
Reprints of economic classics


Reprints of economic classics

A.M. Kelley



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Oligopoly and technical progress外部サイトThe old grammar schools外部サイトThe economic mind in American civilization外部サイトThe physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century外部サイトAn essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United States外部サイトRemarks on some fundamental questions in political economy : illustrated by a brief inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815外部サイトStudies in the theory of money, 1690-1776外部サイトThe poor man's friend, or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor外部サイトThe idea of value外部サイトIndustry of the Rhine外部サイトPopulation policies and movements in Europe外部サイトAn inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most conducive to human happiness外部サイトThe Lancashire cotton industy : a study in economic development外部サイトThe evolution of the money market, 1385-1915 : an historical and analytical study of the rise and development of finance as a centralised, co-ordinated force外部サイトThe industrial revolution in Scotland外部サイトGuide to John rae's Life of Adam Smith : introduction外部サイトStokers and pokers : or the London and North Western Railway, the electric telegraph and the railway clearing-house外部サイトA history of the theories of production & distribution in English political economy, from 1776 to 1848外部サイトAmerican political ideas : studies in the development of American political thought, 1865-1917外部サイトMonetary circulation in the United Kingdom : a statistical study外部サイトThe making of index numbers : a study of their varieties, tests, and reliability外部サイトThe canals of the south of Ireland外部サイトThe social theory of James Mark Baldwin外部サイトCapital & finance in the Age of the Renaissance : a study of the Fuggers and their connections外部サイトA sociological view of sovereignty (1899-1900), with an introductory essay "John R. Commons' general theory of institutions" by Joseph Dorfman外部サイトVarious prospects of mankind, nature and providence : 1761. To which is added Ignorance and superstition, a source of violence and cruelty, a sermon preached in the High Church of Edinburgh, January 6, 1746外部サイトThe theory of money and banks investigated外部サイトWestern enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya : a study in Economic development外部サイトHome and foreign investment, 1870-1913 : studies in capital accumulation外部サイトA Select collection of scarce and valuable economical tracts外部サイトIndustrial evolution外部サイトBibliography of works on accounting by American authors外部サイトAn essay on the external corn trade : by Robert Torrens with an appendix on the Means of improving the condition of the labouring classes外部サイトTrade unionism and labor problems外部サイトEconomica : a statistical manual for the United States of America外部サイトMoral views of commerce, society, and politics : in twelve discourses外部サイトConscription and conscience : a history, 1916-1919外部サイトLong and short-term interest rates : an econometric study外部サイトAn inquiry into the nature of peace and the terms of its perpetuation外部サイトThe physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics外部サイトConsiderations on commerce, bullion & coins, circulation, and exchanges外部サイトCo-operative production外部サイトA treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes外部サイトElements of pure economics, or, The theory of social wealth外部サイトA reply to the 'essay on population' by the Rev. T.R. Malthus, in a series of letters, to which are added extracts from the 'essay', with notes外部サイトEstate villages : a study of the Berkshire villages of Ardington and Lockinge外部サイトStudies in Scottish business history外部サイトDocuments relative to the manufactures in the United States外部サイトJohn Rennie, 1761-1821 : the life and work of a great engineer外部サイトProblems of monopoly and economic warfare外部サイトTheories of surplus value : selections外部サイトThe dilemma of our times : an historical essay外部サイトContributions to the history of statistics外部サイトThe right to the whole produce of labour : the origin and development of the theory of labour's claim to the whole product of industry外部サイトA treatise concerning civil government外部サイトThe coal viewer and engine builder's practical companion外部サイトThe canals of the East Midlands : including part of London外部サイトChurch and manor : a study in English economic history外部サイトThe theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest it外部サイトA view of the art of colonization in present reference to the British Empire : in letters between a statesman and a colonist外部サイトThomas Spence and his connections外部サイトThe ways and means of payment外部サイトPolitical economy; an inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property or wealth : With the addition of General statement of an argument on the subject of population外部サイトReflections on the formation and the distribution of riches [1770]外部サイトStudies in the theory of international trade外部サイトScholae academicae : some account of studies at the English Universities in the eighteenth century外部サイトPauperism : its causes and remedies外部サイトOn the economic theory of socialism外部サイトIndustrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries外部サイトThe rise of the London money market : 1640-1826外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy外部サイトBritish acquisitions in the Presidency of Fort St. George ; Madras appendices ; Wilkins' glossary & index外部サイトThe educational ideas of Charles Fourier (1772-1837)外部サイトHistory of labour in the United States外部サイトThe financial history of the United States外部サイトThe fall of Robespierre : and other essays : The young Robespierre.--Aigoin.--The supreme being.--Catherine Théot.--Herman.--Truchon.--Marcandier.--Fouquier-Tinville.--The 9th外部サイトThe right to the whole produce of labour外部サイトThe behavior of money : exploratory studies外部サイトThe mines of Mendip外部サイトStatement of some new principles on the subject of political economy外部サイトDividends to pay外部サイトFrederick W. Taylor, father of scientific management外部サイトThe economic organization with an article : notes on cost and utility外部サイトDefinitions in political economy外部サイトPolitical economy and the philosophy of government : selections from the writings of J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi外部サイトA history of the English corn laws from 1660-1846外部サイトPolitical economy外部サイトA description of British Guiana : geographical and statistical : exhibiting its resources and capabilities, together with the present and future condition and prospects of the colony外部サイトThe theory of the balance of trade in England : a study in mercantilism外部サイトPublic economy for the United States外部サイトA history of the Chartist movement外部サイトThe elements of political economy外部サイトAn inquiry into the nature of value and of capital, and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit. 1813外部サイトSome habits and customs of the working classes外部サイトThe industries of Scotland : their rise, progress, and present condition外部サイトMonetary equilibrium外部サイトThe American whaleman : a study of life and labor in the whaling industry外部サイトFinancial history of the United States外部サイトThe town labourer, 1760-1832 : the new civilisation外部サイトThe national debt外部サイトResources of the United Kingdom : or, The present distresses considered, their causes and remedies pointed out, and an outline of a plan for the establishment of a national currency that would have a fixed money value proposed外部サイトPalgrave's dictionary of political economy外部サイトThe canals of the West Midlands外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : deduced from the natural laws of social welfare and applied to the present state of Britain外部サイトThe life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent tragedian : Wherein the action and utterance of the state, bar, and pulpit, are distinctly consider'd. With the judgment of de St. Évremond, upon the Italian and French music and opera's; in a letter to the Duke of Buckingham . To which is added, The amorous widow, or, The wanton wife. A comedy外部サイトEnglish taxation, 1640-1799 : an essay on policy and opinion外部サイトOn the economy of machinery and manufactures外部サイトA treatise on the coins of the realm in a letter to the king外部サイトPolitical and social economy : its practical applications外部サイトThe industrial history of the United States外部サイトThe state in relation to labour外部サイトEconomic and social change in a Midland town : Victorian Nottingham, 1815-1900外部サイトStudies in the history of educational opinion from the Renaissance外部サイトSurvey of economic theory on technological change & employment外部サイトThe theory of prices : a re-examination of the central problems of monetary theory外部サイトPublic and private economy外部サイトThe economics of enterprise外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness外部サイトThe life of Robert Owen外部サイトAdam Smith, 1776-1926 : lectures to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the publication of "The wealth of nations"外部サイトStudies in political economy外部サイトMoney外部サイトA years residence in the United States of America : in three parts外部サイトOverproduction and crises外部サイトObservations on the financial position and credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted public debts外部サイトWestern enterprise in Far Eastern economic development : China and Japan外部サイトA history of factory legislation外部サイトA reply to the Essay on population外部サイトAn Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations外部サイトA visit to the United States in 1841外部サイトA select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications, on paper currency and banking外部サイトThe distribution of wealth : a theory of wages, interest and profits外部サイトThe principles of economics : a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papers外部サイトThe physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics外部サイトHistory of monetary systems : a history of actual experiments in money made by various states of the ancient and modern world外部サイトCommunism in Central Europe in the time of the Reformation外部サイトThe structure of the American economy : a report外部サイトA study in the theory of economic evolution外部サイトSix lectures on political economy外部サイトThe floating republic外部サイトThe economics of full employment : six studies in applied economics外部サイトA treatise on political economy . With an introductory essay, George Opdyke and the tradition of managed money . And with an appendix, Letter on national finances from George Opdyke to Hon. Roscoe Conkling (1869)外部サイトEssays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nations外部サイトThe ideal foundations of economic thought : three essays on the philosophy of economics外部サイトMathematical exposition of some doctrines of political economy外部サイトThe economic writings of Sir William Petty : together with the Observations upon the bills of mortality more probably by John Graunt外部サイトSynthetic economics外部サイトThe development of capitalistic enterprise in India外部サイトLegislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States, including the original Bank of North America外部サイトLarge and small holdings : a study of English agricultural economics外部サイトJ.C. Fischer and his diary of industrial England 1814-51外部サイトThe alphabet of economic science : elements of the theory of value or worth外部サイトThe theory of international trade : with its applications to commercial policy外部サイトMathematical psychics外部サイトAn essay on mediæval economic teaching外部サイトThe peasants war in Germany, 1525-1526外部サイトAn inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, published Dec. 24, 1795, and attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton外部サイトSociety, manners & politics in the United States外部サイトElements of political economy外部サイトThe red man in the United States外部サイトResearches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealth外部サイトThe theory of wages : with a new foreword and the article Are there laws of production?