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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction : the nature of American philosophy and......during life in the strenuous mood......ance sport and the aesthetics of tension......ash Dewey goes the distance : sit...... Kaarina Beam "The will to believe," the will to win, and the problem of sel......l romp through the grand whys / S...... preparing for the future / Douglas Hochstetler
- Related MaterialAmerican philosophy
- Periodical TitleAmerican philosophy
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...vilization. Aesthetics, Japanese. Civilization. ...
- Note (Content)Exporting Japanese Aesthetics' brings together historical an......ies addressing the evolution of i......culture and aesthetics. The volume draws o......tudies include the impact of traditional Japanese theatre and art through to the global popular......d manga. Under the banner of soft......of Japanese aesthetics have evolv......e commodities, the motivations be......diffusion, and the extent to which the process of dif......usion has been the result of stra......te Japanese aesthetics within a w......ical contexts. The importance of interrogating the export of Japanese aesthetics is validated at the highest levels of government,...
- Title HeadingSussex library of Asian and Asian American studies.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."A critical examination of the American conservative m......n. As a whole, the book's argument is that the movement is neither conservative ...... for promoting their causes"--
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....easy to recall the devastation New Orleans-the flooded streets, the boarded-up hou......nity to remake the city's notorio......k advantage of their newfound fre......endance zones. The private manage......schools turned the city of New Or......s charter-when the market and not the government rules the schools? The answer upends ...... post-Katrina, these improvements were the result of a mi...... big chunks of the old system the reformers desp......d to throw out the window. That useful, but they still work be...... a partner. In the end, the New Orleans for many of the traditional aspects of public...
- Contents...ling markets ; The New Orleans re......ffects and how they emerged. Resu......nded effects ; The difficulty of ...... way to soften the market's hard edges ; The impact of Rethinking the roles of marke......d nonprofits ; The alignment betw......cratic choice: the fundamental ro......ew Orleans and the future of America's schools.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The US occupation of the Philippine Isl......onal period of the modern state. With the adoption of the 1935 Philippin...... Constitution, the legal conventi...... In this time, American officials and their Filipino eli......ould modernize the Philippine Isl......l discourse in American and Philippine......onal accounts, The Foundations of the Modern Philipp......concludes that the promise of Ame......was negated by the imperative of insulating American authority incapacity, the colonial const......ution weakened the safeguards tha......l potential in the name of that haunts the Islands to this day."--Publis...
- Contents...imperial ends: American empire and the rule of law American theory, Spanish st......ity: inventing the Filipino peopl......, constructing the American colonial state......rritories, and the insular doctri...... democracy and the rise of the Philippine Assembly American vessels, Filip......: Filipinizing the government of the Philippine Isl......s Filipinizing the public: the business of government and the government in ...... populism, and the public interes......g Taft era and the Cabinet Crisis......mperialism and the Board of Control cases From '...
- Title HeadingCambridge historical studies in American law and society.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Republic in a threat to American institutions a......d liberties in the emergence of a......ed analysis of the vested empire over the last 25 years"--
- Contents...pire ; Plan of the work Liberal h......nd protected ; The neoliberal economic order on the ropes ; Who-wh......ervention, and the law of nations ; The American synthesis ; Pluralism......iberalism, and the legal order ; The golden rule Public bads in the illiberal worl......nd East Asia ; The greater good in the greater state, and the new praetorian elite ; The open door and ......g militarism ; The security theory of republic......n liberalism ; The Old Testament and its rivals The renovation of American foreign ; Return of the Lippmann gap ; The Nixon preceden......Reconstituting the European alliance ; East Asia...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... America under the shadow of viol......s citizenship. The founding of la......ful history of American Chinese food. stages of the Chinese commun......y’s footing in the larger white s......on begins with the arrival of men from the poorest distri......rovince during the Gold Rush. She describes the formation of American Chinatowns and examines the curious racial......mic underlying the purposeful inv......idized Chinese American food, historic......les. Mendelson then follows the eventual aboli......ation laws and the many transformed the face of Chines......ring and after the Cold War. Mendelson concludes...
- ContentsPrologue: A Stroke of the Pen PART I 1. Origins: The Toisan Califor......ia Pipeline 2. The Culinary "Lang......ld Mountain 4. The Road to Chinatown PART II 5. The Birth of Chinese American Cuisine 6. Cha......terchange, and the First Successf......of Learning 9. The First Age of Race-Blind Immig...
