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- Subject HeadingImperialism. Colonies -- History -- 19th ...
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- Subject HeadingImperialism Colonies -- History
- Subject Heading (ID)Imperialism Colonies -- History
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- Related MaterialAn analysis of Christopher R.......talion 101 and the final solution in Poland An analysis of John P. Kotter......ding change An analysis of Amartya Sen's ...... as freedom An analysis of Susan Sontag' An analysis of Max Weber's the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism An analysis of Carlo Ginzburg's the Night battles :......arian cults in the 16th anf [i. e.......h centuries An analysis of Geert Hofstede's culture......oss nations An analysis of Plato's the Republic An analysis of Virginia Woolf's a Room of one's own An analysis of Ferdinand de S......linguistics An analysis of Theodore Levitt's Marketin...
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- Related Material...ry : issues in the history and management of computers The econometrics of disequilibrium......n to Gorbachev The intellectual legacy of Thorstein Vebl......guidelines for the economic and development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period ending i......ollars through the doors : a pre-1930 history of bank marketing in America The Politics of industrial rec......development in the American states......ions in Europe The pillage of sustainability......ommunities and the creeping shadows of hegemony The impact of the federal budget ......ning Cities in the world-system Ke......e Windows on a new world : the third industrial ...
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- Related MaterialThe framework of a lasting peace Builders of peace : being ......years' history of the Union of Democratic Control The psychology and strategy of Gandhi's for peace : the story of the war resistance ......racter "Bad" : the story of a conscientiou......or, as told in the letters of Harold Studley Gray New wars for old Conscience and the state : legal a......ative problems of conscientious ......; printed with The conscientious objector and the law The war in cartoons The Learned Blacksmith : the letters and journals of Elihu Burritt ......nd, A congress of nations The United States and the World Court . What's wrong wit...
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- Note (General)Later published by ......ny, a division of Raytheon Education co." "PEC ...
- Related MaterialThe rise of modern science......ernal factors? The "new imperialism" : analysis of late-nineteenth-century expansion The Urbanization of European society in the nineteenth century The legacy of the Great War : peacemaking, 1919 The influence of the enlightenment on the French Revolution The outbreak of the First World War......s responsible? The "New Monarchies" an......rn absolutism? The Stalin revoluti...... : foundations of Soviet totalitarianism The Pirenne thesis : analysis, criticism, and revision The great Reform bill of 1832 : liberal......rvative? Peter the Great : reforme......revolutionary? The Nazi revolution : Hitler's dic...
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- Related Material...d ontology : a new theory of everything Anx......rosis London : the unique city A history of the United States The growth of the United States F......Britain Images of deviance In defence of politics England in the seventeenth cen......uage A history of English archit......illa warfare : the countryside version The origins and growth of modern educati...... Archaic Egypt The Dead Sea scroll...... a reappraisal The Israel-Arab rea......entary history of the Middle East conflict The floating republ......c : an account of the mutinies at spithead and the nore in 1797 religion The comprehensive school The strug...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...students and professionals in the field of history"
- Related Material...teenth-century New England The House of Morgan and the executive, 1905......3 Brandeis and the New Haven-Boston &......ideous mistake of poor Clemens's" The problem of American retrospect New light on the history of the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 Toward a reorientation of western histor......nd environment The Kansas-Nebraska......ct : a century of historiography......till living in the political philosophy of Thomas Jeffers......ers, 1947-1957 The Negro in northe......n, Biddle, and the Bank of the United States The Civil War restu......scal policy in the 'thirties : a r......l commerce and the development of national econom...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWord embodied : the jeweled pagoda fiction and the rise of the Japanese novel,......bor in Korea : the Onoda cement fa......ting paradigms of historical rec......00) In pursuit of status : the making of South Korea's "new" urban middle ......tarianism, and the Meiji competiti......s and Japanese imperialism, 1931-1937 John Fryer : the introduction of Western scienc......echnology into nineteenth-century China American......: religion and the politics of Chinese modern......c bibliography of periodical articles, mainly of the May Fourth and ......inances during the Korean moderniz......ral frontier : the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Chou The...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Series editor: Kent Deng Place of publication varies: London, S...
- Related MaterialThe economic history of nuclear energy......colonialism in the Netherlands and......history : from the mid-seventeenth century to the present Catalon...... open access : the emergence of free banking i......ion : networks of experts in wor......tory Japan and the great divergenc...... a short guide The US financial sy...... crises : from the 1907 panic to the 2007 crash The evolution of central bankin......onomic history of development in......itical changes The regulation of the London clearing......can diamond in the rough Swedish economists in the 1930s debate on......hina's rise in the age of globalization : myth or reali...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...shing reprints of titles published from the backlist of "Oxford University Press"--[New York, R. R. Bo...... 1958. p. 105. The Paperbound Book in America: The History of Paperbacks and Their European...
