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Reprints of economic classics

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Reprints of economic classics

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Oligopoly and technical progressLeave the NDL website. The old grammar schoolsLeave the NDL website. The economic mind in American civilizationLeave the NDL website. The physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th centuryLeave the NDL website. An essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Remarks on some fundamental questions in political economy : illustrated by a brief inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815Leave the NDL website. Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776Leave the NDL website. The poor man's friend, or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poorLeave the NDL website. The idea of valueLeave the NDL website. Industry of the RhineLeave the NDL website. Population policies and movements in EuropeLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most conducive to human happinessLeave the NDL website. The Lancashire cotton industy : a study in economic developmentLeave the NDL website. The evolution of the money market, 1385-1915 : an historical and analytical study of the rise and development of finance as a centralised, co-ordinated forceLeave the NDL website. The industrial revolution in ScotlandLeave the NDL website. Guide to John rae's Life of Adam Smith : introductionLeave the NDL website. Stokers and pokers : or the London and North Western Railway, the electric telegraph and the railway clearing-houseLeave the NDL website. A history of the theories of production & distribution in English political economy, from 1776 to 1848Leave the NDL website. American political ideas : studies in the development of American political thought, 1865-1917Leave the NDL website. Monetary circulation in the United Kingdom : a statistical studyLeave the NDL website. The making of index numbers : a study of their varieties, tests, and reliabilityLeave the NDL website. The canals of the south of IrelandLeave the NDL website. The social theory of James Mark BaldwinLeave the NDL website. Capital & finance in the Age of the Renaissance : a study of the Fuggers and their connectionsLeave the NDL website. A sociological view of sovereignty (1899-1900), with an introductory essay "John R. Commons' general theory of institutions" by Joseph DorfmanLeave the NDL website. Various prospects of mankind, nature and providence : 1761. To which is added Ignorance and superstition, a source of violence and cruelty, a sermon preached in the High Church of Edinburgh, January 6, 1746Leave the NDL website. The theory of money and banks investigatedLeave the NDL website. Western enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya : a study in Economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Home and foreign investment, 1870-1913 : studies in capital accumulationLeave the NDL website. A Select collection of scarce and valuable economical tractsLeave the NDL website. Industrial evolutionLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of works on accounting by American authorsLeave the NDL website. An essay on the external corn trade : by Robert Torrens with an appendix on the Means of improving the condition of the labouring classesLeave the NDL website. Trade unionism and labor problemsLeave the NDL website. Economica : a statistical manual for the United States of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Moral views of commerce, society, and politics : in twelve discoursesLeave the NDL website. Conscription and conscience : a history, 1916-1919Leave the NDL website. Long and short-term interest rates : an econometric studyLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the nature of peace and the terms of its perpetuationLeave the NDL website. The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economicsLeave the NDL website. Considerations on commerce, bullion & coins, circulation, and exchangesLeave the NDL website. Co-operative productionLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classesLeave the NDL website. Elements of pure economics, or, The theory of social wealthLeave the NDL website. A reply to the 'essay on population' by the Rev. T.R. Malthus, in a series of letters, to which are added extracts from the 'essay', with notesLeave the NDL website. Estate villages : a study of the Berkshire villages of Ardington and LockingeLeave the NDL website. Studies in Scottish business historyLeave the NDL website. Documents relative to the manufactures in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. John Rennie, 1761-1821 : the life and work of a great engineerLeave the NDL website. Problems of monopoly and economic warfareLeave the NDL website. Theories of surplus value : selectionsLeave the NDL website. The dilemma of our times : an historical essayLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the history of statisticsLeave the NDL website. The right to the whole produce of labour : the origin and development of the theory of labour's claim to the whole product of industryLeave the NDL website. A treatise concerning civil governmentLeave the NDL website. The coal viewer and engine builder's practical companionLeave the NDL website. The canals of the East Midlands : including part of LondonLeave the NDL website. Church and manor : a study in English economic historyLeave the NDL website. The theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest itLeave the NDL website. A view of the art of colonization in present reference to the British Empire : in letters between a statesman and a colonistLeave the NDL website. Thomas Spence and his connectionsLeave the NDL website. The ways and means of paymentLeave the NDL website. Political economy; an inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property or wealth : With the addition of General statement of an argument on the subject of populationLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the formation and the distribution of riches [1770]Leave the NDL website. Studies in the theory of international tradeLeave the NDL website. Scholae academicae : some account of studies at the English Universities in the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Pauperism : its causes and remediesLeave the NDL website. On the economic theory of socialismLeave the NDL website. Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. The rise of the London money market : 1640-1826Leave the NDL website. Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophyLeave the NDL website. British acquisitions in the Presidency of Fort St. George ; Madras appendices ; Wilkins' glossary & indexLeave the NDL website. The educational ideas of Charles Fourier (1772-1837)Leave the NDL website. History of labour in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The financial history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The fall of Robespierre : and other essays : The young Robespierre.--Aigoin.--The supreme being.--Catherine Théot.--Herman.--Truchon.--Marcandier.--Fouquier-Tinville.--The 9thLeave the NDL website. The right to the whole produce of labourLeave the NDL website. The behavior of money : exploratory studiesLeave the NDL website. The mines of MendipLeave the NDL website. Statement of some new principles on the subject of political economyLeave the NDL website. Dividends to payLeave the NDL website. Frederick W. Taylor, father of scientific managementLeave the NDL website. The economic organization with an article : notes on cost and utilityLeave the NDL website. Definitions in political economyLeave the NDL website. Political economy and the philosophy of government : selections from the writings of J.C.L. Simonde de SismondiLeave the NDL website. A history of the English corn laws from 1660-1846Leave the NDL website. Political economyLeave the NDL website. A description of British Guiana : geographical and statistical : exhibiting its resources and capabilities, together with the present and future condition and prospects of the colonyLeave the NDL website. The theory of the balance of trade in England : a study in mercantilismLeave the NDL website. Public economy for the United StatesLeave the NDL website. A history of the Chartist movementLeave the NDL website. The elements of political economyLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the nature of value and of capital, and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit. 1813Leave the NDL website. Some habits and customs of the working classesLeave the NDL website. The industries of Scotland : their rise, progress, and present conditionLeave the NDL website. Monetary equilibriumLeave the NDL website. The American whaleman : a study of life and labor in the whaling industryLeave the NDL website. Financial history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The town labourer, 1760-1832 : the new civilisationLeave the NDL website. The national debtLeave the NDL website. Resources of the United Kingdom : or, The present distresses considered, their causes and remedies pointed out, and an outline of a plan for the establishment of a national currency that would have a fixed money value proposedLeave the NDL website. Palgrave's dictionary of political economyLeave the NDL website. The canals of the West MidlandsLeave the NDL website. Principles of political economy : deduced from the natural laws of social welfare and applied to the present state of BritainLeave the NDL website. The life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent tragedian : Wherein the action and utterance of the state, bar, and pulpit, are distinctly consider'd. With the judgment of de St. Évremond, upon the Italian and French music and opera's; in a letter to the Duke of Buckingham . To which is added, The amorous widow, or, The wanton wife. A comedyLeave the NDL website. English taxation, 1640-1799 : an essay on policy and opinionLeave the NDL website. On the economy of machinery and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. A treatise on the coins of the realm in a letter to the kingLeave the NDL website. Political and social economy : its practical applicationsLeave the NDL website. The industrial history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The state in relation to labourLeave the NDL website. Economic and social change in a Midland town : Victorian Nottingham, 1815-1900Leave the NDL website. Studies in the history of educational opinion from the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Survey of economic theory on technological change & employmentLeave the NDL website. The theory of prices : a re-examination of the central problems of monetary theoryLeave the NDL website. Public and private economyLeave the NDL website. The economics of enterpriseLeave the NDL website. An essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happinessLeave the NDL website. The life of Robert OwenLeave the NDL website. Adam Smith, 1776-1926 : lectures to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the publication of "The wealth of nations"Leave the NDL website. Studies in political economyLeave the NDL website. MoneyLeave the NDL website. A years residence in the United States of America : in three partsLeave the NDL website. Overproduction and crisesLeave the NDL website. Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted public debtsLeave the NDL website. Western enterprise in Far Eastern economic development : China and JapanLeave the NDL website. A history of factory legislationLeave the NDL website. A reply to the Essay on populationLeave the NDL website. An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nationsLeave the NDL website. A visit to the United States in 1841Leave the NDL website. A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications, on paper currency and bankingLeave the NDL website. The distribution of wealth : a theory of wages, interest and profitsLeave the NDL website. The principles of economics : a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papersLeave the NDL website. The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economicsLeave the NDL website. History of monetary systems : a history of actual experiments in money made by various states of the ancient and modern worldLeave the NDL website. Communism in Central Europe in the time of the ReformationLeave the NDL website. The structure of the American economy : a reportLeave the NDL website. A study in the theory of economic evolutionLeave the NDL website. Six lectures on political economyLeave the NDL website. The floating republicLeave the NDL website. The economics of full employment : six studies in applied economicsLeave the NDL website. A treatise on political economy . With an introductory essay, George Opdyke and the tradition of managed money . And with an appendix, Letter on national finances from George Opdyke to Hon. Roscoe Conkling (1869)Leave the NDL website. Essays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nationsLeave the NDL website. The ideal foundations of economic thought : three essays on the philosophy of economicsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical exposition of some doctrines of political economyLeave the NDL website. The economic writings of Sir William Petty : together with the Observations upon the bills of mortality more probably by John GrauntLeave the NDL website. Synthetic economicsLeave the NDL website. The development of capitalistic enterprise in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Legislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States, including the original Bank of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Large and small holdings : a study of English agricultural economicsLeave the NDL website. J.C. Fischer and his diary of industrial England 1814-51Leave the NDL website. The alphabet of economic science : elements of the theory of value or worthLeave the NDL website. The theory of international trade : with its applications to commercial policyLeave the NDL website. Mathematical psychicsLeave the NDL website. An essay on mediæval economic teachingLeave the NDL website. The peasants war in Germany, 1525-1526Leave the NDL website. An inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, published Dec. 24, 1795, and attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of SouthamptonLeave the NDL website. Society, manners & politics in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Elements of political economyLeave the NDL website. The red man in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Researches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealthLeave the NDL website. The theory of wages : with a new foreword and the article Are there laws of production?Leave the NDL website. A study of the capital market in Britain from 1919-1936Leave the NDL website. The new men of power : America's labor leadersLeave the NDL website. The budget, on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method as presented in Mr. Mill's system of logic is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economyLeave the NDL website. Essays on general politics, commerce, and political economy : being volume II, part II, of the works of Benjamin FranklinLeave the NDL website. Monetary nationalism and international stabilityLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the principles of national wealth : illustrated by the political economy of the British EmpireLeave the NDL website. Problems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poorLeave the NDL website. Essays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nationsLeave the NDL website. Local history : objective and pursuitLeave the NDL website. A bibliography of French labor : with a selection of documents on the French labor movementLeave the NDL website. Studies in English Puritanism from the Restoration to the Revolution, 1660-1688Leave the NDL website. Manchester merchants and foreign tradeLeave the NDL website. Sociological theory and social research : being selected papers of Charles Horton CooleyLeave the NDL website. The Minority report of the Poor Law CommissionLeave the NDL website. The economic interpretation of historyLeave the NDL website. A topographical description of the western territory of North America : containing a succinct account of its soil, climate, natural history, population, agriculture, manners & customsLeave the NDL website. Life of Friedrich List and selections from his writingsLeave the NDL website. The income