Search results 12
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858 日本--外国関...
- Note (General)原タイトル: The Japan expedition,1852-1854
- Additional TitleThe Japan expedition,1852-1854
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858. United States Naval Expedition to Japan, 1852-1854.
- Alternative TitlePersonal journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry.
- Alternative TitlePersonal journal of Commodore Matthew C. Perry.
National Diet Library
- Contents...troduction and the Perry Conventi....... Beasley ; Matthew Calbraith Per......s illustrating the origin of the mission to Japan, authorized by the United States ......; Americans in Japan : an abridgement of the government narrative of the United States expedition to Japan under Commodor......rt Tomes v. 3. The Japanese expedition : Japan and around the world : an acc......hree visits to the Japanese Empire / J....... with Perry in Japan : a day-by-day......E. Graff v. 5. The private journa....... A journal of the Perry expedition to Japan, 1853-1854 / S......Williams v. 7. The Japan expedition, 1852-1854 : the personal jour...
- Subject HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith, 17......d States Naval Expedition to Japan (1852-1854) -- Sources. U......n relations -- Japan -- 1853-1857. Japan -- Foreign relations -- Unite...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith, 17......d States Naval Expedition to Japan (1852-1854) -- Sources Un......n relations -- Japan Japan -- Foreign rel......s -- 1853-1857 Japan -- Foreign relations -- 1600-...
- Subject Heading (ID)Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 17......d States Naval Expedition to Japan (1852-1854) -- Sources Un......n relations -- Japan Japan -- Foreign rel......s -- 1853-1857 Japan -- Foreign relations -- 1600-...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Title HeadingNarrative of the expedition to the China Seas and Japan 1852-1854
- Author HeadingMatthew, Calbraith, Perry
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUnited States Naval Expedition to Japan, 1852-1854 Japan -- Description and travel Chi...
- Subject Heading (ID)United States Naval Expedition to Japan, 1852-1854 Japan -- Description and travel Chi...
- Author HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingPerry Matthew Calbra
- Title HeadingThe Japan Expedition, 1852-1854
- Author HeadingPerry, Matthew, Calbra Pineau, Roger.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingUnited States Naval Expedition to Japan, 1852-1854
- Subject Heading (ID)United States Naval Expedition to Japan, 1852-1854
- Author HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith Pineau, Roger
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleThe Japan expedition, 1852-1854 : the personal journ......f Commodore Matthew C. Perry Perii Nippon ensei ...
- Alternative TitleThe Japan expedition, 1852-1854 : the personal journ......f Commodore Matthew C. Perry Perii Nippon ensei ...
- Author HeadingPerry, Matthew Calbraith 金井, 円
Other Libraries in Japan
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