外部サイトA study of the capital market in Britain from 1919-1936外部サイトThe new men of power : America's labor leaders外部サイトThe budget, on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method as presented in Mr. Mill's system of logic is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economy外部サイトEssays on general politics, commerce, and political economy : being volume II, part II, of the works of Benjamin Franklin外部サイトMonetary nationalism and international stability外部サイトAn inquiry into the principles of national wealth : illustrated by the political economy of the British Empire外部サイトProblems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor外部サイトEssays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nations外部サイトLocal history : objective and pursuit外部サイトA bibliography of French labor : with a selection of documents on the French labor movement外部サイトStudies in English Puritanism from the Restoration to the Revolution, 1660-1688外部サイトManchester merchants and foreign trade外部サイトSociological theory and social research : being selected papers of Charles Horton Cooley外部サイトThe Minority report of the Poor Law Commission外部サイトThe economic interpretation of history外部サイトA topographical description of the western territory of North America : containing a succinct account of its soil, climate, natural history, population, agriculture, manners & customs外部サイトLife of Friedrich List and selections from his writings外部サイトThe income tax : a study of the history, theory, and practice of income taxation at home and abroad外部サイトThe economic development of Russia, 1905-1914 : with special reference to trade, industry, and finance外部サイトThe agricultural revolution in Norfolk外部サイトPropositions concerning protection & free trade外部サイトA plan of the English commerce being a compleat [i.e. complete] prospect of the trade of this nation, as well the home trade as the foreign外部サイトFroebel and education by self-activity外部サイトNew York in the Confederation : an economic study外部サイトMiddlemen in English business : particularly between 1660 and 1760外部サイトThe shifting and incidence of taxation外部サイトCompetition and the law外部サイトThe Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries外部サイトAn introduction to the theory of value : on the lines of menger, wieser, and böhm-bawerk外部サイトThe money supply of the American colonies before 1720外部サイトThe economic history of India外部サイトThe theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest it外部サイトRevue sommaire des doctrines economiques外部サイトThe early factory masters : the transition to the factory system in the Midlands textile industry外部サイトThe factory system illustrated in a series of letters to the Right Hon. Lord Ashley外部サイトEssays in political economy外部サイトThe holding company : its public significance and its regulation外部サイトA brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States外部サイトPredecessors of Adam Smith : the growth of British economic thought外部サイトThe book of the new moral world : In seven parts外部サイトTwo essays : Relation of the state to industrial action & Economics and jurisprudence外部サイトModern production among backward peoples外部サイトThe downfall of the gold standard外部サイトLectures on the nature and use of money外部サイトEconomic studies外部サイトThe literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical notices外部サイトThe trade cycle : an essay外部サイトChapters of Erie, and other essays外部サイトThe effects of civilization on the people in European states外部サイトThe alphabet of economic science外部サイトTravels in the north of Germany : describing the present state of the social and political institutions, the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, education, arts and manners in that country, particularly in the Kingdom of Hanover外部サイトMethodism and the working-class movements in England, 1800-1850外部サイトThe history of ten years, 1830-1840外部サイトThree essays on the state of economic science外部サイトProgress of the United States in population & wealth in fifty years : with an appendix, containing an abstract of the census of 1850外部サイトLabor defended against the claims of capital : or the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst jounneymen外部サイトThe distribution of wealth (1893)外部サイトThe American Republic : its constitution, tendencies, and destiny外部サイトA history of trade unionism in the United States外部サイトThe nature of capital and income外部サイトEssays in our changing order外部サイトAn inquiry concerning the population of nations : containing a refutation of Mr. Malthus's Essay on population外部サイトThe growth of capital外部サイトCursory criticisms on the edition of Shakspeare published by Edmond Malone . Together with A letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D., relative to the edition of Shakspeare published in 1790, and some late criticisms on that work外部サイトEarly tours in Devon and Cornwall外部サイトEconomics of planning public works外部サイトThe scope and method of political economy外部サイトThe history of currency 1252 to 1896外部サイトA history of the English railway : its social relations & revelations, 1820-1845外部サイトThe history of banks to which is added a demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking (1837)外部サイトThe history of the commercial crisis, 1857-1858 : and the stock exchange panic of 1859外部サイトAn examination into the principles of currency : involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844外部サイトThe currency of the British colonies外部サイトThe harmony of interests : agricultural, manufacturing & commercial外部サイトAn essay on the economic effects of the Reformation外部サイトThe history of the survey of Ireland : commonly called The Down survey, A.D. 1655-1656外部サイトAspects of the rise of economic individualism : a criticism of Max Weber and his school外部サイトThe life of John Maynard Keynes外部サイトAn essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear : compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets; with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Voltaire外部サイトFrederick W. Taylor : father of scientific management外部サイトMalthus and his work外部サイトTaxation from the earliest times to the Civil War外部サイトElements of pure economics or the theory of social wealth外部サイトThe physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century外部サイトAn essay on colonization, particularly applied to the western coast of Africa : with some free thoughts on cultivation and commerce外部サイトArchie Moore, the white slave : or, Memoirs of a fugitive外部サイトGuilds in the Middle Ages外部サイトEconomic stabilization in an unbalanced world外部サイトDefinitions in political economy外部サイトTrade in the eastern seas, 1793-1813外部サイトThe philosophy of Auguste Comte外部サイトAn inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth : and into the means and causes of its increase (1804)外部サイトJohn Bunyan, maker of myths外部サイトLabour's wrongs and labour's remedy, or, the age of might and the age of right [1839]外部サイトLabour rewarded : the claims of labour and capital conciliated, or, how to secure to labour the whole product of its exertion外部サイトA manual of political economy, 1814-1882外部サイトLetters to Mr. Malthus on several subjects of political economy and on the cause of the stagnation of commerce, to which is added A catechism of political economy, or, Familiar conversations on the manner in which wealth is produced, distributed, and consumed in society外部サイトThe funding system of the United States & of Great Britain外部サイトThe theory of business enterprise外部サイトThe unreformed House of Commons : parliamentary representation before 1832外部サイトHistory of Burma : including Burma proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan, from the earliest time to the end of the first war with British India外部サイトFabian socialism外部サイトThe labor movement : the problem of today外部サイトA discourse of trade, from England unto the East-Indies : answering to diverse objections which are usually made against the same外部サイトThe laboring classes of England, especially those concerned in agriculture and manufactures外部サイトReminiscences of Levi Coffin : the reputed president of the underground railroad外部サイトMathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences外部サイトThe mathematical groundwork of economics : an introductory treatise外部サイトColonial administration of Great Britain外部サイトThe premises of political economy : being a re-examination of certain fundamental principles of economic science外部サイトAn estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain外部サイトThe theory of the leisure class外部サイトA home tour through the manufacturing districts of England in the summer of 1835外部サイトTreatises & essays on subjects connected with economical policy with biographical sketches of Quesnay, Adam Smith & Ricardo外部サイトThe American States during and after the Revolution, 1775-1789外部サイトLapses from full employment外部サイトHobson and underconsumption外部サイトThe economic theory of the leisure class外部サイトInternational trade and the national income multiplier外部サイトThe economics of distribution外部サイトThe autobiography of Arthur Young外部サイトWomen workers and the industrial revolution, 1750-1850外部サイトThe position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilists外部サイトMethods of social reform外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application外部サイトThe theory and practice of central banking, 1797-1913外部サイトMathematical investigation of the effect of machinery on the wealth of a community in which it is employed and on the fund for the payment of wages [1838] on the effect of the non-residence of landlords on the wealth of a community [1840] : two papers from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society外部サイトDiary of William Owen, from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825外部サイトThe Schumpeterian system外部サイトOn the economy of machinery and manufactures外部サイトRail and road in East Africa : transport co-ordination in under-developed countries外部サイトAbsentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times : the case of America外部サイトNew travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788外部サイトThe character and logical method of political economy外部サイトPapers on the science of Administration外部サイトThe tariff history of the United States外部サイトGoldsmith and his booksellers外部サイトThe engineers and the price system外部サイトArt and the industrial revolution外部サイトThe masquerade of monopoly外部サイトDays at the factories外部サイトLectures on colonization and colonies外部サイトThe life, speeches, labors & essays of William H. Sylvis外部サイトOther people's money and how the bankers use it外部サイトSocialism and the social movement外部サイトThe constitutional history of the Louisiana Purchase, 1803-1812外部サイトMoney, credit & commerce外部サイトThe British merchant : or, commerce preferv'd外部サイトEconomic development in Africa : papers presented to the Nyasaland Economic Symposium held in Blantyre, 18 to 28 July 1962外部サイトThe curse of the factory system外部サイトNew Harmony : an adventure in happiness外部サイトA short history of the steam engine外部サイトThe universal dictionary of trade and commerce外部サイトInventor and entrepreneur : recollections of Werner von Siemens外部サイトMonopolies, cartels and trusts in British industry外部サイトThe maintenance of free trade外部サイトPassages from the life of a philosopher外部サイトOfficial circulars of public documents and information : v. 1-10; 1840-51 [i.e. 1853?]外部サイトHistory of political economy in Europe外部サイトTracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency (1857) : with the addition of further reflections on the state of the currency (1837)外部サイトA statistical view of the commerce of the United States外部サイトNatural elements of political economy外部サイトAn account of maritime revenue & contraband traffic in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from the earliest times to the years 1800外部サイトThe history of trade unionism外部サイトThe history of currency 1252 to 1896 [1896].外部サイトThe Petty papers : some unpublished writings of Sir William Petty外部サイトGeneral report on enclosures外部サイトCompetition among the few : oligopoly and similar market structures外部サイトSocial economics外部サイトA plea for peasant proprietors : with the outlines of a plan for their establishment in Ireland外部サイトChapters on the history on the Southern Pacific外部サイトHistory of crises under the national banking system外部サイトAn essay on some general principles of political economy, on taxes upon raw produce, and on commutation of tithes外部サイトA theory of the labor movement外部サイトMoney credit & commerce外部サイトThree letters to the Duke of Wellington外部サイトIndustrial democracy外部サイトA short history of the steam engine外部サイトThe national system of political economy外部サイトFelkin's history of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures外部サイトTheories of population from Raleigh to Arthur Young外部サイトA history of the Indian nationalist movement外部サイトTrade unionism and labor problems : second series外部サイトThe Burlington strike : its motives and methods, including the cause of the strike外部サイトThe fifth report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company, 28th July, 1812外部サイトThe rise of American economic thought外部サイトDespotism in America : an inquiry into the nature, results, and legal basis of the slave-holding system in the United States外部サイトPrivateering and piracy in the colonial period : illustrative documents外部サイトEssays on political economy : or the most certain means of promoting the wealth, power, resources and happiness of states applied particularly to the United States外部サイトTurning points in business cycles外部サイトReflections on the formation and the distribution of riches, 1770外部サイトMoney外部サイトPopular disturbances and public order in Regency England : being an account of the Luddite and other disorders in England during the years 1811-1817, and of the attitude and activity of the authorities外部サイトReports of special assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the employment of women and children in agriculture外部サイトThe age of the Chartists, 1832-1854 : a study of discontent外部サイトLondon labour and the London poor : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work外部サイトAn historical inquiry into the production, and consumption of the precious metals外部サイトCharacteristics of the present political state of Great Britain外部サイトWages and capital : an examination of the wages fund doctrine外部サイトA hundred years of inland transport, 1830-1933外部サイトBritish canals : an illustrated history外部サイトAn early experiment in industrial organisation : being a history of the firm of Boulton & Watt, 1775-1805外部サイトThe works of Lord Bolingbroke外部サイトOpinions on various subjects : dedicated to the industrious producers外部サイトExplorations in economics : notes and essays contributed in honor of F.W. Taussig外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application外部サイトThe progress of the nation外部サイトKey economic areas in Chinese history : as revealed in the development of public works for water-control外部サイトThe economic basis of public interest外部サイトThe canals of South West England外部サイトIndustrial Germany : a study of its monopoly organisations and their control by the State外部サイトOur coal and our coal-pits外部サイトAn essay on the production of wealth外部サイトThe growth of large fortunes : a study of economic causes affecting the acquisition and distribution of property外部サイトElements of political economy外部サイトThe history of the United States of America外部サイトThe landed interest and the supply of food外部サイトMoney and value : an inquiry into the means and ends of economic production外部サイトDirect taxes and stamp duties外部サイトNotes on political economy外部サイトRise and fall of the Anabaptists外部サイトTomlinson's North Eastern Railway : its rise and development外部サイトVeblen外部サイトObservations on the commerce of the American States外部サイトHistory of the middle & working classes外部サイトThe revolution in the mind and practice of the human race, or, The coming change from irrationality to rationality with a supplement 1849外部サイトCommerce defended外部サイトRemarks on some of the characters of Shakespere外部サイトThe evolution of modern money外部サイトThe economic development of a Norfolk manor, 1086-1565外部サイトAnalysis of the phenomena of the human mind外部サイトF.Y. Edgeworth's contributions to mathematical statistics外部サイトEssays on some unsettled questions of political economy外部サイトThe slave power : its character, career & probable designs : being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest外部サイトCapital imports and the American balance of payments, 1934-39 : a study in abnormal international capital transfers外部サイトJournal of a tour through the State of New York in the year 1830 : with remarks on agriculture in those parts most eligible for settlers外部サイトTravels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun : Buddhist pilgrims, from China to India (400 A. D. and 518 A. D.)