tax : a study of the history, theory, and practice of income taxation at home and abroadLeave the NDL website. The economic development of Russia, 1905-1914 : with special reference to trade, industry, and financeLeave the NDL website. The agricultural revolution in NorfolkLeave the NDL website. Propositions concerning protection & free tradeLeave the NDL website. A plan of the English commerce being a compleat [i.e. complete] prospect of the trade of this nation, as well the home trade as the foreignLeave the NDL website. Froebel and education by self-activityLeave the NDL website. New York in the Confederation : an economic studyLeave the NDL website. Middlemen in English business : particularly between 1660 and 1760Leave the NDL website. The shifting and incidence of taxationLeave the NDL website. Competition and the lawLeave the NDL website. The Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the theory of value : on the lines of menger, wieser, and böhm-bawerkLeave the NDL website. The money supply of the American colonies before 1720Leave the NDL website. The economic history of IndiaLeave the NDL website. The theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest itLeave the NDL website. Revue sommaire des doctrines economiquesLeave the NDL website. The early factory masters : the transition to the factory system in the Midlands textile industryLeave the NDL website. The factory system illustrated in a series of letters to the Right Hon. Lord AshleyLeave the NDL website. Essays in political economyLeave the NDL website. The holding company : its public significance and its regulationLeave the NDL website. A brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Predecessors of Adam Smith : the growth of British economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. The book of the new moral world : In seven partsLeave the NDL website. Two essays : Relation of the state to industrial action & Economics and jurisprudenceLeave the NDL website. Modern production among backward peoplesLeave the NDL website. The downfall of the gold standardLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the nature and use of moneyLeave the NDL website. Economic studiesLeave the NDL website. The literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical noticesLeave the NDL website. The trade cycle : an essayLeave the NDL website. Chapters of Erie, and other essaysLeave the NDL website. The effects of civilization on the people in European statesLeave the NDL website. The alphabet of economic scienceLeave the NDL website. Travels in the north of Germany : describing the present state of the social and political institutions, the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, education, arts and manners in that country, particularly in the Kingdom of HanoverLeave the NDL website. Methodism and the working-class movements in England, 1800-1850Leave the NDL website. The history of ten years, 1830-1840Leave the NDL website. Three essays on the state of economic scienceLeave the NDL website. Progress of the United States in population & wealth in fifty years : with an appendix, containing an abstract of the census of 1850Leave the NDL website. Labor defended against the claims of capital : or the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst jounneymenLeave the NDL website. The distribution of wealth (1893)Leave the NDL website. The American Republic : its constitution, tendencies, and destinyLeave the NDL website. A history of trade unionism in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The nature of capital and incomeLeave the NDL website. Essays in our changing orderLeave the NDL website. An inquiry concerning the population of nations : containing a refutation of Mr. Malthus's Essay on populationLeave the NDL website. The growth of capitalLeave the NDL website. Cursory criticisms on the edition of Shakspeare published by Edmond Malone . Together with A letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D., relative to the edition of Shakspeare published in 1790, and some late criticisms on that workLeave the NDL website. Early tours in Devon and CornwallLeave the NDL website. Economics of planning public worksLeave the NDL website. The scope and method of political economyLeave the NDL website. The history of currency 1252 to 1896Leave the NDL website. A history of the English railway : its social relations & revelations, 1820-1845Leave the NDL website. The history of banks to which is added a demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking (1837)Leave the NDL website. The history of the commercial crisis, 1857-1858 : and the stock exchange panic of 1859Leave the NDL website. An examination into the principles of currency : involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844Leave the NDL website. The currency of the British coloniesLeave the NDL website. The harmony of interests : agricultural, manufacturing & commercialLeave the NDL website. An essay on the economic effects of the ReformationLeave the NDL website. The history of the survey of Ireland : commonly called The Down survey, A.D. 1655-1656Leave the NDL website. Aspects of the rise of economic individualism : a criticism of Max Weber and his schoolLeave the NDL website. The life of John Maynard KeynesLeave the NDL website. An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear : compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets; with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of VoltaireLeave the NDL website. Frederick W. Taylor : father