- Related MaterialEnthusiasm : a chapter in the history of religion with ......l reference to the XVII and XVIII centuries The Odyssey of Homer The majority finds ......s in criticism The evolution of American forei......nt at Berkeley The modern century The philosophy of rhetoric The imperiled union : essays on the background of the Civil War Vexed......s in criticism The spirit of '76 : the growth of American patri......r, Seven books of wisdom of the great path, according to the late Lāma Kazi Dawa......lish rendering The history and character of Calvinism Fant......ds : women and the family in America from the Revolution to the present Race...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Cornell Selects, imprint of Cornell University Press
- Related MaterialThe Apocalypse in the Middle Ages The fear of conspiracy : images of un-American subversion from the Revolution to the present The madwoman can't ......n socialism in the United States M......representation The North Korean re......h and reason : the death and return of God in modern ......hting faiths : the Abrams case, the Supreme Court, ......s and migrants The university and ......T. Machines as the measure of men : science,......and ideologies of Western dominance In the circle of the dance : notes of an outsider identity in the United States a......: discourse on the extinction of primitive races, 1800-1930 Re...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist a......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant ......ol : a history of infant and in an unregulated environment :...... management in the power industry ......onomic history of Rome from the origins to the empire Language......llectivism and the origins of the welfare state J......industry Non-renewable resources ...... macrodynamics The contributions of John Maynard K...... reform during the occupation The principles of economic planning The philosophy of grammar Lexical ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...h and crown in the fourteenth cent......"via media" in the Reformation Ess......m antiquity to the European Renais......mic theology : the Ashʿarites Noma...... neighbours in the Russian steppe ......and society in the medieval West Philosophy and the arts in Central......d landscape in the Frankish East The decrees of the Fifth Lateran Council (15...... and change in late antiquity : re......nd instruments of science, 1600-......d practices in the history of medicine, 1650......ectual history The world of the Indian Ocean, 1......ntury Florence The identity of the history of science and me......y : studies in the construction of power Aspects ...
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Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and...... negativity in the digital world C......: case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing s......n : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis and......tic legitimacy The silent revoluti...... : reweaving a new landscape Deve......itudinal study of political atti......e-building and the institutionalization of globally circulated knowledge The political economy of Hungary : from...... neoliberalism The holocaust as co......ndian Wars" in the "Wild East" Ema...... democracy and the modern critique of law : reconsidering Habermas The economics of the popular music...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...c portable art of southern Scand......lago : network analysis, social practice and the built environment of Western Vancou......nvironments in the late Quaternary of Africa Islamic......archaeology in the Sudan La cerami......ent shipwrecks of the Mediterranean & the Roman projects in the central Andes :......ional Congress of Americanists, ......anchester 1982 The economic organization of early camelid pastoralism in the Andean highlands of Bolivia Go you...... : proceedings of the GIS session at ......d biogeography of prehistoric Mississippi The Çatalhöyük flin......Gem mounts and the classical tradition : suppleme...
- Alternative TitleB.A.R. international series International series of British archaeological report...
- Alternative TitleB.A.R. international series International series of British archaeological report...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialProblems of pattern in Ler......dang : a study of the collective thought of an eastern Ind......1885 : a study of the Ottoman policie......quences during the period 1870-188...... : reflections of a medieval tradition in the poetic imagination of a Russian Khon-Ngan : the growing divide ...... literature in the Soviet Union 19......parative study of measurement an......d Kingdom, and the United States of America The sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a ......k for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school years The rapprochement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union,...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe OKW war diary s...... autosegmental analysis of Venda tonology......ndings old and new : notes of a book-lover L......enforcement in the South Pastoral ......: a case study of unregulated accounting Vo......tive policy in the twentieth centu...... textbooks and the image of the nation : politics of modernization ......ion, 1880-1910 The Symphony in Swe......, and Faulkner The transformation of commercial banking in the United States, 1956-1991 The reivers Father ......escripts; and, The wishing tree : ......on typescripts The principle of Protestantism ...... A treatise on the principal trade......d manufactures of the United States The British...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published under the general editorship of Professor Stephen F......ti (University of Colorado) The name of the publisher changed: East Europe...
- Related MaterialA millennium of Hungarian mili......y, Russia, and the Balkans : prelude to the Nazi-Soviet Non......nsformations : the Four Years' Parliament and the Constitution of May 3, 1791 The history of the Hungarian milit......ion, 1947-1956 The nationalities history of the Romanian minori...... 1867-1918 and of the Hungarian minor......ule, 1918-1940 The history of the church in Carpa......ical ideas and the enlightenment in the Romanian princi...... (1874-1941) : the life of a controversia......olitician From the silver Czech to......dwide dollar : the birth of the dollar and its journey of monetary circulation in Europ...