外部サイトThe history of the great riots : the strikes and riots on the various railroads of the United States and in the mining regions, together with a full history of the Molly Maguires外部サイトThe quantity theory of money : a critical study of its historical development and interpretation and a restatement外部サイトDes crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis外部サイトThe State of the Poor : a facsimile of the 1797 edition外部サイトThe family economy of the working classes in the cotton industry, 1784-1833外部サイトA system of moral philosophy外部サイトThe tables turned外部サイト1868 year of unions : a documentary survey外部サイトThe Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries外部サイトIndustrial Britain under the Regency : the diaries of Escher, Bodmer, May, and de Gallois, 1814-18外部サイトA treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system外部サイトThe wages question : a treatise on wages and the wages class外部サイトThe principles of free trade, illustrated in a series of short and familiar essays originally published in the Banner of the Constitution外部サイトSurveys, historic and economic外部サイトThe pamphlets of Thomas Robert Malthus外部サイトThe fiscal history of Texas : embracing an account of its revenues, debts & currency from the commencement of the revolution in 1834 to 1851-1852, with remarks on American debts外部サイトEconomic policy and the size of cities外部サイトRisk, uncertainty and profit外部サイトThorstein Veblen and his America外部サイトOld Devon外部サイトThe case of labourers in husbandry stated and considered : with an appendix containing a collection of accounts shewing the earnings and expenses of labouring families in different parts of the Kingdom外部サイトThe First International in America外部サイトAn enquiry into the principles of taxation, chiefly applicable to articles of immediate consumption外部サイトAnti-equilibrium : on economic systems theory and the tasks of research外部サイトMonetary theory before Adam Smith外部サイトThe bitter cry of outcast London外部サイトThe economic writings of Mountifort Longfield外部サイトPolitical economy for the people外部サイトRaces and immigrants in America外部サイトThe higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men外部サイトFirst report of the Central Board of His Majesty's commissioners appointed to collect information in the manufacturing districts, as to the employment of children in factories, and as to the propriety and means of curtailing the hours of their labour : with minutes of evidence, and reports by the district commissioners, 28 June 1833外部サイトThe growth of English industry and commerce外部サイトThe Clydesiders : a left wing struggle for parliamentary power外部サイトBanking theories in the United States before 1860外部サイトThe Laws of wages, profits & rent外部サイトHistory of the union pacific : a financial and economic survey外部サイトThe financial economy of the United States illustrated and some of the causes which retard the progress of California demonstrated外部サイトLaws of the United States relating to currency, finance, and banking, from 1789 to 1896外部サイトHistory of the Chartist movement, 1837-1854外部サイトMan and society : the Scottish inquiry of the eighteenth century外部サイトThe Schumpeterian system外部サイトSelections from the economic history of the United States, 1765-1860 : with introductory essays外部サイトSeventy years of life and labour : an autobiography外部サイトJay Cooke : financier of the Civil War外部サイトPrinciples of political economy外部サイトRobert Owen : a biography外部サイトDefinitions in political economy外部サイトThe secretaries of state, 1681-1782外部サイトIncome, employment, and the price level : notes on lectures given at the University of Chicago, autumn, 1948 and 1949外部サイトMethodism and the working-class movements in England, 1800-1850外部サイトThe works : political, metaphisical & chronological外部サイトEconomic annals of the nineteenth century外部サイトA bookseller of the last century : being some account of the life of John Newbery and of the books he published with a notice of the later Newberys外部サイトThe General Strike, May 1926 : its origin & history外部サイトThe growth of the manor外部サイトThe growth of philosophic radicalism外部サイトThe making and using of index numbers外部サイトView of the progress of political economy in Europe since the sixteenth century : a course of lectures外部サイトHistory of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860外部サイトAn account of maritime revenue, contraband traffic, the introduction of free trade, and the abolition of the navigation and corn laws, from 1801 to 1855外部サイトThe measure of value stated and illustrated : with an application of it to the alterations in the value of the English currency since 1790外部サイトTheory of politics : an inquiry into the foundations of governments and the causes and progress of political revolutions外部サイトDavid Urquart : some chapters in the life of a Victorian knight errant of justice and liberty外部サイトA review of economic theory外部サイトA practical detail of the cotton manufacture of the United States of America and the state of the cotton manufacture of that country contrasted and compared with that of Great Britain外部サイトLand systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England & continental countries外部サイトA Tudor book of rates外部サイトPrinciples of political economy外部サイトThe last years of the English slave trade, Liverpool, 1750-1807外部サイトThe vested interests and the common man : ("The modern point of view and the new order")外部サイトThe principles of political economy外部サイトBritain's greatest rail disaster : the Quintinshill blaze of 1915外部サイトThe purchasing power of money : its determination and relation to credit interest and crises外部サイトPrinciples of social science外部サイトPlanning for steady growth外部サイトAn outline of the science of political economy外部サイトThe mercantile system and its historical significance外部サイトThe development of social overhead capital in India, 1950-60外部サイトThe Tezkereh al vakiāt, or, Private memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Humāyūn外部サイトA select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on commerce外部サイトThe national income, 1924-1931外部サイトScientific management and labor外部サイトDiscussions in economics and statistics外部サイトEssays in political economy/ by Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie外部サイトEmigration from the British Isles : with special reference to the development of the overseas dominions外部サイトOn wages and combination外部サイトThe scope and method of political economy外部サイトMental development in the child and the race : methods and processes外部サイトThe higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men外部サイトThe unity of law : as exhibited in the relations of physical, social, mental & moral science外部サイトFacts, failures & frauds : revelations, financial, mercantile, criminal外部サイトThe incidence of income taxes外部サイトEssai sur la nature du commerce en général外部サイトIndustry & trade : a study of industrial technique and business organization, and of their influences on the conditions of various classes and nations外部サイトThe enquirer : reflections on education, manners and literature : in a series of essays外部サイトA State iniquity : its rise, extension and overthrow外部サイトThe Eastern question : a reprint of letters written 1853-1856 dealing with the events of the Crimean War外部サイトThe Ricardian socialists外部サイトThe commercial crisis 1847-1848 : being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic & the French Revolution外部サイトFrom Peter the Great to Lenin : a history of the Russian labour movement with special reference to trade unionism外部サイトA practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils外部サイトValue, capital and rent外部サイトA brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States外部サイトEssays in taxation外部サイトA report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian affairs外部サイトRoads to freedom : essays in honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek外部サイトScotland and the French revolution外部サイトThe Russian Jew in the United States : studies of social conditions in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, with a description of rural settlements外部サイトGreat Western coaches, 1890-1954外部サイトValue and distribution : a critical and constructive study外部サイトNotes of a tour in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire外部サイトThe ethical and economic theories of Adam Smith外部サイトThe state theory of money外部サイトDumping : a problem in international trade外部サイトAn essay on the best means of providing employment for the people外部サイトThe techniques of industrial archaeology外部サイトCotton is king : or The culture of cotton and its relation to agriculture, manufacturers, and commerce ...外部サイトA discourse upon usury外部サイトPrimitive trade : its psychology and economics外部サイトThe clash of progress and security外部サイトA short economic and social history of the Lake Counties, 1500-1830外部サイトThe economics of control : principles of welfare economics外部サイトThe critique of capitalist democracy : an introduction to the theory of the state in Marx, Engels, and Lenin外部サイトThe social system : a treatise on the principle of exchange外部サイトOutlines of political economy外部サイトNational income and outlay外部サイトMemorials of Alfred Marshall外部サイトLectures on justice, police, revenue and arms : delivered in the University of Glasgow外部サイトLe socialisme au XVIII[e] siècle : étude sur les idées socialistes dans les écrivains français du XVIII[e] siècle avant la révolution外部サイトThe criminal prisons of London : and scenes of prison life外部サイトWall Street under oath : the story of our modern money changers外部サイトBritish railway signalling : a survey of fifty years' progress外部サイトEssays, reviews, and reports : previously uncollected writings外部サイトReal wages in the United States, 1890-1926外部サイトIrish economics, 1700-1783 : a bibliography with notes外部サイトFrancis Hutcheson : his life, teaching and position in the history of philosophy外部サイトKeynes's General theory : a retrospective view外部サイトVirginia iron manufacture in the Slave Era外部サイトA description of the canals and railroads of the United States : comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvements throughout the several States外部サイトA discourse upon usury : by way of dialogue and orations, for the better variety and more delight of all those that shall read this treatise, 1572外部サイトCurrency and banking in the province of the Massachusetts Bay外部サイトA collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce between Great Britain and other powers外部サイトWage determination under trade unions外部サイトOther people's money, and how the bankers use it外部サイトA key to Ricardo外部サイトThe history and description of fossil fuel, the collieries, and coal trade of Great Britain外部サイトInternational trade : an application of economic theory外部サイトGood and bad trade : an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations外部サイトThe workman and the franchise : chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people外部サイトA view of the United States of America : in a series of papers written at various times, in the years between 1787 and 1794外部サイトThe history of wool & wool combing外部サイトA narrative of a journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America外部サイトVeblen外部サイトThe organization of the boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts before 1875外部サイトA history of political economy外部サイトHeterodox London, or, Phases of free thought in the metropolis外部サイトVeblen外部サイトA History of banking in all the leading nations外部サイトThe English peasantry and the enclosure of common fields外部サイトBlocks of buildings, schools and immigration外部サイトOutlines of economic theory外部サイトIndustrial Remuneration Conference, 1885 : the report of proceedings and papers外部サイトThe spirit of '76 and other essays外部サイトA full and detailed catalogue of books which belonged to Adam Smith外部サイトPractical moral and political economy : or, the government, religion and institutions most conducive to individual happiness and to national power外部サイトThe center of the circle of commerce : or, A refutation of a treatise, intituled The circle of commerce, or The ballance of trade, lately published by E.M.