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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."ASEAN is coming of age as an inte......greements and other instruments h......n concluded in the name of ASEAN. This book provides the first systematic account of the legal framewor...... principles in the wider region a......nd, as well as the highly intergo......zard, handling of the bloc's relations with the outside world. Furthermore, it reveals that there are two basic meanings of ASEAN in its i......y and ASEAN as the collectivity of its Member Sta......s and scholars of international law, ASEAN law,...
- ContentsThe legal and inst......l agreements : the centrality of ASEAN An inven......y and typology of ASEAN external......rket access? : the anatomy of ASEAN's prefer......y : a typology of ASEAN partnership and co-operati......ces. Inventory of ASEAN ; Inventory of ASEAN ; Inventory of ASEAN external...... Legal quality of agreements bet...... Legal quality of memoranda of understanding between ASEAN a...
- Subject Heading... relations. Southeast Asia--Comme......l treaties. Southeast Asia--Forei...... relations. Southeast Asia. ASEAN-landen.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- ContentsReframing the problem of research and p......t I: Fostering partnerships for educational innovation The middle-school mathematics through ......fferent phases of curriculum des......Randi A. Engle The center for lea......mining a novel partnership for educationa......d complexities of cross-institut...... Part II: Role of tools in bridg......d practices to the classroom / Am......ools to deepen the practitioners'......with research: the case of the Institute for ...... Honig QUASAR: the evolution of tools to Perry and Catherine Lewis The National Writing Project: anatomy of an improvement......hool districts The partnership for district chan...
- Subject Heading...United States. Theorie en praktijk. Onderwijs.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...0 under title: The anatomy of partnership Reprint of the 1961 ed. published by F. A. P...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d bibliography of English-langua......a bibliography of Soviet, Wester......ound : a study of the American camp meeting Crimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality Women of color : a filmography of minority and T......s : a guide to the sources and resources The winds of injustice : Indians and the U.S. Governmen......d bibliography of journal articl......ty politics at the millennium Wes......n encyclopedia The Unification Ch......t for women in the federal servic......i-communism in the United States ......ent Teaching mathematics : toward......onary Sciences of the earth : an encyclopedia o...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social science......erence library of social science......erence library of social science
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social science......erence library of social science......erence library of social science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSocial development : critical themes and perspec......ves Psychology of aid The life region : the social and cultural ecology of sustainable de...... : a political anatomy of Nordic develop......nt in Asia and the Pacific On the edges of development : diversity : the effectiveness of access and ben......on and poverty of aid : Pakistan......loping nations The role of education in enabling the sustainable de......ties in Guyana The language of global policies in the US and UK Understanding the social dimension of and quality of life using services in the Global South Marine natural r...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...evelopment Apartheid's environmen......ern Europe and the Soviet Union M......ty and jobs in the world economy Getting the signals right ......orm to protect the environment and the economy Saving the forests : what......iquid assets : the critical need ......s welfare, and the environment Investing in the future : energy in the 21st century T......ationship with the world's forests The anatomy of resource wars ...... : coping with the dangers of success Catch of the day : choosing......een dimensions of the population pro......, big impact : the next challenge of disarmament Beyond the petroleum age : designing a s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Basic Books, Harper & Brothers
- Related MaterialThe Hellenic world......onservatism in the age of enterprise, 18......1910 : a study of William Graham......ndrew Carnegie The philosophy of mathematics : an int...... Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 The house of intellect A treasury of Russian spirit......thnic politics The nature of life : the main problems and trends of thought in mod......ry studies for the Philosophical ......rally known as the Blue and Brown books The travail of religious libe......o a metaphysic of hope Woodrow Wilson and the progressive era, 1910-1917 The raw and the cooked The Logic of scientific dis......overy A nation of immigrants The class structur...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe Third Republic and the centennial of 1789 The NSDAP and the crisis of agrarian conse...... socialism and the peasants' road......ury churches : the history of a new Catholic......entury Italy : the Giornale de' : diffusion of electrical tec...... Capitalism in the risorgimento :......development in the kingdom of Sardinia, 1843......riestl[e]y and the idea of progress Chartist lives : the anatomy of a working-clas......nt Anna Kuliscioff : from Russia......nco Spain, and the Cold War, 1945......and, 1778-1782 The development and impact of right-wing pol......n : a study in the interaction of personality, the press and po...
- Alternative Title...Garland series of outstanding di......Garland series of outstanding studies and disse...
