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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingEconomic development. Israel -- Economic conditions.
- Related MaterialPraeger special studies in international economics and development
- Periodical TitlePraeger special studies in international economics and development
National Diet Library
- Contentsv. 1. Making the case for polic......rategies after the global financi......iewe Restoring the development dimension of Bretton Woods ......Eric Helleiner The middle-income Kanchoochat The role of industrial pol......Robert H. Wade The real exchange ......te as a target of macroeconomic policy / Rober...... sovereignty : the case for indus...... regulation in the trading regime......ewe A question of strategy: what......racterizes top growth performers / S...... Chandrasekhar The enigma of the "Indian model" of development / ......ifying china’s economic growth: retrospect an......aike Yang Macroeconomic policy for a social-oriented ...
- Subject HeadingEconomic policy. Economic development. Global Financial...
- Note (General)At head of title:, University of Applied Sciences.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...n in Hopi song The copepodologist......y transactions of the American Philo......phical Society The fate of the medieval Archi......huuk Aftermath of war : Bainbrid......ts relating to the American Indian in the library of the American Philo......klin and Italy The production, di......and readership of a conservative journal of the early French Revolution : the Ami du roi of the abbé Royou Of elephants & ro......ssays in honor of Whitfield J. B......ustice between the Norman Conquest and the Great Charter,...... : a physician of the enlightenment The harmony of the world Aspects of American liber...... an observance of the Bicentennial year of Amer...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Societ...
- Alternative TitleMemoirs of the American Philosophical Societ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nical progress The old grammar schools The economic mind in Americ......n civilization The physiocrats : ......ix lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century An essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United States ......f inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815 Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776 The poor man's fri...... or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor The idea of value Industry of the Rhine Populati......n inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most ......uman happiness The Lancashire cotton industy : a...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAustralian students and the Japanese terti......dvantage Strengthening regional f......ent systems in the Japanese wool ......parel industry The role of intermarket perspective The Australia-US f...... an assessment The political economy of substitution p...... agreements in the Asia Pacific I......stry trade and the ASEAN free tra...... Can Japan and the Soviet Union sort out their defferences? The use of Japanese balance of payments surpl...... Asian/Pacific economic development Te......hing in global economic development : ......s dynamic role The WTO and APEC :......rade policy at the crossroads : the indonesion s...
- Alternative TitlePacific economic papers
- Alternative TitlePacific economic papers
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe performance of industrial dev......corporations : the case of Jamaica Agribu...... Latin America The Structure of the Soviet economy......reconstruction of the 1966 input-out...... table Turkish economic, social, and p......tical change : the development of a more prosper......d open society The production, ma......nd consumption of copper and aluminium The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research The role of trade unions in the development pr......h a case study of Ghana Natural ......s imports from the Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joi......e planning for the multinational corporation Man...
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Other publisher als......: Publications of the Joint Center for Urban Studie...
- Related MaterialBeyond the melting pot : the Negroes, Puert......ans, and Irish of New York City The myth and reality of our urban Traffic and the police : varia......policy Housing the urban poor : evaluation of Federal housing policy The Federal bulldo......tical analysis of urban renewal, 1949-1962 The fragmented met......onal cycles in the housing market......, and policies The Metropolitan enigma : inquiries into the nature and dimensions of America's urban crisis The politics of neglect : urba......ower Varieties of police behavior : the management of law and order ......nities Origins of the urban school : public edu...
- Alternative TitlePublications Publications of the Joint Center f...... A Publication of the Joint Center f......s Publications of the Joint Center f...... Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Univer...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)...ton studies in the philosophy and history of science Edited......n, Marx W. Wartofsky (1960-1997) Editors of v. 220 (c2001)......vroglu Editors of v. 303(c2014), 305 (c2015)-: ...
- Related MaterialTools and modes of representation in the laboratory sci......elated matters The structure of appearance History of artificial col......ultural issues The natural background of meaning Transformation in the writing : a case of surrender-and-catch Logic, mathematics, physics and history of science : essays in honor of Hugues Leblanc......rientation for the social science......ake integrated economic assessments serve society Goethe and the sciences : a r......cs and quantum theory : an appraisal The scientist's atom and the philosopher's ......gain knowledge of atoms Underdet......n evidence and the limits of natural knowledge S...
- Alternative TitleBSPS Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science
Recording Media映像資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMedical research : the celebrity edge The merchant of Venice : Hispanics: the changing role of women Beate Kl......als to justice The advent of fashion What p......n Hispanics in the media Latin an......riends or foes Economic indicators development The market mechanism Othello : young act......ial Opinions : the Supreme Court justices Economic change A day in the life of a representati......mics : getting the big picture Ps......rch in context The merchant of Venice : a new......e Sociological theory and methods......aining Origins of homo sapiens :...... roots Between the wars King Lear : young actors...
