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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The human history of depicting birds dates to as winged and other beasts. But the art form has r......ed its peak in the last four hundred years. In The Art of the Bird, devout this heyday of avian illustra......rty artists' profiles, beginning with the work of Flemish painte......ans Snyders in the early 1600s an...... her portraits of macaws. Stretc......ic style--from the celebrated realism of American conse......ury renderings of museum specimens from the Himalayas, to ......ars Jonsson's ethereal watercolor......his book is feathered with art an......d beautiful as their subjects. A soaring explora...
- Contents... 1804-41 6. In the age of Darwin. Edward......9 ; William Matthew Hart 1830-190......d art supports birds. Janet Turner 1914-88 ; Arthu...
- Subject HeadingBirds in art Zoologi......T / Subjects & Themes / Plants & Animals. Birds in art. Zoological illustrati...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The collection, cu......d manipulation of knowledge were......fundamental to the operation of inquisition. I......e has been one of the principal drivers of its long histo......nquisitors and their historians h......eoccupied with the process by whi......ormation was gathered and recircu...... as knowledge. The tenor of that question ......nded down - to them and to us - and how their sense of what was inter......seful affected their selection. T......ume approaches the theme by looking a......inquisition in the Middle Ages, and also at how they were seen in the sixteenth and ......nth centuries. The contributors consider a wide ...
- Contents...ry and Humbert of Romans / Jessa......a Bird Shaping the image of the heretics : the narratio in Gr......dro Sala Nepos of Montauban, ass......n and defender of the accused / Jörg Feuchter The hunt for the Heresy of the Free Spirit : the 1332 enquiry into the 'Cowled Nuns' of Swidnica / Paw......esiography and the categorisation of Eastern Christ...... / Irene Bueno The portrayal of the Waldensian Brethren in the De vita et con......nd translation of the Weimar Ms / Re......̈limäki Means of persuasion in ......etical texts : the case of Petrus narratives of witchcraft / and his use of inquisition registers and man...
- Subject Heading...istory--Middle Ages, 600-1500 Inf......resies--Middle Ages. Information behavior. Inqui...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)小鳥 鳥類 野鳥 Birds
- Note (General)原タイトル: The age of birds
- Additional TitleThe age of birds
National Diet Library
- Contents...s. Reliability theory of aging and long...... Gavrilova Are age-associated dis...... integral part of aging? / models / Catherine Gatza ... ......c architecture of Drosophila lon......ionary biology of aging: future ......ld populations of mammals and birds / Anja K. Brun...... Biodemography of aging and age-specific morta......array analysis of gene modeling in the study of aging / Dissecting the processes of aging using the nematode Caeno......c manipulation of life span in evaluation of nonmammalian m...... factor-1, and the biology of. aging / Christy S. Carter an...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Alternative TitleBiology of aging
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....CHILDREN'S/TEENAGE). Did you know......acked guide to the world of nature contains everything the budding natura......ators, explore the wonders of the ocean, and marvel at the ability of animals to survive in the harshest envir......o get out into the wild yourself, there's cool pract......nimals through the woods, using spot our feathered friends and......owers bloom in the most unlikely ......, this book is the perfect gift for the nature obsessi...... in your life. Ages 7+.
- Contents...ture! Timeline The Earth inside o......lous mountains The Earth on a pla......eserts Secrets of soil Experimen......drinking water The water cycle Ra......res Here comes the sun Very like ......ottle Wacky weather! Perceptive p......ombing Photosynthesis the key to life Fl...... Animal camouflage Experiment: An......asites If only they could talk! species Feathered friends Experiment: DIY bi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Winner of the Booker Prize for The Famished Road,......egarded as one of the most important......l bibliography of his creative, this is the first in-depths study of Okri's themes and long engagement with myth,......ntal crisis in the age of the Anthropocene"--
- : 'Music on the wings of a soaring bird......ic ecology and the 'diminishing boundaries of a shrinking wo......our true state of being in 'The Comic Destiny'......nd Astonishing the Gods Redreaming ways of seeing : Intui...... creativity in The Landscapes Within Promoting the poetic cause' from Tales of Freedom Sowing 'a quilt of harmony' : Eco......r lucid stream of everywhereness......ughter Beneath the Bridge' The poetic muse of archaeology Su......ology in A Way of Being Free 'The Standeruppers' : The frightening irony of the Anthropocene Reveries in The Magic Lamp : Dreams of Our Age 'The Incandescence of...