of scientific managementLeave the NDL website. Malthus and his workLeave the NDL website. Taxation from the earliest times to the Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Elements of pure economics or the theory of social wealthLeave the NDL website. The physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th centuryLeave the NDL website. An essay on colonization, particularly applied to the western coast of Africa : with some free thoughts on cultivation and commerceLeave the NDL website. Archie Moore, the white slave : or, Memoirs of a fugitiveLeave the NDL website. Guilds in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. Economic stabilization in an unbalanced worldLeave the NDL website. Definitions in political economyLeave the NDL website. Trade in the eastern seas, 1793-1813Leave the NDL website. The philosophy of Auguste ComteLeave the NDL website. An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth : and into the means and causes of its increase (1804)Leave the NDL website. John Bunyan, maker of mythsLeave the NDL website. Labour's wrongs and labour's remedy, or, the age of might and the age of right [1839]Leave the NDL website. Labour rewarded : the claims of labour and capital conciliated, or, how to secure to labour the whole product of its exertionLeave the NDL website. A manual of political economy, 1814-1882Leave the NDL website. Letters to Mr. Malthus on several subjects of political economy and on the cause of the stagnation of commerce, to which is added A catechism of political economy, or, Familiar conversations on the manner in which wealth is produced, distributed, and consumed in societyLeave the NDL website. The funding system of the United States & of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. The theory of business enterpriseLeave the NDL website. The unreformed House of Commons : parliamentary representation before 1832Leave the NDL website. History of Burma : including Burma proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan, from the earliest time to the end of the first war with British IndiaLeave the NDL website. Fabian socialismLeave the NDL website. The labor movement : the problem of todayLeave the NDL website. A discourse of trade, from England unto the East-Indies : answering to diverse objections which are usually made against the sameLeave the NDL website. The laboring classes of England, especially those concerned in agriculture and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. Reminiscences of Levi Coffin : the reputed president of the underground railroadLeave the NDL website. Mathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciencesLeave the NDL website. The mathematical groundwork of economics : an introductory treatiseLeave the NDL website. Colonial administration of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. The premises of political economy : being a re-examination of certain fundamental principles of economic scienceLeave the NDL website. An estimate of the comparative strength of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. The theory of the leisure classLeave the NDL website. A home tour through the manufacturing districts of England in the summer of 1835Leave the NDL website. Treatises & essays on subjects connected with economical policy with biographical sketches of Quesnay, Adam Smith & RicardoLeave the NDL website. The American States during and after the Revolution, 1775-1789Leave the NDL website. Lapses from full employmentLeave the NDL website. Hobson and underconsumptionLeave the NDL website. The economic theory of the leisure classLeave the NDL website. International trade and the national income multiplierLeave the NDL website. The economics of distributionLeave the NDL website. The autobiography of Arthur YoungLeave the NDL website. Women workers and the industrial revolution, 1750-1850Leave the NDL website. The position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilistsLeave the NDL website. Methods of social reformLeave the NDL website. Principles of political economy : considered with a view to their practical applicationLeave the NDL website. The theory and practice of central banking, 1797-1913Leave the NDL website. Mathematical investigation of the effect of machinery on the wealth of a community in which it is employed and on the fund for the payment of wages [1838] on the effect of the non-residence of landlords on the wealth of a community [1840] : two papers from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical SocietyLeave the NDL website. Diary of William Owen, from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825Leave the NDL website. The Schumpeterian systemLeave the NDL website. On the economy of machinery and manufacturesLeave the NDL website. Rail and road in East Africa : transport co-ordination in under-developed countriesLeave the NDL website. Absentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times : the case of AmericaLeave the NDL website. New travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788Leave the NDL website. The character and logical method of political economyLeave the NDL website. Papers on the science of AdministrationLeave the NDL website. The tariff history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Goldsmith and his booksellersLeave the NDL website. The engineers and the price systemLeave the NDL website. Art and the industrial revolutionLeave the NDL website. The masquerade of monopolyLeave the NDL website. Days at the factoriesLeave the NDL website. Lectures