- Alternative TitleFilms for the humanities and sciences Ffh
- Alternative TitleFilms for the humanities and sciences Ffh
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...gan to Blair : the left veers right The political economy of work The core theory in economics : problems an......ns Culture and economic explanation : economics in the US and Japan welfare The political economy of Middle East peace : the impact of competing trad......agendas A macroeconomic analysis of profit Consumer capitalism A new economics for modern dy......, fiction, and the rise of the financial subject Macroeconomic policy regimes......on and Blair : the political economy of the third way Mathematical economics and the dynamics of capitalism : G......gacy continued Economic theory and social change : pr...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSoviet economic power : its organization, growth and challenge The decline of American : a history of the Communist Party of the United States ......945 Statistics of deadly quarrels The arms race : a ......ld disarmament The hundred flowers The Soviet cultura......ene, 1956-1957 The politics of Soviet education The enigma of menace Science......h socialism in the crisis years, ...... : fascism and the French left Go...... and courts in the Soviet Union a......Eastern Europe The military and i......ial revolution of our time Arms : a mathematical study of the causes and origins of war The political economy of ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...igners Between the branches : the White House Office of Legislative Af......ity : failures of reform in Brazil The Political psychology of the Gulf War : lea......, publics, and the process of conflict Affir......cs, and ethics The higher civil service in the United States ......est for reform The promise and paradox of civil service reform The politics of expert advice ...... democracies : the legacies of authoritarian rule The president's ca......g free trade : the politics of trade in Brita......a, Mexico, and the United States ......g common sense of Japan Advising...... public policy The Brazilian voter : mass politi...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLeft back : a century of battles over school reform The challenge of the passing years ...... time Close to the bone : illness and the search for meaning The Iraq war reade...... Heat and dust The happiest man a...... : a biography of Henry Miller The varieties of religious expe......n human nature The closing of the American mind ...... for a new era The pursuit of virtue and other Tory notions his class : the biography of Bill Clinton A......hree daughters of China John McC......erican odyssey The agency : the rise and decline of the CIA A beautiful mind : the life of mathematical genius and nobel...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...raphic aspects of international ......ions Addresses of John Hay Revie......ritical papers The English spirit...... Walpole, and others A fable for ......ette portraits of the authors de qui......tur This torch of freedom : spee......rican music in the twentieth century The Western intell......nardo to Hegel The French ideal :...... Fénelon, and other essays The danger of being a gentleman, and other essays The human worth of rigorous think......primitive arts of Mexico, Guatemala and the Southwest Note......ews : a series of twenty-five papers hitherto foundresses The little package......r and create : the contemporary novel in crisis ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ola: a prophet of righteousness The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church : the first part, containing the Sermones catho......, or, Homilies of Ælfric : in the original Anglo...... writings Luke the physician : the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the the Apostles Pvrch......, or relations of the world and the religions obse......scouered, from the Creation vnto ......resent Defence of usury Experien......nature Is this theosophy? : (1936) Diaries of Sir Moses and ......e : comprising their life and recorded in their diaries from......sciousness and the psychology of food Tracings from the Acts of the Apostles or thirt...
- Alternative Title...ts : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books...
- Alternative Title...ts : thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nterpretations of church and state The European revol......bineau Anatomy of an African : a history of Bunyoro-Kitara......y A short life of Kierkegaard Af......ical adventure The awkward age The language of genes : solving the mysteries of our genetic pa......A scientist in the city Science in the later middle a......-wide disaster The Bible for students of literature and art Death of the soul : from Descartes to the computer Queen......hy Five stages of Greek religion The age of Constantine the Great Modern C......nfucian past : the problem of intellectual development The language of life : an introdu...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... : a biography of General Alexander McDougall The corporate city : the American city ......nd diplomacy : the American experience Beyond the Civil War synthesis : political essays of the Civil War era ......n, 1700-1980 : the evolution of urban politics Blacks in the American Revolution The politics of loyalty : the White House and the Communist issu......or Americans : economic nationalism an......Anglophobia in the late nineteent......rtain saints : the laity in the Lutheran Church, Mis......n Relations Northern labor and an......y history From the Old South to the new : essays on the transitional S......ubling aspects of historical study from the per...
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- Note (General)Publisher varies: Cornell Selects, imprint of Cornell University Press
- Related MaterialThe Apocalypse in the Middle Ages The fear of conspiracy : images of un-American subversion from the Revolution to the present The madwoman can't......n socialism in the United States ......representation The North Korean r......h and reason : the death and return of God in modern ......hting faiths : the Abrams case, the Supreme Court,......s and migrants The university and......T. Machines as the measure of men : science,......and ideologies of Western dominance In the circle of the dance : notes of an outsider identity in the United States ......: discourse on the extinction of primitive race......nizing death : the creation of a ritual process ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d is beautiful The enigma of arrival : a no......iage Dot.con : the greatest story......ever sold When the United States ......n First nights The tenth gift That certain age The Penguin book of Southern African Confessions of an actor : an ....... Tell no lies The struggles of Albert Woods and power : the place of sugar in moder......n's universe : the layperson's gu......astle in Spain The rains came The Spanish Armada The Penguin book of facts The king My sister......ty Sea mammals of the world Nairn's ......ressing up for the carnival Of mice and men a...... is back : how the global revival of faith is ch...
Other Libraries in Japan
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