National Diet Library
- ContentsToward a literary history of the Kingdom of Sicily An archeology of the Sicilian park ......ederick II and the Genesis of a Sicilian rom......nce poetry and the language of natural philos......ure "In youth, the soul attains i...... desire" (from the Siqilliyyat) /......amdis "Because of long-lasting grief" (from the Siqilliyyat) / "Oh, garden of love" / Ibn Ha......rtured me with the two elements" "Oh, Favara of the two seas!" / A......hi "Pass round the golden carneli......d Ibn Bashrun "The radiant moon's Geography The Travels of Ibn Jubayr The daughter of Ibn ʻAbbad translation of Plato's Phaedo, ca. 1156 Pref...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."A comprehensive overview of food, food pro......and culture in the Hebrew Bible/O...... Testament and the geographical area and religio...
- Contents...ed Taxa: Fish, Birds, and Wild Game......ce Ceramics in the Iron Age / Nava Panitz-...... Tim Frank Storage / David Ilan Spoilage / Zachary C. D......od, Death, and the Dead / Matthew J. Suriano Di......ce Iconography of Food and Drink...... Rollston Language of Food and Cooking in the Hebrew Bible /......Peters Food in the Tetrateuch / Dorothea Erbele-Küste......euteronomy and the Former Fu Food in the Latter Prophet......rnethy Food in the Writings / Klaus-Peter Adam
- Subject HeadingFood in the Bible. Bible. ......, etc. Food in the Bible Food--Eretz Israel--His...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe world of dinosaurs History of dinosaur disco...... we know? From the field to the museum: findin......saurs to life: the science of dinosaur art T......: figuring out the dinosaur famil......tree Evolution of the vertebrates The origin of dinosaurs Saur......egalosaurs and the fin-backed fis...... Coelurosaurs (the first fluffy d......ptorosaurs and Therizinosauroids Avialians (birds) Prosauropods ......osaurs Life in the Triassic Period Life in the Jurassic Period Life in the Cretaceous Per......d Extinctions: the world of the dinosaurs ends Dinosaur Genus...
- Note (General)...y thirty-three of the world's leadin......ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Oxford Handbook of American Literary Realism offers 35 original essays of fresh interpretations of the artistic and challenges of representing l......d by topic and theme, essays draw......ral studies to offer an authorit......h reassessment of major and minor figures and the contexts that shaped their work. One set of essays explore......nt movements. Others examine the inclusiveness of representation, the circulation of texts, and the aesthetic representation of science, time, space, and the subjects of medicine, the New Woman, and the middle class. Still others trace the connection to other arts--poetry, drama, illustr...
- ContentsTransnational precursors of American M. Campbell The feminine origins of American Realism and the uses of humor / John B......can realism at the periphery / Mark Storey Aesthetic slippage in realism and....../ Julia H. Lee The politics of U.S. Latino li......caricature and the comic sensibil......lie A. Sheffer The realism wars in the New York Realism and the profession of authorship / G......ohanningsmeier The censorship of realist and na......ralist novels, then and now / Car......Science and aesthetics in America......poralities and the distant past /...... Dawson Spaces of consumption in American liter...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of American literary realism Ame...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe reordering of law and the illicit in ele......s politics and the politics of heresy, 1022-1......y / James Brundage The ties that bind......and illicit in the Yarnall collection at the University of Pennsylvania : pages from the decretals of Pope Gregory I......and torture in the Carolingian em...... Patrick Geary The ambiguity of treason in Ang......cit religion : the case of Friar Matthew Grabow, O.P. ......Van Engen Marriage, concubinage, and the law / Ruth Maz......ts revisited : the use and abuse of crusader privi......oyal justice : the role of Paris masters of theology during the reign of Philip the Fair / William J. ...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //catdir....
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBirds -- Evolution. Birds -- Classification. Birds, Fossil. Aves (Biologia)
National Diet Library
- Contents[ch. 1.] Storm gathering 1. 1918 2. Master of metamorphosis ......uses attack 7. The third age 8. Man made 9.......on 10. Tracing the flight path 11. One flu over the chicken's nest......t 13. Guarding the henhouse [ch. ...... 4.] Surviving the pandemic 17. D......21. Reining in the pale horse.
- Subject Heading.... Influenza in Birds. Influenza, Human. Disease Ou...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- ContentsNSA surveillance in the War on Terror ......rveillance and the Fourth Amendme......surveillance : the convergence of big data and l......thrie Ferguson The Internet of things and sel......blic safety in the post-Snowden e...... Marc J. Blitz The surveillance implications of efforts to com......Clark Rinehart The case for surve......nd security in the "golden age of surveillance" by Geoffrey S. Corn & ......elopments from the seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth cen...... eerie feeling of déjà vu : from......tches to angry birds by Alex Kozins......s E. Diamantis The impact of online surveil......ior by Alex Marthews & Catherine Tucker Surveill...