外部サイトBusiness : a profession外部サイトA few doubts as to the correctness of some opinions generally entertained on the subjects of population and political economy外部サイトHistory of the railroads and canals of the United States of America外部サイトAn historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on Negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers外部サイトInternational short-term capital movements外部サイトThe incidence of income taxes外部サイトInternational trade外部サイトCommon land and inclosure外部サイトPrice tables : mercantile era外部サイトThe mail-coach men of the late eighteenth century外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy外部サイトAn essay of the impolicy of a bounty on the exportation of grain外部サイトEssay on the rate of wages外部サイトReminiscences and reflexions of a mid and late Victorian外部サイトNatural value外部サイトLand tenure and unemployment外部サイトHistory of monetary and credit theory : from John Law to the present day外部サイトMethods of social study外部サイトThe financial history of the American telephone and telegraph company外部サイトThe past, the present, & the future外部サイトA history of coal mining in Great Britain外部サイトAnticipations, Uncertainty, and Dynamic Planning外部サイトA history of the economic institutions of modern Europe : an introduction to Der moderne Kapitalismus of Werner Sombart外部サイトA select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money外部サイトFour studies on the economic development of Turkey外部サイトThe principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation : made by sea or over-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeeres外部サイトA six months tour through the North of England外部サイトBarriers to new competition : their character and consequences in manufacturing industries外部サイトProfits, interest and investment : and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations外部サイトThe position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilists外部サイトLabour defended against the claims of capital : or, the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen外部サイトLiterary remains consisting of lectures & tracts on political economy外部サイトA history of the English poor law [1854]外部サイトEssays in taxation外部サイトNarrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan, in the years 1857, 1858 and 1859外部サイトToynbee's Industrial revolution外部サイトWages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century : notes for the use of students of social and economic questions外部サイトThe social basis of the German Reformation : Martin Luther and his times外部サイトThe linen trade外部サイトFairs, past & present : a chapter in the history of commerce外部サイトAgriculture and the trade cycle : their mutual relations : with special reference to the period 1926-1931外部サイトAbstract of the answers and returns外部サイトFoundations of English administrative law : certiorari and mandamus in the seventeenth century外部サイトPersons & periods : studies外部サイトCompetition among the few : oligopoly and similar market structures外部サイトImperial Germany and the industrial revolution外部サイトThe early history of banking in England外部サイトOn the regulation of currencies : being an examination of the principles on which it is proposed to restrict, within certain limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England and of the other banking establishments throughout the country外部サイトThe New Harmony movement外部サイトThe coal question : an inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines外部サイトThe organization of the English customs system, 1696-1786外部サイトTariffs: a study in method外部サイトThe costs of the World War to the American people外部サイトNotes on political economy外部サイトThoughts on man : his nature, productions and discoveries外部サイトThe autobiography of Samuel Bamford外部サイトThe principles of political economy外部サイトAn essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade : consequently of the value of the lands of Britain and on the means to restore both ; to which is added, Serious considerations on the several high duties : which the nation in general, (as well as its trade in particuler) labours under, & c.外部サイトAmerican commerce as affected by the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, 1793-1812外部サイトThe vested interests and the common man : ("The modern point of view and the new order")外部サイトMonetary nationalism and international stability外部サイトThe engineers and the price system外部サイトObservations on the subjects treated of in Dr. Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations外部サイトFinance and politics : an historical study, 1789-1885外部サイトThe significance and basic postulates of economic theory外部サイトThe early writings of Adam Smith外部サイトA history of the Irish poor law [1856]外部サイトThoughts on the education of daughters : with reflections on female conduct in the more important duties of life外部サイトThe Muscovy merchants of 1555外部サイトA history of accounting and accountants外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application外部サイトHistorical account of the navigable rivers, canals, and railways, throughout Great Britain外部サイトLetters, addressed to the people of Pennsylvania respecting the internal improvement, of the commonwealth, by means of roads and canals外部サイトHistory of the iron trade外部サイトWilliam Hone : his life and times外部サイトMemories外部サイトTracts on sundry topics of political economy外部サイトThe history of the twelve great livery companies of London : principally compiled from their grants & records, with an historical essay and accounts of each company ... including notices & illustrations of metropolitan trade and commerce外部サイトThe impact of the union : eight economic theorists evaluate the labor union movement外部サイトInstitutional revenue : a study of the influence of social institutions on the distribution of wealth外部サイトOf population : an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind, being an answer to Mr. Malthus's Essay on that subject外部サイトEconomic developments in Victorian Scotland外部サイトAspects of the theory of international capital movements外部サイトPolitical reflections on the finances and commerce of France外部サイトThe Tanat Valley : its railways and industrial archaeology外部サイトPolitical economy外部サイトThe passions of the human soul and their influence on society and civilization外部サイトThe independent treasury of the United States and its relations to the banks of the country外部サイトProblems of economic planning : papers on planning and economics外部サイトEconomy of the labouring classes外部サイトThe use of credit instruments in payments in the United States外部サイトJames Mill : a biography外部サイトLegal foundations of capitalism外部サイトGerman society at the close of the Middle Ages外部サイトThe paper pound of 1797-1821 : the bullion report, 8th June 1810外部サイトHistory of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain外部サイトMethods of social study外部サイトThe ordeal of free labor in the British West Indies外部サイトThe economic history of the British iron and steel industry, 1784-1879 : essays in industrial and economic history with special reference to the development of technology外部サイトIndustrial policy and institutionalism : selected essays外部サイトPosthumous works of the author of a vindication of the rights of woman外部サイトThe economics of physiocracy : essays and translations外部サイトJacob Riis revisited: poverty and the slum in another era外部サイトNational evils and practical remedies : with the plan of a model town外部サイトThe early and later history of petroleum : with authentic facts in regard to its development in western Pennsylvania外部サイトThe trade and navigation of Great-Britain considered外部サイトThe history of the public revenue of the British Empire外部サイトThe American struggle for the British West India carrying trade, 1815-1830外部サイトMonetary theory before Adam Smith外部サイトThe literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical notices外部サイトEmployment and equilibrium : a theoretical discussion外部サイトSpeculative notes and notes on speculation : ideal and real外部サイトThe budget, on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method as presented in Mr. Mill's system of logic is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economy外部サイトThe progress of society外部サイトOn the economy of machinery and manufactures外部サイトEssays in applied economics外部サイトThorstein Veblen and his America外部サイトIllustrations and proofs of the principle of population外部サイトThe risings of the Luddites : Chartists and Plug-drawers外部サイトIndustrial depressions外部サイトEurope, the world's banker, 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the War外部サイトTrades' societies and strikes : report of the Committee on Trades' Societies, 1860外部サイトThe world of Adam Smith外部サイトInvestigations in currency & finance外部サイトHistory of the Anti-Corn-Law League外部サイトIndustrial history of the United States外部サイトThe financier and the finances of the American Revolution外部サイトNew ideas on population : with remarks on the theories of Malthus and Godwin . With the addition of the correspondence between Everett and George Tucker on the Malthusian theory, published in the Democratic review for 1845 & 1847外部サイトIndustrial biography : iron workers and tool makers外部サイトStudies in American trade unionism外部サイトStudies in the theory of economic expansion外部サイトA hillside view of industrial history : a study of industrial evolution in the Pennine highlands with some local records外部サイトThe English capital market外部サイトGabriel Bonnot de Mably外部サイトMonetary nationalism and international stability外部サイトThe problem of international investment, 1937 : a report by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs外部サイトThe colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration外部サイトMarket and prices : theory of consumption, market and market prices外部サイトGriffiths' guide to the iron trade of Great Britain外部サイトThe industrial archaeology of Scotland外部サイトThe English brass and copper industries to 1800外部サイトGold, prices & wages : with an examination of the quantity theory外部サイトThe industrialisation of backward areas外部サイトRailway economy : a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospects & relations commercial, financial & social with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continent & in America外部サイトAn essay on the external corn trade : with an appendix on the means of improving the condition of the labouring classes外部サイトEconomic policy and the size of cities外部サイトOriginal papers regarding trade in England and abroad外部サイトSome information respecting America外部サイトThe canals of the north of Ireland外部サイトIndustrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries外部サイトThe facts of the cotton famine外部サイトEngland in the eighteen-eighties : toward a social basis for freedom外部サイトBalance of payments and economic growth外部サイトLectures on the elements of political economy外部サイトSeveral papers relating to money, interest and trade, &c.外部サイトBiographical memoir of Adam Smith (1793)外部サイトAn essay on the distribution of wealth外部サイトFractional money : a history of the small coins and fractional paper currency of the United States外部サイトThe economic writings of Sir William Petty : together with the observations upon the bills of mortality, more probably by Captain John Graunt外部サイトBirthright in land : an essay on the right of property in land外部サイトJohn Stuart Mill : a criticism with personal recollections外部サイトA dissertation on the numbers of mankind, in ancient and modern times外部サイトThe true law of population : shewn as connected with the food of the people外部サイトHistory of the principal public banks, accompanied by extensive bibliographies of the history of banking and credit in eleven European countries外部サイトAdam Smith as student and professor外部サイトThe domesday of crown lands : a study of the legislation, surveys, and sales of royal estates under the Commonwealth外部サイトThe catechism of positive religion外部サイトHistory of the Liverpool privateers and letters of marque : with an account of the Liverpool slave trade外部サイトSelect statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-1928外部サイトA treatise on political economy : to which is prefixed a supplement to a preceding work on the understanding, or, Elements of ideology外部サイトFree trade and other fundamental doctrines of the Manchester school外部サイトPreface to social economics : essays on economic theory and social problems外部サイトSocial value : a study in economic theory critical and constructive外部サイトA history of banking in the United States外部サイトThe life and correspondence of Major Cartwright外部サイトCapital and steam-power, 1750-1800外部サイトThe Petty papers : some unpublished writings of Sir William Petty外部サイトArtisans and Machinery外部サイトAn essay on public happiness外部サイトMoney外部サイトNationalism : a report by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs外部サイトEconomic development in the nineteenth century : France, Germany, Russia, and the United States外部サイトThe national system of political economy外部サイトThe theory of moral sentiments外部サイトThe protectionist case in the 1840's外部サイトThe trades of East London connected with poverty外部サイトThreading my way : an autobiography外部サイトThorstein Veblen and his America : with new appendices外部サイトThe principles of population and production : as they are affected by the