on colonization and coloniesLeave the NDL website. The life, speeches, labors & essays of William H. SylvisLeave the NDL website. Other people's money and how the bankers use itLeave the NDL website. Socialism and the social movementLeave the NDL website. The constitutional history of the Louisiana Purchase, 1803-1812Leave the NDL website. Money, credit & commerceLeave the NDL website. The British merchant : or, commerce preferv'dLeave the NDL website. Economic development in Africa : papers presented to the Nyasaland Economic Symposium held in Blantyre, 18 to 28 July 1962Leave the NDL website. The curse of the factory systemLeave the NDL website. New Harmony : an adventure in happinessLeave the NDL website. A short history of the steam engineLeave the NDL website. The universal dictionary of trade and commerceLeave the NDL website. Inventor and entrepreneur : recollections of Werner von SiemensLeave the NDL website. Monopolies, cartels and trusts in British industryLeave the NDL website. The maintenance of free tradeLeave the NDL website. Passages from the life of a philosopherLeave the NDL website. Official circulars of public documents and information : v. 1-10; 1840-51 [i.e. 1853?]Leave the NDL website. History of political economy in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency (1857) : with the addition of further reflections on the state of the currency (1837)Leave the NDL website. A statistical view of the commerce of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Natural elements of political economyLeave the NDL website. An account of maritime revenue & contraband traffic in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from the earliest times to the years 1800Leave the NDL website. The history of trade unionismLeave the NDL website. The history of currency 1252 to 1896 [1896].Leave the NDL website. The Petty papers : some unpublished writings of Sir William PettyLeave the NDL website. General report on enclosuresLeave the NDL website. Competition among the few : oligopoly and similar market structuresLeave the NDL website. Social economicsLeave the NDL website. A plea for peasant proprietors : with the outlines of a plan for their establishment in IrelandLeave the NDL website. Chapters on the history on the Southern PacificLeave the NDL website. History of crises under the national banking systemLeave the NDL website. An essay on some general principles of political economy, on taxes upon raw produce, and on commutation of tithesLeave the NDL website. A theory of the labor movementLeave the NDL website. Money credit & commerceLeave the NDL website. Three letters to the Duke of WellingtonLeave the NDL website. Industrial democracyLeave the NDL website. A short history of the steam engineLeave the NDL website. The national system of political economyLeave the NDL website. Felkin's history of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufacturesLeave the NDL website. Theories of population from Raleigh to Arthur YoungLeave the NDL website. A history of the Indian nationalist movementLeave the NDL website. Trade unionism and labor problems : second seriesLeave the NDL website. The Burlington strike : its motives and methods, including the cause of the strikeLeave the NDL website. The fifth report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company, 28th July, 1812Leave the NDL website. The rise of American economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. Despotism in America : an inquiry into the nature, results, and legal basis of the slave-holding system in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Privateering and piracy in the colonial period : illustrative documentsLeave the NDL website. Essays on political economy : or the most certain means of promoting the wealth, power, resources and happiness of states applied particularly to the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Turning points in business cyclesLeave the NDL website. Reflections on the formation and the distribution of riches, 1770Leave the NDL website. MoneyLeave the NDL website. Popular disturbances and public order in Regency England : being an account of the Luddite and other disorders in England during the years 1811-1817, and of the attitude and activity of the authoritiesLeave the NDL website. Reports of special assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the employment of women and children in agricultureLeave the NDL website. The age of the Chartists, 1832-1854 : a study of discontentLeave the NDL website. London labour and the London poor : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not workLeave the NDL website. An historical inquiry into the production, and consumption of the precious metalsLeave the NDL website. Characteristics of the present political state of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Wages and capital : an examination of the wages fund doctrineLeave the NDL website. A hundred years of inland transport, 1830-1933Leave the NDL website. British canals : an illustrated historyLeave the NDL website. An early experiment in industrial organisation : being a history of the firm of Boulton & Watt, 1775-1805Leave the NDL website. The works of Lord BolingbrokeLeave the NDL website. Opinions on various subjects : dedicated to the industrious producersLeave the NDL website. Explorations in economics : notes and essays contributed in honor of F.W. TaussigLeave the NDL website. Principles of political economy : considered with a view to their practical applicationLeave the NDL website. The