- Subject Heading...story. Chinese Americans--Food--Histor......story. Chinese American families--History. Chinese American families. Chinese Americans--Food. Cookin......tudies / Asian American Studies. COOKING / Regional &...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Contents...s: negotiating tradition and becoming American Perspectives o......and strategies The neo-traditional pathway The independence pathway The ethnic, gender and the second generation.
- Subject HeadingSouth Asian Americans--Social conditions. South As...
- Title HeadingNew Americans (LFB Scholarly Publishing LL...
National Diet Library
- Contents...revolutionary, the First and Seco......ce, victory in the Revolutionary ......Vice President The Presidency of John Adams John...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe education of Theodore Roosevelt......der Epilogue : the "heirs" of Theodore Roosevelt.
- Subject HeadingRoosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919--Political an...
National Diet Library
- ContentsKarl R. Popper: The open society a......rving Kristol: The moral imaginat...... Raymond Aron: The opium of the intellectuals A. Hayek: The constitution o...... J. Oakeshott: The conservative d......Relativism and the crisis of mode...... S. Churchill: The English-Speaking Peoples and the Free World Limited and accoun...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Routledge Handbook on the American Dream: Volume 2 explores the social, econom......ral aspects of the American Dream in both theory and reality in the twenty-first c......ays brings together leading schol......f fields to further develop the themes and issues explored in the first volume. The concept of the American Dream, first e......uslow Adams in The Epic of Americ......ult to define. The term perfectly captures the hopes of freed......ty invested in the nation. However, the American Dream appears illusory in the face of wideni......rticularly for the poor and ethnic, or otherwise marginalized, minorities...
- Contents... Introduction: Theorizing the American Dream / Rober......ic moblity and the American Dream: 2. In pursuit of the elusive American Dream : Black ......Whiteness, and the American Dream / Karen......your talent : American inequality rests on the power to defin....... Mijs 5. From American Dream to Nordi......portunity, and the American Dream / Mitja......ilič 7. What "American" Dream? : cont......h 8. Achieving the American Dream : how mi......acks socialize their children to make it to the top / Karyn L......rary issues in American Dream studies: 9. What (American) dreams are ma......policy crushed the American Dream / Maxine Eich...
- Subject HeadingAmerican Dream Social mobility--United...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This handbook offers the most comprehen...... study of oral traditions and folklore in Africa and the African Diaspo......ieve and renew the scholarship of oral traditions and folklore in Africa and the Diaspora just ......concerns about their survival are pushed to the forefront of the field. With five sections on the central themes within oral......ioners of oral traditions and folklore ......e reference is the first to provi......f African oral traditions and folklore."--
- Contents...n African oral traditions and folklore ......ya Ude Egwu 3. The role of the audience in or......spects of oral traditions and folklore ......Coker PART II. THEMES, TROPES AND......TYPES. 9. Epic tradition / Tal Tamari 1......mpe Jegede 12. The dirge / Felici...... Dreams within the context of the Basotho cultur......, naming, and other forms of veil......wuele 20. Oral tradition and identity /......l Mirzeler 21. The figure of the child in oral ...... slavery, oral tradition, and identity 23. Tracing the voice of prote......Cambalaalla of the Sidaama people...... 28. To tongue the body / to body the tongue: problematizing the tr...
- Subject HeadingFolklore--Africa Oral tradition--Africa Folk l......klore--Afrique Tradition orale--Afrique...... Folklore Oral tradition Africa
National Diet Library
- Contents...e and labor in the Jim Crow south......g and survival The planter and the sharecropper : the Southern Tenant Farmers Union There is mean thin...... Arkansas Join the union tonight ......etting gone to the promised land ......e here again : the return of John Handcox.
- Subject HeadingAfrican Americans--Music--Histo......criticism.. Southern Tenant Farmers' Union--Hist...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction Administrative traditions, the administrative Past and the Study of Thought and the Analysis of Hi......ti-Statism and the American Administrative Traditions Parsing the Different American Administrative Traditions Enter Jackson......Democracy : Another American Administrative Tradition? Chester Arthu......Service Reform The Pendleton Act of 1883 The Wilsonian Administrative Tradition A Pre-Colonial......Administrative Tradition? The Spanish conque......ative Colonial tradition The Administrative Tradition of the Philippine Revolution The Philippine Administrative Tradition of the American Colonial Regi...
- Title Heading...(University of the Philippines. National College...
National Diet Library