Search results 18
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingSouth Moluccas -- Politics and government.
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingSouth Moluccas -- Politics and government
- Subject Heading (ID)South Moluccas -- Politics and government
National Diet Library
- Contents...rth Halmahera, South and East Halmahera v. 3/1. Southern Moluccas. Central Moluccas, Seram 1 v. 3/2. Central Moluccas, Seram 2 v. 3/3. Central Moluccas, Seram (III), ....... 3/4. Central Moluccas, Ambon (II), B...... languages, northern languages, c......anguages v. 6. The Lesser Sunda I......tral Sulawesi, South-West Sulawesi v. 7/4. South-East Sulawesi ......rneo) v. 9. Northern Sumatra v. 1......matra v. 10/2. Southern Sumatra v. ......3. Islands off the west coast of Sumatra v. 11. ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsOf the interchangeabl......y of things in the whole world by......ght treatises, the titles whereof......e set downe in the next printed, concerning the causes of the magnificencie ......iovanni Botero The world drawne according to the … best obserua......angers by anon The cavse of the greatnesse of cities The merchants mapp......merce, wherein the universal mann......udy newes from the East-Indies A for Holland The humble petitio......description of the world by Denis......description of the whole world by......description of the growth, qualit......and vertues of the leaf TEE, alia......f quality, and the good of the nation in general...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related patterns? : the archaeology of...... prehistory in southeast Papua Arch......Timor, 1966-67 The archaeology of the Aru Islands, E......ta interaction The prehistory of ......tone island in the northern Solomons Bur......astal sites in southern New South Wales New Age trade : the geography and ...... of traffic in the interior Ocean......archaeology in the Laura area Isl...... seafaring and the archaeology of......ime landscapes The alligator rive......alia Pieces of the Vanuatu puzzle......archaeology of the north, south and centre Man Bac : the excavation of ......hic site in northern Vietnam : the biology Hunte...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIndia in the fifteenth to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good H......d into English The English New En......vel journals : the Americas, Anta......oyages towards the North-West in ......elections from the early records of the Honourable the East India Com......d from MSS. in the British Museum Reports on the discovery of P......f discovery to the North Pacific commemorate the centenary of the Hakluyt Society The bondage and tr......ica, 1396-1427 The diary of Willi......nd (1681-1687) The observations voyage into the south sea in the year 1593 The hist...
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"The legal position of the Republic of the South Moluccas in the international ......Information of the Republic of the South Moluccas ; no. 8A) (Pocketbook-edition...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBotany -- Moluccas Botany -- Admiralty Islands S...
- Subject Heading (ID)Botany -- Moluccas Botany -- Admiralty Islands S...
- Note (General)...85. (Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.......llenger during the years 1873-1876 ; Botany ; vo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialBulgaria Dutch Timor and the Lesser Sunda Islands The Congress of Vi......ntroduction to the Guiana Colonie......go Hungarian Ruthenia Portuguese ......ans Gold Coast South-West Africa Ne......ia Question of the Scheldt The formation of the Portuguese Col......s Dutch Borneo The Ukraine Italia......tes since 1792 The Slovenes Bosni......ansylvania and the Banat Carniola...... of natives in the German colonies Siam The Congress of Be......cquisitions in the Pacific French......a and Zanzibar The Åland Islands ......New Guinea and the Molucca Islands Islands of the Northern and Eastern Aegean The freedom of the seas : histori...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...nter is seeing the world"
- Related MaterialThe tail of the hemisphere : C......ntina Lands of the Caribbean : the Canal Zone, Pa......orto Rico, and the Virgin Islands......ome islands of the South Seas Alaska : our northern wonderland F......ome islands of the south seas China Japan and Korea The British Isles and the Baltic states ......, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Irish Free Sta......nland Lands of the Andes and the desert Uganda to the Cape : Uganda,......esia, Union of South Africa The Holy Land and Syria Java and the East Indies : ......atra, Celebes, the Moluccas, New Guinea, Borneo, and the Malay Peninsula The Alps, the Danube, and the Near East : Switzerland, Czec...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...h Listening to the silences : women and war The contemporary Regulating the use of force i......l liberation : the need for a new......e : a study of the South Moluccas and Aceh Inter......tarian law and the changing techn......r's justice? : the Tokyo war crim......rial revisited The old bridge of ...... Violations of the rules applicab...... conflicts and their possible causes : the case of Somalia Law at war : the law as it was and the law as it shou......y metal rain : the legality of fl...... flechettes in the Gaza Strip (20......: interpreting the legal threshol......e operations : the role of the 'safety conventio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe book of Duarte...... an account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitants Further English voyag......documents from the Archives of the Indies at Sevi......ish voyages to the Caribbean, the Spanish Main, ......, and Virginia The Bornu mission,......822-25 Book of the knowledge of all the kingdoms, that are in the world, and the arms and devic......ordship, or of the kings and lords who possess them The voyage of Capt......sia, 1628-1634 The history of the Tahitian missi......ry papers from the correspondence of the missionaries A......els, 1672-1681 The voyage of Captain Bellingshau...
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialNarratives of the voyages of Ped......o de Gambóa to the Straits of Magellan The history and de...... Africa and of the notable things therein contained ......peditions into the valley of the Amazons, 1539,......639 History of the two Tartar : including the two journeys i......o Tartary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest, in the suite of the Emperor Kang-hi, from the French of Père......ich is added Father Pereira's jou......nto Tartary in the suite of the same emperor, from the Dutch of Nicol......sen Reports on the discovery of Peru History of the New World History of the two Tartar con......ina, including the two journeys into Tartary of ...
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material..., collected in the Lampung's (South-Sumatra) Dafta......, collected in the Eastcoast of S......, collected in the North Moluccas Aantekeningen ...... with notes on their distribution...... diffusion for the impregnation of green wood
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...1965) Study of the monotypic fish......erciformes) On the troglobitic shrimps of the Yucatan Penins......six species of the flavus-bidenta...... Ostariophysi) The genera of the spider family Theridiosomatidae ......d shrimps from the ninth cruise o......a) A review of the genus Harpiosq......e specimens in the Hans Eggers co......aphic study of the Mexican specie......a Latreille in the United States ......lidae) Keys to the Hawaiian marin......a, 0-30 meters The therian skull : a emphasis on the odontocetes The familial phylogeny of the Tetraodontifor......s evidenced by their comparative ...... affinities of the troglobitic crayfishes of Nor...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSingapore in the global system ......ral assessment The European Union......regionalism in Southeast Asia : Indonesia : the long-distance politics of the Acehnese diasp......ia : Golkar in the post-Suharto era The political economy of the agri-food syst......emocratisation The political theory of tyranny ...... Aristotle and the rhetoric of patterns in Southeast Asia : eco......cooperation in Southeast Asia : ASE......y, and culture Southeast Asia and the Cold War Journ......trafficking in Southeast Asia : cri......parliaments in Southeast Asia : non...... in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand Reth...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge contemporary Southeast Asia series
- Alternative TitleRoutledge contemporary Southeast Asia series