progress of the nationLeave the NDL website. Key economic areas in Chinese history : as revealed in the development of public works for water-controlLeave the NDL website. The economic basis of public interestLeave the NDL website. The canals of South West EnglandLeave the NDL website. Industrial Germany : a study of its monopoly organisations and their control by the StateLeave the NDL website. Our coal and our coal-pitsLeave the NDL website. An essay on the production of wealthLeave the NDL website. The growth of large fortunes : a study of economic causes affecting the acquisition and distribution of propertyLeave the NDL website. Elements of political economyLeave the NDL website. The history of the United States of AmericaLeave the NDL website. The landed interest and the supply of foodLeave the NDL website. Money and value : an inquiry into the means and ends of economic productionLeave the NDL website. Direct taxes and stamp dutiesLeave the NDL website. Notes on political economyLeave the NDL website. Rise and fall of the AnabaptistsLeave the NDL website. Tomlinson's North Eastern Railway : its rise and developmentLeave the NDL website. VeblenLeave the NDL website. Observations on the commerce of the American StatesLeave the NDL website. History of the middle & working classesLeave the NDL website. The revolution in the mind and practice of the human race, or, The coming change from irrationality to rationality with a supplement 1849Leave the NDL website. Commerce defendedLeave the NDL website. Remarks on some of the characters of ShakespereLeave the NDL website. The evolution of modern moneyLeave the NDL website. The economic development of a Norfolk manor, 1086-1565Leave the NDL website. Analysis of the phenomena of the human mindLeave the NDL website. F.Y. Edgeworth's contributions to mathematical statisticsLeave the NDL website. Essays on some unsettled questions of political economyLeave the NDL website. The slave power : its character, career & probable designs : being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contestLeave the NDL website. Capital imports and the American balance of payments, 1934-39 : a study in abnormal international capital transfersLeave the NDL website. Journal of a tour through the State of New York in the year 1830 : with remarks on agriculture in those parts most eligible for settlersLeave the NDL website. Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun : Buddhist pilgrims, from China to India (400 A. D. and 518 A. D.)Leave the NDL website. The history of the great riots : the strikes and riots on the various railroads of the United States and in the mining regions, together with a full history of the Molly MaguiresLeave the NDL website. The quantity theory of money : a critical study of its historical development and interpretation and a restatementLeave the NDL website. Des crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux États-UnisLeave the NDL website. The State of the Poor : a facsimile of the 1797 editionLeave the NDL website. The family economy of the working classes in the cotton industry, 1784-1833Leave the NDL website. A system of moral philosophyLeave the NDL website. The tables turnedLeave the NDL website. 1868 year of unions : a documentary surveyLeave the NDL website. The Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. Industrial Britain under the Regency : the diaries of Escher, Bodmer, May, and de Gallois, 1814-18Leave the NDL website. A treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding systemLeave the NDL website. The wages question : a treatise on wages and the wages classLeave the NDL website. The principles of free trade, illustrated in a series of short and familiar essays originally published in the Banner of the ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. Surveys, historic and economicLeave the NDL website. The pamphlets of Thomas Robert MalthusLeave the NDL website. The fiscal history of Texas : embracing an account of its revenues, debts & currency from the commencement of the revolution in 1834 to 1851-1852, with remarks on American debtsLeave the NDL website. Economic policy and the size of citiesLeave the NDL website. Risk, uncertainty and profitLeave the NDL website. Thorstein Veblen and his AmericaLeave the NDL website. Old DevonLeave the NDL website. The case of labourers in husbandry stated and considered : with an appendix containing a collection of accounts shewing the earnings and expenses of labouring families in different parts of the KingdomLeave the NDL website. The First International in AmericaLeave the NDL website. An enquiry into the principles of taxation, chiefly applicable to articles of immediate consumptionLeave the NDL website. Anti-equilibrium : on economic systems theory and the tasks of researchLeave the NDL website. Monetary theory before Adam SmithLeave the NDL website. The bitter cry of outcast LondonLeave the NDL website. The economic writings of Mountifort LongfieldLeave the NDL website. Political economy for the peopleLeave the NDL website. Races and immigrants in AmericaLeave the NDL website. The higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business menLeave the NDL website. First report of the Central Board of His Majesty's commissioners appointed to collect information in the manufacturing districts, as to the employment of children in factories, and as to the propriety and means of curtailing the hours of their labour : with minutes of evidence, and reports by the district commissioners, 28 June 1833Leave the NDL website.