progress of society with a view to moral and political consequences外部サイトThe art of central banking外部サイトThe extraordinary black book : an exposition of abuses in church and state, courts of law, representation, municipal and corporate bodies外部サイトGladstone外部サイトThe theory of investment value外部サイトMathematical investigations in the theory of value and prices ; Appreciation and interest外部サイトEssays on some unsettled questions of political economy外部サイトAmerica and her commentators外部サイトTown government in the sixteenth century : based chiefly on the records of the following provincial towns : Cambridge, Chester, Coventry, Ipswich, Leicester, Lincoln, Manchester, Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Shrewsbury外部サイトThe theory of value before Adam Smith外部サイトThe money supply of the American colonies before 1720外部サイトMathematical investigations in the theory of value and price (1892) ; Appreciation and interest (1896)外部サイトThe writings of William Paterson : founder of the Bank of England外部サイトForecasting the yield and the price of cotton外部サイトThe slave trade : domestic & foreign : why it exists & how it may be extinguished外部サイトA description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester外部サイトCapital & finance in the age of the Renaissance : a study of the Fuggers and their connections外部サイトThe multiplier theory外部サイトA study on the pure theory of production外部サイトA new view of society, or, Essays on the formation of the human character, preparatory to the development of a plan for gradually ameliorating the condition of mankind外部サイトThe theory of international prices : history, criticism and restatement外部サイトThe English utilitarians外部サイトA century of bank rate外部サイトPolitical arithmetic : containing observations on the present state of Great Britain, and the principles of her policy in the encouragement of agriculture外部サイトThe village labourer, 1760-1832 : a study in the government of England before the Reform bill外部サイトThe history of banks to which is added a demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking (1837) : with a letter to his Excelleny Marcus Morton on banking and the currency (1840)外部サイトScottish economic literature to 1800 : a list of authorities外部サイトThe innocents at Cedro : a memoir of Thorstein Veblen and some others外部サイトPhilosophy and political economy : in some of their historical relations外部サイトThe mathematical groundwork of economics外部サイトAn eighteenth-century industrialist : Peter Stubs of Warrington, 1756-1806外部サイトThe history of the poor laws : with observations外部サイトJeremy Bentham : his life and work外部サイトThe canons of criticism and glossary, being a supplement to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakespear : Collected from the notes in that celebrated work and proper to be bound up with it. To which are added, The trial of the letter [upsilon], alias Y; and Sonnets外部サイトA history of the precious metals外部サイトEvils of the factory system demonstrated by parliamentary evidence外部サイトThe cotton trade of Great Britain : its rise, progress, and present extent外部サイトThirty years of labor, 1859-1889外部サイトCaptal and steam-power, 1750-1800外部サイトA geometry of international trade外部サイトSelect tracts and documents illustrative of English monetary history, 1626-1730外部サイトMonetary theory and the trade cycle外部サイトThe miners in crisis and war : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain (from 1930 onwards)外部サイトA theory of the labor movement外部サイトModern capitalism : its origin and evolution外部サイトThe control of wages外部サイトA history of American currency : with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money外部サイトA study in the theory of inflation外部サイトThe circle of commerce : or, The ballance of trade外部サイトA tour thro' the whole Island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies : giving a particular and diverting account of whatever is curious and worth observation. particularly fitted for the reading of such as desire to travel over the Island外部サイトThe scope and method of political economy外部サイトNatural value外部サイトThe organization of industry, explained in a course of lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge in Easter term 1844外部サイトReflections on the revolution of our time外部サイトEducation and reform at New Harmony : correspondence of William Maclure and Marie Duclos Fretageot, 1820-1833外部サイトHistory of immigration to the United States : exhibiting the number, sex, age, occupation, and country of birth of passengers arriving from foreign countries by sea, 1819 to 1855外部サイトHistory and criticism of the labor theory of value in English political economy外部サイトStudies in the theory of money and capital外部サイトKarl Marx and the close of his system . Böhm-Bawerk's criticism of Marx外部サイトEconomic cycles : their law and cause外部サイトThe commerce of America with Europe外部サイトSlavery and anti-slavery : a history of the great struggle in both hemispheres, with a view of the slavery question in the United States外部サイトPrinciples of labor legislation外部サイトCommunism外部サイトThe early trading companies of New France : a contribution to the history of commerce and discovery in North America外部サイトOn political economy, in connexion with the moral state & moral prospects of society外部サイトSocial destiny of man or association and reorganization of industry外部サイトA Merseyside town in the industrial revolution : St. Helens, 1750-1900外部サイトThe measure of value stated and illustrated : with an application of it to the alterations in the value of the English currency since 1790外部サイトLabor and law : with a memoir and two portraits外部サイトPre-Malthusian doctrines of population : a study in the history of economic theory外部サイトEssays on banking外部サイトThe great landowners of Great Britain & Ireland by John Bateman外部サイトWorking life of women in the seventeenth century外部サイトThe theory of the leisure class外部サイトThe war on the Bank of the United States外部サイトMercantilism and the East India trade外部サイトThe canals of the north of Ireland外部サイトThe complete English tradesman, in familiar letters, directing him in all the several parts and progressions of trade外部サイトThe Theory of Social Economy外部サイトSocial reform & the church外部サイトThe two James's and the two Stephensons ; or, The earliest history of passenger transit on railways外部サイトProtective and preferential import duties外部サイトThe Lessons of monetary experience : essays in honor of Irving Fisher外部サイトA description of the Burmese empire外部サイトBuddhism in Tibet : illustrated by literary documents and objects of religious worship : With an account of the Buddhist systems preceding it in India外部サイトA history of American political theories外部サイトThoughts on the funding system and its effects外部サイトAn inquiry into the colonial policy of the European powers外部サイトA neglected point in connection with crises外部サイトA catalogue of the library of Adam Smith外部サイトThe autobiography of Martin Van Buren外部サイトObservations on the establishment of the Bank of England & on the paper circulation of the country : to which is added Further observations published later in the year外部サイトReport from the Secret Committee on Joint Stock Banks, 20 August 1836外部サイトMonetary theory and the trade cycle外部サイトPure economics外部サイトMoney and trade considered with a proposal for supplying the nation with money外部サイトMacbeth, and King Richard the Third : an essay, in answer to remarks on some of the characters of Shakespeare外部サイトThe early history of the Levant Company外部サイトState banks and trust companies, since the passage of the National-bank act外部サイトLabor and other capital : the rights of each secured and the wrongs of both eradicated : with an introductory essay "Edward Kellogg : father of greenbackism"外部サイトEast, Central, and South London外部サイトSocial statics : or, The conditions essential to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed外部サイトThe economics of Alfred Marshall外部サイトAgricultural depression and farm relief in England, 1813-1852外部サイトCapital and population : a study of the economic effects of their relations to each other外部サイトBritain's commercial interest explained and improved : in a series of dissertations on several important branches of her trade and police外部サイトThe mercantile system and its historical significance. 1884外部サイトGenerating economic cycles外部サイトThe nature and necessity of interest外部サイトAgenda for progressive taxation外部サイトSecular movements in production and prices : their nature and their bearing upon cyclical fluctuations外部サイトFirst essay on population, 1798外部サイトThe character and logical method of political economy外部サイトThe new economics : Keynes' influence on theory and public policy外部サイトMemoirs of a social atom外部サイトEurope, the world's banker, 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the war外部サイトThe Harmony Society at Economy, Penn'a : founded by George Rapp, A.D. 1805 : with an appendix外部サイトSome leading principles of political economy newly expounded外部サイトAn inquiry into the colonial policy of the european powers外部サイトRiver navigation in England 1600-1750外部サイトThe great unwashed外部サイトA critical dissertation on the nature, measure [i.e. measures] and causes of value ...外部サイトEngland & America : a comparison of the social and political state of both nations外部サイトEssays in economics外部サイトModern economic thought : the American contribution外部サイトThe essential principles of the wealth of nations : illustrated, in opposition to some false notions of Dr. Adam Smith and others外部サイトChronicon-preciosum, or, An account of English gold and silver money, the price of corn and other commodities and of stipends, salaries, wages, jointures, portions, day-labour, &c. in England for six hundred years last past外部サイトFree trade, or, The meanes to make trade florish. Wherein the causes of the decay of trade in this kingdom are discovered外部サイトSketches of some booksellers of the time of Dr. Samuel Johnson外部サイトA theory of profits外部サイトEnglish land and English landlords : an enquiry into the origin & character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform外部サイトThe industrial revolution 1750-1850 : an introductory essay外部サイトWhat Veblen taught : selected writings of Thorstein Veblen外部サイトThe philosophy of manufactures, or, An exposition of the scientific, moral and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain外部サイトModern industry and the African : an enquiry into the effect of the copper mines of Central Africa upon native society and the work of the Christian missions外部サイトLabor and administration外部サイトA history of modern banks of issue外部サイトMemoir of Samuel Slater : the father of American manufactures; connected with a history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture in England and America外部サイトThe riddle of the tariff外部サイトThe national system of political economy外部サイトJames Watt : craftsman & engineer外部サイトTypes of economic theory : from mercantilism to institutionalism外部サイトThe trade cycle : an essay外部サイトAn essay on the distribution of wealth and on the sources of taxation外部サイトScience : the false messiah [1927], &, Holier than thou : the way of the righteous [1929]外部サイトCapital and interest : a critical history of economical theory外部サイトNarrative of the condition of the manufacturing population : and the proceedings of government which lead [sic] to the state trials in Scotland外部サイトAmerican social history : as recorded by British travellers外部サイトSeveral papers relating to money, interest and trade, &c.外部サイトA history of the Scotch poor law (1856)外部サイトRailroad reorganization外部サイトOrigin of the new system of manufacture commonly called power-loom weaving : fully explained in a narrative containing William Radcliffe's struggles through life外部サイトThe miners of Nottinghamshire, 1914-1944 : a history of the Nottinghamshire miners' unions外部サイトCorrespondence and conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior, from 1834 to 1859外部サイトThe political ideas of the Greeks外部サイトEngland & America : a comparison of the social and political state of both nations外部サイトThe glass industry of the Weald外部サイトA history of emigration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912外部サイトThe graphic method of curvilinear correlation外部サイトTracts on our present money system and national bankruptcy : comprising strictures on the price and trade of corn外部サイトMen and manners in America外部サイトThe Petty-Southwell correspondence, 1676-1687外部サイトA short history of paper money and banking in the United States : to which is prefixed an inquiry into the principles of the system外部サイトThe history of the Reform bill of 1832外部サイトUnorthodox London, or, Phases of religious life in the metropolis外部サイトThoughts on the study of political economy, as connected with the population, industry, and paper currency of the United States外部サイトAn historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, from the earliest accounts : containing an history of the great commercial interests of the British empire外部サイトAn introduction to English economic history and theory外部サイトDuncombe's free banking : an essay on banking, currency, finance, exchanges, and political economy外部サイトFour tracts on political and commercial subjects外部サイトGold, prices & wages under the greenback standard外部サイトThe market book : a history of the public markets of the city of New York外部サイトA contribution to the bibliography of the Bank of England外部サイトA history of currency in the United States外部サイトThe industrial and commercial revolutions in Great Britain during the nineteenth century外部サイトThe