : proceedings of the Symposium ......ber 1991 State-of-the-art techno...... in anesthesia and intensive care : proceedings ...