- Subject Heading...Privacy, Right of--Government policy--United St...
National Diet Library
- ContentsHistorical development of animal models of aging / Richar......rative studies of aging and anti......ães Principles of animal use for......ry cultures to the aging organism...... Effros Models of systems failur......sues in ethics of aging research......thical aspects of research invol......istopher Hook SAGE KE and other online Application of high-throughpu......berlein Models of Alzheimer's di......Lary C. Walker Age-related hippoc......l.] Models for the study of infection in p......ams Estimation of the rate of production of oxygen radical......s and aging in the yeast model sy......ect models for the study of aging / Klaus-Günter...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart One: Fundamentals of Prevention Pre......anin A History of Prevention in ...... Prevention in the 21st Century /......ion: Improving the Well-Being of Individuals, / Sally M. Hage, Jonathan Schw......Principles for the Practice of Prevention / J......rtz, Sally M. Hage, and Dianna M.......on : Preparing the Next Generation of Psychologists / Connie R. Matthews Design and Evaluation of Prevention Pro......ntling Systems of Oppression / A......ion in Pursuit of Social Justice......eltensky and Geoffrey Nelson Par......t Practices in the Prevention of Behavioral, Em......orothy L. Espelage and Sabina Low Keeping the Dr...
- Related MaterialOxford library of psychology
- Periodical TitleOxford library of psychology
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction Beginnings. The pillow book / ......shida No Kenko The Late Medieval ......etsu "To unify the nation and res......Kaneyoshi "Cottage of dreams" and "T......n miscellany / The Fujiwara Lay Monk The Edo period. La......n A miscellany of stories / Mori......s beneath a northern window / Tac......i Blossoms and the moon / Matsuda......saakira Behind the koto / Murata ......Unusual people of the modern age and Kanden's crop of jottings / Ban......e Seibi Clouds of floating grasses The Modern thoughts on the Great Kanto ea......chida Hyakken "The image of an author" / D......ami Tetsutaro "The road" / Shono Junzo "Kitchen,...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.From the Introduction: program for their institution. The examples inclu......s book provide the practical food......anning. For further information o......cular program, the authors have g......ously included their e-mail addresses with their biographical......ation. We hope the programs descr......e some modicum of inspiration an......ou travel into the realm of online information literacy i...
- Contents...ion literacy : the ACTS experienc......iated Canadian Theological School...... William Badke The development of a library rese......y : University of Rhode Island /......ce education : the progression of an online version of the one-credit cla......idlen and Jane Theissen Online in......UIS : standing the test of time : University of Illinois at Sp......? : University of West Georgia /......s : University of Florida / Kath...... students what they want : online....... : University of Illinois at Ch......s : University of Arizona / Lesl......s : University of Idaho / Diane ......en Hunter Many birds, one stone : benefits, drawba...
- Subject Heading...ion à la bibliothèque -- Enseigne......udes de. Bibliothèques et enseignement à distanc...
National Diet Library
- Contents...licy change in the age of ACTA, AIA and the SHIELD Act / R......tent levers in the software, biotechn....../ David Orozco The America Invent...... conduct after Therasense and the America Invent......nd Gideon Mark The patenting of a profession: accounting in the crosshairs / W......pected hazards of a specialized ......ynda J. Oswald The transformation of patents into i...... Zhen Lei Will the America improve the quality of patents? A comparison with the European Patent Office opposition......euticals under the Patient Protec......t: determining the appropriate market and data e...
- Alternative TitleChanging face of United States patent law and ...
- Alternative TitleChanging face of United States patent law and ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The book is a compilation of the best and still......overty & Race, the bimonthly of The Poverty & Race......l from 2006 to the present. Authors are some of the leading figures in a range of activities around these themes. It is the fourth such bo......published over the years, each wi......Luis Gutierrez of Chicago for this book. The chapters are o......ace & Poverty: The Structural Underpinnings; Dec...
- Contents...m: Focusing on the Cause / Cliff ......̀-vis Class in the U.S.? / john and Poor in the Inner City / W......s: Response to the Periodic Report of the United States to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrim......-Government in the United States ......Ira Katznelson The Importance of Targeted Unive...... Tax Aversion: The Legacy of Slavery / Robi...... Tax Aversion: The Sequel / Blacks for the Economic Crisi......ory D. Squires The Missing Class: The Near Poor / Vi......r Tan Chen & Katherine S. Newman ......riminalization of Poverty: UN Re......aryn Gustafson The Criminalization of Homelessne...