American Federation of Labor : history, policies, and prospects外部サイトEnglish agriculture in 1850-51外部サイトTravels through the middle settlements in North America in the years 1759 and 1760 : with observations upon the state of the Colonies外部サイトThe history of banking in America外部サイトThe industrial development of Birmingham and the Black Country, 1860-1927外部サイトTaxes on articles of consumption外部サイトLectures on political economy外部サイトThe theory of unemployment外部サイトOutlines of political economy外部サイトJoint stock banking in Germany : a study of the German credit banks before and after the War外部サイトThe tariff problem外部サイトCooke and Wheatstone and the invention of the electric telegraph外部サイトReport from the Select Committee on Public Libraries, 23 July 1849外部サイトGood and bad trade : an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations外部サイトStock exchange securities : an essay on the general causes of fluctuations in their prices外部サイトCromwell & communism : socialism and democracy in the great English revolution外部サイトA study in public finance外部サイトA bibliography of the writings of Roscoe Pound外部サイトThe cotton manufacturing industry of the United States外部サイトThe unspeakable Curll : being some account of Edmund Curll, bookseller; to which is added a full list of his books外部サイトReport of the Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin, on the subject of public roads & canals外部サイトAdventures in socialism : New Lanark establishment and Orbiston Community外部サイトSome problems of wages and their regulation in Great Britain since 1918外部サイトRural economy in New England at the beginning of the 19th century外部サイトEssentials of economic theory : as applied to modern problems of industry and public policy外部サイトThe theory of political economy外部サイトKarl Marx and the close of his system . Böhm-Bawerk's criticism of Marx外部サイトNottinghamshire in the eighteenth century : a study of life and labour under the squirearchy外部サイトIndustrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton : anticipating his report on manufactures外部サイトLaws of wages : an essay in statistical economics外部サイトNational income and outlay外部サイトFacts and factors in economic history外部サイトAn analysis of the occupations of the people : showing the relative importance of the agricultural, manufacturing, shipping, colonial, commercial & mining interests of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its dependencies外部サイトThe principles of free trade : illustrated in a series of short and familiar essays originally published in the Banner of the Constitution外部サイトSome aspects of the tariff question : an examination of the development of American industries under protection外部サイトTheories of welfare economics外部サイトA side-light on Anglo-American relations, 1839-1858 : furnished by the correspondence of Lewis Tappan and others with the British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society外部サイトObservations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland外部サイトPapers on the science of Administration外部サイトWilliam Huskisson and liberal reform : an essay on the changes in economic policy in the twenties of the nineteenth century外部サイトThe natural and artificial right of property contrasted外部サイトStudies in currency 1898外部サイトFoundations of British monetary policy外部サイトThe economic history of Ireland in the seventeenth century外部サイトHistory of the Grange movement, or, The farmer's war against monopolies外部サイトWall Street under oath : the story of our modern money changers外部サイトOn financial reform外部サイトIntroduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture in the United States外部サイトScotland in modern times : an outline of economic and social development since the Union of 1707外部サイトThe evolution of finance capitalism外部サイトBanking policy and the price level : an essay in the theory of the trade cycle外部サイトThe industrial revolution, 1750-1850 : an introductory essay外部サイトMonetary experiments : early American and recent Scandinavian外部サイトThe pure theory of foreign trade ; The pure theory of domestic values外部サイトThe railway mania and its aftermath, 1845-1852 : (being a sequel to "Early British railways")外部サイトCommercial crises of the nineteenth century外部サイトA history of the English agricultural labourer外部サイトSelected papers on economic theory外部サイトPopulation problems of the age of Malthus外部サイトInterest and prices (Geldzins und Gunterpreise) : a study of the causes regulating the value of money . And the article, the enigma of businesscycles外部サイトThe history of trade unionism外部サイトNicholls's forest of dean : an historical and descriptive account ; Iron making in the olden times外部サイトLectures on population, value, poor-laws, and rent, delivered in the University of Oxford during the years 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835 & 1836外部サイトAn enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain (1802) : together with his evidence given before the Committees of Secrecy of the two Houses of Parliament in the Bank of England, March and April, 1797, some manuscript notes, and his speeches on the Bullion Report, May 1811外部サイトA treatise on political economy, or The production, distribution and consumption of wealth外部サイトPolitics for the people外部サイトCharles Williamson, Genesee promoter : friend of Anglo-American rapprochement外部サイトInternational trade under flexible exchange rates外部サイトPolitical economy and politics外部サイトFood supply and economic development with special reference to Egypt外部サイトStudies in the theory of international trade外部サイトThe cotton trade of Great Britain外部サイトOutlines of a system of political economy : written with a view to prove to government and country that the cause of the present agricultural distress is entirely artificial and to suggest a plan for the management of the currency. Together with the fourth edition of An essay on the principles of banking外部サイトHistory of monetary and credit theory : from John Law to the present day外部サイトEarly British economics : from the XIIIth to the middle of the XVIIIth century外部サイトThe Nation : the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States外部サイトGreat Britain's true system外部サイトTheories of welfare economics外部サイトProgress of the working class, 1832-1867外部サイトLife of Adam Smith外部サイトThe economic writings of Francis Horner in the Edinburgh Review, 1802-6外部サイトStatistical annals : embracing views of the population, commerce, navigation, fisheries, public lands, post-office establishment, revenues, mint, military & naval establishments, expenditures, public debt and sinking fund of the United States of America外部サイトAlien immigrants to England外部サイトThe industrial resources, statistics, &c. of the United States and more particularly of the Southern and Western States外部サイトThe ending of hereditary American fortunes外部サイトThree lectures on the rate of wages外部サイトNotes on political economy as applicable to the United States外部サイトLord Durham's report on the affairs of British North America外部サイトA comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives外部サイトDavid Ricardo : a centenary estimate外部サイトDumping : a problem in international trade外部サイトPennsylvania iron manufacture in the eighteenth century外部サイトA letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith, L.L.D., F.R.S. : being an examination of several points of doctrine laid down in his Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (1776)外部サイトAn inquiry into the nature of value and of capital, and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit. 1813外部サイトTheories of the trade cycle外部サイトStudies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great外部サイトBaron d'Holbach : a prelude to the French Revolution外部サイトAn examination of Dr. Price's Essay on the population of England & Wales, and the doctrine of an increased population in this Kingdom外部サイトA select bibliography of modern economic theory 1870-1929外部サイトAn examination into the principles of currency involved in the Bank charter act of 1844外部サイトThe world of Adam Smith外部サイトTheories of welfare economics外部サイトMaps of London poverty : districts and streets外部サイトTravels in North America in the years 1780-1781-1782外部サイトStreets and population classified外部サイトThe theory of profit外部サイトSpinoza's political and ethical philosophy外部サイトHistory of the Bank of England, 1640 to 1903外部サイトThe skilled labourer, 1760-1832外部サイトCommerce and industry : a historical review of the economic conditions of the British Empire form the peace of Paris in 1815 to the declaration of War in 1914, based on parliamentary debates外部サイトStudies in public finance外部サイトThe colonial administrations of Sir Thomas Maitland外部サイトIntroductory lectures on political economy外部サイトA manual of political economy : with particular reference to the institutions, resources, and condition of the United States. 1828外部サイトInquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States外部サイトAmerica : or, a general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the Western Continent with conjectures on their future prospects外部サイトPrinciples of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy外部サイトTheory of morals : an inquiry concerning the law of moral distinctions and the variations and contradictions of ethical codes外部サイトCornwall : its mines and miners外部サイトIndustrial fluctuations外部サイトThe British Empire in America : containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress, and state of the British colonies on the continent and islands of America外部サイトLives of American merchants外部サイトThe influence and development of English gilds : as illustrated by the history of the craft gilds of Shrewsbury. 1891外部サイトA treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes外部サイトThe passing of the Great Reform Bill外部サイトThe English coasting trade, 1600-1750外部サイトTaxation from the civil war to the present day外部サイトReport from the Select Committee on the Health of Towns, 17 June 1840外部サイトThe present state of England in regard to agriculture, trade, and finance外部サイトLondon's industrial heritage外部サイトA history of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad外部サイトOur new masters外部サイトThe British iron & steel industry : a technical history外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population : or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness外部サイトEducation & social movements, 1700-1850外部サイトAdam Smith, 1776-1926 : lectures to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the publication of "The wealth of nations"外部サイトStudies in the theory of economic expansion外部サイトAn inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth : and into the means and causes of its increase (1804)外部サイトGloucestershire woollen mills : industrial archaeology外部サイトAbsentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times : the case of America外部サイトThe Kress library of business and economics, catalogue : covering material published through 1776 with data upon cognate items in other Harvard Libraries外部サイトThe philosophy of wealth : economic principles newly formulated外部サイトAdam Smith and modern sociology : a study in the methodology of the social sciences外部サイトCartoons : from the General Strike外部サイトA history of English philanthropy, from the dissolution of the monasteries to the taking of the first census外部サイトState papers and speeches on the tariff : with an introd外部サイトEconomic essays外部サイトLectures on the restrictive system delivered to the senior political class of William and Mary College外部サイトHistory of the Indian archipelago : containing an account of the manners, arts, languages, religions institutions, and commerce of its inhabitants外部サイトA Select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications on the national debt and the sinking fund外部サイトUtility and all that, and other essays外部サイトInternational trade外部サイトThe industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income外部サイトInternational trade : an application of economic theory外部サイトWork and wealth : a human valuation外部サイトThe economic history of Ireland from the union to the famine外部サイトFinance and trade under Edward III外部サイトAn investigation of Mr. Malone's claim to the character of scholar, or critic : being an examination of his Inquiry into the authenticity of the Shakespeare manuscripts, &c外部サイトEconomic beginnings of the Far West外部サイトA Lecture on human happiness : being the first of a series of lectures on that subject in which will be comprehended a general review of the causes of the existing evils of society外部サイトEconomic essays in honour of Gustav Cassel, October 20th, 1933外部サイトMoney and monetary policy in early times外部サイトThe miners : years of struggle : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, from 1910 onwards外部サイトSelected writings on economics外部サイトProportional representation : with chapters on the initiative, the referendum, and primary elections外部サイトColonial currency reprints, 1682-1751外部サイトThe history of the factory movement外部サイトGeneral theory外部サイトCollectivist economic planning : critical studies on the possibilities of socialism外部サイトIndustrial evolution外部サイトSocial control of business外部サイトReflections on the decline of science in England : and on some of its causes . On the alleged decline of science in England外部サイトThe English East India Company : the study of an early joint-stock company 1600-1640外部サイトChristian socialism, 1848-1854外部サイトThe scope and method of political economy外部サイトFoundations of British monetary policy外部サイトThomas Tusser, 1557 floruit : his good points