- Alternative Title...Garland series of outstanding di......Garland series of outstanding studies and disse...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nterpretations of church and state The European revol...... with Gobineau Anatomy of an African : a history of Bunyoro-Kitara......y A short life of Kierkegaard Af......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of our genetic pa......A scientist in the city Science in the later middle a......-wide disaster The Bible for students of literature and art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......hy Five stages of Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern C......nfucian past : the problem of intellectual development The language of life : an introdu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...on services in the public and private sectors Anatomy of innovation : an analysis of innovation in the information se......ormation staff The Planning proce......nd recruitment of junior professionals : a study in the library and information profession A review of parallel publi......ational survey of slide collecti......mmunication in the humanities in the USA : report o......ship : a study of participation,......arch programme The impact of IT on staff de......rimary schools The potential applications of desktop in TVEI and the role of the librarian The Global structure of the electronic information servic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman w......and liturgical theology China fights for the world Developm......ood intentions The value dimensio......affa A history of English Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Gov......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of vector fields ......hall's mission The psychology of conservatism Women and their work Blake and the new age The Elizabethan dumb show : the history of a dramatic convention The history of Swedish econom......vity Paradoxes of the infinite An introduction to p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d is beautiful The enigma of arrival : a no......iage Dot.con : the greatest story......ever sold When the United States ......n First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African Confessions of an actor : an ....... Tell no lies The struggles of Albert Woods and power : the place of sugar in moder......n's universe : the layperson's gu......astle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts The king My sister......ty Sea mammals of the world Nairn's ......ressing up for the carnival Of mice and men a...... is back : how the global revival of faith is ch...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialElla Hepworth Dixon : the story of a modern woman The London journal......phy in England The philosophical mysticism of Gerard Manley ......lar fiction in the Victorian fin-de-siècle : the brutal tongue ......amin : moments of revelation, fragments of modernity Manliness and the male novelist ...... Relationships of sympathy : the writer and the reader in romanticism The politics of gender in Anth......w readings for the twenty-first century The literary protégées of the Lake poets Jan...... and novelists The unfamiliar She...... literature in the nineteenth cen......are's religion The romantics and the May Day tra...
- Alternative TitleThe nineteenth century series Nineteenth century The nineteenth century The 19th century
- Alternative TitleThe nineteenth century series Nineteenth century The nineteenth century The 19th century
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"Spectrum paperbacks" -- [175] p. of S-23
- Related MaterialFaulkner : a collection of critical essay......edeker's Spain The Future of foundations Ar......: a collection of critical essay......, and death in the universe The Philosophy of mind Daniel De......: a collection of critical essay...... in transition The complete think......r : a handbook of techniques for......nterpretations of As you like it......: a collection of critical essays Law and the American futur......: a collection of critical essay......nner balance : the power of holistic healing : insights of Hans Selye, El......cus Bach, and others Corporate ex......idavits, bills of sale, deed, guarantees, partnership agreements, releases, sample ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialRacial exclusionism and the city : the urban support of the National Front Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great Marxist ......l anthropology The evolution of the nursery-infant......ol : a history of infant and nur...... management in the power industry......onomic history of Rome from the origins to the empire Languag......llectivism and the origins of the welfare state ...... macrodynamics The contributions of John Maynard K...... foreign trade theory and policy,...... reform during the occupation The principles of economic planning The philosophy of grammar Lexica......sentations and the semantics of complementation ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Series editor: Bernard Johnpoll (as of 1987) Also published by Praeg...
- Related MaterialThe tragedy of Chile Social s...... International theory : to the brink and beyo......rry S. Truman, the man from Indep......ents in an era of change Getting the donkey out of the ditch : the Democratic Party in search of itself "For im......autonomy in southern Africa Polit......and conflict : the Palestine Johnson and the uses of power Corporat......ced capitalism The U.S. Constitut...... : terminating the Taiwan Treaty ......ional dynamics of technology Com......ons policy and the political proc......nal innovation The president and ......hip and change The later security......nfederations : the American, "new" Swiss, and Ge...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... society in Southeast Asia": methods for the social science......s "Elements in the economics of emerging marke......ublic and nonprofit administrati......s "Elements in the philosophy of religion": 251......s "Elements in the philosophy of science": 2517......ts in decision theory and philoso......s "Elements in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgen......s "Elements in the philosophy of biology": 2515......s "Elements in the philosophy of physics": 2632......s "Elements in the philosophy of mind": 2633907...... in philosophy of law": 26315807......s "Elements in the politics of development": ......s "Elements in the Renaissance": 26319098; ISSN ...
- Related Material...Pragmatism and the origins of the policy science......g Lasswell and the Chicago School......strian capital theory : a modern survey of the essentials How......itutions shape the politics of public policy The decline and rise of institutions :...... modern survey of the Austrian contribution to the economic analysis of institutions Topics at the frontier of statistics and......: (re)visiting the foundations Re......e distribution The problem of Job and the problem of evil Public debt as a form of public finance......cess in an age of gridlock : how the toxic substanc......and challenges The canons of fantasy : lands of ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and...... negativity in the digital world ......: case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing ......n : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis an......tic legitimacy The silent revolut......itudinal study of political atti......e-building and the institutionalization of globally circu......ated knowledge The political economy of Hungary : from...... neoliberalism The holocaust as c......ndian Wars" in the "Wild East" Em...... democracy and the modern critique of law : reconsidering Habermas The economics of the popular music industry The double crisis of the welfare ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... 1498 Handbook of Japan and Japa...... A treatise on the theory of Bessel functio......l reference to the spread of the gospel : conta......g allusions to the antiquity, ext......, and religion of the Chinese... Sum......l'anno 1500 Le théatre et la soci...... education for the common schools of Kentucky The book of the Orphic hymns : together with the principal frag......ed to Orpheus. The whole extracte......mann's edition of the Orphica... The Russian conquest of the Caucasus Reges......-1508 Building the Atlantic : Board of Governors of the Federal Reserv......System Journal of the proceedings of the late e...