of husbandry外部サイトA congressional history of railways in the United States外部サイトThe theory of business enterprise外部サイトInternational trade外部サイトPlanning for steady growth外部サイトThe moral and physical condition of the working classes employed in the cotton manufacture in Manchester : and containing an introductory letter to the Rev. Thomas Chalmers外部サイトPolitical essays外部サイトThe control of trusts外部サイトPopular political economy外部サイトThe British working class reader, 1790-1848 : literacy and social tension外部サイトBabeuf's conspiracy for equality外部サイトRussian sociology : a contribution to the history of sociological thought and theory外部サイトWhat Veblen taught : selected writings of Thorstein Veblen外部サイトEngland's treasure by forraign trade外部サイトIncome revisited : being a sequel to Income: an introduction to economics外部サイトThe credit system in France, Great Britain, and the United States外部サイトEngland's treasure by forraign trade外部サイトBusiness and capitalism : an introduction to business history外部サイトAn introduction to economic history外部サイトBritish industry, 1700-1950外部サイトThorstein Veblen and his America : with new appendices外部サイトChronicon rusticum-commerciale : or, Memoirs of wool & being a collection of history and argument concerning the woolen manufacture and the woolen trade in general外部サイトThe instinct of workmanship and the state of the industrial arts外部サイトColonization, particularly in Southern Australia : with some remarks on small farms and overpopulation外部サイトHistory of the white Australia policy to 1920外部サイトHomestead : a complete history of the struggle between the Carnegie Steel Company and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, July 1892外部サイトManchester merchants and foreign trade外部サイトThe disintegrating monolith : pluralist trends in the communist world外部サイトTowards precision shoemaking : C. & J. Clark Limited and the development of the British shoe industry外部サイトFrom Marshall to Keynes : an essay on the monetary theory of the Cambridge school外部サイトThe economic lessons of the nineteen-thirties外部サイトBritish canals : an illustrated history外部サイトThe Yorkshire Ouse : the history of a river navigation外部サイトStone blocks and iron rails : industrial archaeology外部サイトLabour defended against the claims of capital : or, the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen外部サイト






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Oligopoly and technical progress
The old grammar schools
The economic mind in American civilization
The physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century
An essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United States
Remarks on some fundamental questions in political economy : illustrated by a brief inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815
Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776
The poor man's friend, or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor
The idea of value
Industry of the Rhine
Population policies and movements in Europe
An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most conducive to human happiness
The Lancashire cotton industy : a study in economic development
The evolution of the money market, 1385-1915 : an historical and analytical study of the rise and development of finance as a centralised, co-ordinated force
The industrial revolution in Scotland
Guide to John rae's Life of Adam Smith : introduction
Stokers and pokers : or the London and North Western Railway, the electric telegraph and the railway clearing-house
A history of the theories of production & distribution in English political economy, from 1776 to 1848
American political ideas : studies in the development of American political thought, 1865-1917
Monetary circulation in the United Kingdom : a statistical study
The making of index numbers : a study of their varieties, tests, and reliability
The canals of the south of Ireland
The social theory of James Mark Baldwin
Capital & finance in the Age of the Renaissance : a study of the Fuggers and their connections
A sociological view of sovereignty (1899-1900), with an introductory essay "John R. Commons' general theory of institutions" by Joseph Dorfman
Various prospects of mankind, nature and providence : 1761. To which is added Ignorance and superstition, a source of violence and cruelty, a sermon preached in the High Church of Edinburgh, January 6, 1746
The theory of money and banks investigated
Western enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya : a study in Economic development
Home and foreign investment, 1870-1913 : studies in capital accumulation
A Select collection of scarce and valuable economical tracts
Industrial evolution
Bibliography of works on accounting by American authors
An essay on the external corn trade : by Robert Torrens with an appendix on the Means of improving the condition of the labouring classes
Trade unionism and labor problems
Economica : a statistical manual for the United States of America
Moral views of commerce, society, and politics : in twelve discourses
Conscription and conscience : a history, 1916-1919
Long and short-term interest rates : an econometric study
An inquiry into the nature of peace and the terms of its perpetuation
The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics
Considerations on commerce, bullion & coins, circulation, and exchanges
Co-operative production
A treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes
Elements of pure economics, or, The theory of social wealth
A reply to the 'essay on population' by the Rev. T.R. Malthus, in a series of letters, to which are added extracts from the 'essay', with notes
Estate villages : a study of the Berkshire villages of Ardington and Lockinge
Studies in Scottish business history
Documents relative to the manufactures in the United States
John Rennie, 1761-1821 : the life and work of a great engineer
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The dilemma of our times : an historical essay
Contributions to the history of statistics
The right to the whole produce of labour : the origin and development of the theory of labour's claim to the whole product of industry
A treatise concerning civil government
The coal viewer and engine builder's practical companion
The canals of the East Midlands : including part of London
Church and manor : a study in English economic history
The theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest it
A view of the art of colonization in present reference to the British Empire : in letters between a statesman and a colonist
Thomas Spence and his connections
The ways and means of payment
Political economy; an inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property or wealth : With the addition of General statement of an argument on the subject of population
Reflections on the formation and the distribution of riches [1770]
Studies in the theory of international trade
Scholae academicae : some account of studies at the English Universities in the eighteenth century
Pauperism : its causes and remedies
On the economic theory of socialism
Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
The rise of the London money market : 1640-1826
Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy
British acquisitions in the Presidency of Fort St. George ; Madras appendices ; Wilkins' glossary & index
The educational ideas of Charles Fourier (1772-1837)
History of labour in the United States
The financial history of the United States
The fall of Robespierre : and other essays : The young Robespierre.--Aigoin.--The supreme being.--Catherine Théot.--Herman.--Truchon.--Marcandier.--Fouquier-Tinville.--The 9th
The right to the whole produce of labour
The behavior of money : exploratory studies
The mines of Mendip
Statement of some new principles on the subject of political economy
Dividends to pay
Frederick W. Taylor, father of scientific management
The economic organization with an article : notes on cost and utility
Definitions in political economy
Political economy and the philosophy of government : selections from the writings of J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi
A history of the English corn laws from 1660-1846
Political economy
A description of British Guiana : geographical and statistical : exhibiting its resources and capabilities, together with the present and future condition and prospects of the colony
The theory of the balance of trade in England : a study in mercantilism
Public economy for the United States
A history of the Chartist movement
The elements of political economy
An inquiry into the nature of value and of capital, and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit. 1813
Some habits and customs of the working classes
The industries of Scotland : their rise, progress, and present condition
Monetary equilibrium
The American whaleman : a study of life and labor in the whaling industry
Financial history of the United States
The town labourer, 1760-1832 : the new civilisation
The national debt
Resources of the United Kingdom : or, The present distresses considered, their causes and remedies pointed out, and an outline of a plan for the establishment of a national currency that would have a fixed money value proposed
Palgrave's dictionary of political economy
The canals of the West Midlands
Principles of political economy : deduced from the natural laws of social welfare and applied to the present state of Britain
The life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the late eminent tragedian : Wherein the action and utterance of the state, bar, and pulpit, are distinctly consider'd. With the judgment of de St. Évremond, upon the Italian and French music and opera's; in a letter to the Duke of Buckingham . To which is added, The amorous widow, or, The wanton wife. A comedy
English taxation, 1640-1799 : an essay on policy and opinion
On the economy of machinery and manufactures
A treatise on the coins of the realm in a letter to the king
Political and social economy : its practical applications
The industrial history of the United States
The state in relation to labour
Economic and social change in a Midland town : Victorian Nottingham, 1815-1900
Studies in the history of educational opinion from the Renaissance
Survey of economic theory on technological change & employment
The theory of prices : a re-examination of the central problems of monetary theory
Public and private economy
The economics of enterprise
An essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness
The life of Robert Owen
Adam Smith, 1776-1926 : lectures to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the publication of "The wealth of nations"
Studies in political economy
A years residence in the United States of America : in three parts
Overproduction and crises
Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted public debts
Western enterprise in Far Eastern economic development : China and Japan
A history of factory legislation
A reply to the Essay on population
An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
A visit to the United States in 1841
A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications, on paper currency and banking
The distribution of wealth : a theory of wages, interest and profits
The principles of economics : a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papers
The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics
History of monetary systems : a history of actual experiments in money made by various states of the ancient and modern world
Communism in Central Europe in the time of the Reformation
The structure of the American economy : a report
A study in the theory of economic evolution
Six lectures on political economy
The floating republic
The economics of full employment : six studies in applied economics
A treatise on political economy . With an introductory essay, George Opdyke and the tradition of managed money . And with an appendix, Letter on national finances from George Opdyke to Hon. Roscoe Conkling (1869)
Essays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nations
The ideal foundations of economic thought : three essays on the philosophy of economics
Mathematical exposition of some doctrines of political economy
The economic writings of Sir William Petty : together with the Observations upon the bills of mortality more probably by John Graunt
Synthetic economics
The development of capitalistic enterprise in India
Legislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States, including the original Bank of North America
Large and small holdings : a study of English agricultural economics
J.C. Fischer and his diary of industrial England 1814-51
The alphabet of economic science : elements of the theory of value or worth
The theory of international trade : with its applications to commercial policy
Mathematical psychics
An essay on mediæval economic teaching
The peasants war in Germany, 1525-1526
An inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, published Dec. 24, 1795, and attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton
Society, manners & politics in the United States
Elements of political economy
The red man in the United States
Researches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealth
The theory of wages : with a new foreword and the article Are there laws of production?
A study of the capital market in Britain from 1919-1936
The new men of power : America's labor leaders
The budget, on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method as presented in Mr. Mill's system of logic is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economy
Essays on general politics, commerce, and political economy : being volume II, part II, of the works of Benjamin Franklin
Monetary nationalism and international stability
An inquiry into the principles of national wealth : illustrated by the political economy of the British Empire
Problems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor
Essays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nations
Local history : objective and pursuit
A bibliography of French labor : with a selection of documents on the French labor movement
Studies in English Puritanism from the Restoration to the Revolution, 1660-1688
Manchester merchants and foreign trade
Sociological theory and social research : being selected papers of Charles Horton Cooley
The Minority report of the Poor Law Commission
The economic interpretation of history
A topographical description of the western territory of North America : containing a succinct account of its soil, climate, natural history, population, agriculture, manners & customs
Life of Friedrich List and selections from his writings
The income tax : a study of the history, theory, and practice of income taxation at home and abroad
The economic development of Russia, 1905-1914 : with special reference to trade, industry, and finance
The agricultural revolution in Norfolk
Propositions concerning protection & free trade
A plan of the English commerce being a compleat [i.e. complete] prospect of the trade of this nation, as well the home trade as the foreign
Froebel and education by self-activity
New York in the Confederation : an economic study
Middlemen in English business : particularly between 1660 and 1760
The shifting and incidence of taxation
Competition and the law
The Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
An introduction to the theory of value : on the lines of menger, wieser, and böhm-bawerk
The money supply of the American colonies before 1720
The economic history of India
The theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest it
Revue sommaire des doctrines economiques
The early factory masters : the transition to the factory system in the Midlands textile industry
The factory system illustrated in a series of letters to the Right Hon. Lord Ashley
Essays in political economy
The holding company : its public significance and its regulation
A brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States
Predecessors of Adam Smith : the growth of British economic thought
The book of the new moral world : In seven parts
Two essays : Relation of the state to industrial action & Economics and jurisprudence
Modern production among backward peoples
The downfall of the gold standard
Lectures on the nature and use of money
Economic studies
The literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical notices
The trade cycle : an essay
Chapters of Erie, and other essays
The effects of civilization on the people in European states
The alphabet of economic science
Travels in the north of Germany : describing the present state of the social and political institutions, the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, education, arts and manners in that country, particularly in the Kingdom of Hanover
Methodism and the working-class movements in England, 1800-1850
The history of ten years, 1830-1840
Three essays on the state of economic science
Progress of the United States in population & wealth in fifty years : with an appendix, containing an abstract of the census of 1850
Labor defended against the claims of capital : or the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst jounneymen
The distribution of wealth (1893)
The American Republic : its constitution, tendencies, and destiny
A history of trade unionism in the United States
The nature of capital and income
Essays in our changing order
An inquiry concerning the population of nations : containing a refutation of Mr. Malthus's Essay on population
The growth of capital
Cursory criticisms on the edition of Shakspeare published by Edmond Malone . Together with A letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D., relative to the edition of Shakspeare published in 1790, and some late criticisms on that work
Early tours in Devon and Cornwall
Economics of planning public works
The scope and method of political economy
The history of currency 1252 to 1896
A history of the English railway : its social relations & revelations, 1820-1845
The history of banks to which is added a demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking (1837)
The history of the commercial crisis, 1857-1858 : and the stock exchange panic of 1859
An examination into the principles of currency : involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844
The currency of the British colonies
The harmony of interests : agricultural, manufacturing & commercial
An essay on the economic effects of the Reformation
The history of the survey of Ireland : commonly called The Down survey, A.D. 1655-1656
Aspects of the rise of economic individualism : a criticism of Max Weber and his school
The life of John Maynard Keynes
An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear : compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets; with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Voltaire
Frederick W. Taylor : father of scientific management
Malthus and his work
Taxation from the earliest times to the Civil War
Elements of pure economics or the theory of social wealth
The physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century
An essay on colonization, particularly applied to the western coast of Africa : with some free thoughts on cultivation and commerce
Archie Moore, the white slave : or, Memoirs of a fugitive
Guilds in the Middle Ages
Economic stabilization in an unbalanced world
Definitions in political economy
Trade in the eastern seas, 1793-1813
The philosophy of Auguste Comte
An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth : and into the means and causes of its increase (1804)
John Bunyan, maker of myths
Labour's wrongs and labour's remedy, or, the age of might and the age of right [1839]
Labour rewarded : the claims of labour and capital conciliated, or, how to secure to labour the whole product of its exertion
A manual of political economy, 1814-1882
Letters to Mr. Malthus on several subjects of political economy and on the cause of the stagnation of commerce, to which is added A catechism of political economy, or, Familiar conversations on the manner in which wealth is produced, distributed, and consumed in society
The funding system of the United States & of Great Britain
The theory of business enterprise
The unreformed House of Commons : parliamentary representation before 1832
History of Burma : including Burma proper, Pegu, Taungu, Tenasserim, and Arakan, from the earliest time to the end of the first war with British India
Fabian socialism
The labor movement : the problem of today
A discourse of trade, from England unto the East-Indies : answering to diverse objections which are usually made against the same
The laboring classes of England, especially those concerned in agriculture and manufactures
Reminiscences of Levi Coffin : the reputed president of the underground railroad
Mathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences
The mathematical groundwork of economics : an introductory treatise
Colonial administration of Great Britain
The premises of political economy : being a re-examination of certain fundamental principles of economic science
An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain
The theory of the leisure class
A home tour through the manufacturing districts of England in the summer of 1835
Treatises & essays on subjects connected with economical policy with biographical sketches of Quesnay, Adam Smith & Ricardo
The American States during and after the Revolution, 1775-1789
Lapses from full employment
Hobson and underconsumption
The economic theory of the leisure class
International trade and the national income multiplier
The economics of distribution
The autobiography of Arthur Young
Women workers and the industrial revolution, 1750-1850
The position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilists
Methods of social reform
Principles of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application
The theory and practice of central banking, 1797-1913
Mathematical investigation of the effect of machinery on the wealth of a community in which it is employed and on the fund for the payment of wages [1838] on the effect of the non-residence of landlords on the wealth of a community [1840] : two papers from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Diary of William Owen, from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825
The Schumpeterian system
On the economy of machinery and manufactures
Rail and road in East Africa : transport co-ordination in under-developed countries
Absentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times : the case of America
New travels in the United States of America, performed in 1788
The character and logical method of political economy
Papers on the science of Administration
The tariff history of the United States
Goldsmith and his booksellers
The engineers and the price system
Art and the industrial revolution
The masquerade of monopoly
Days at the factories
Lectures on colonization and colonies
The life, speeches, labors & essays of William H. Sylvis
Other people's money and how the bankers use it
Socialism and the social movement
The constitutional history of the Louisiana Purchase, 1803-1812
Money, credit & commerce
The British merchant : or, commerce preferv'd
Economic development in Africa : papers presented to the Nyasaland Economic Symposium held in Blantyre, 18 to 28 July 1962
The curse of the factory system
New Harmony : an adventure in happiness
A short history of the steam engine
The universal dictionary of trade and commerce
Inventor and entrepreneur : recollections of Werner von Siemens
Monopolies, cartels and trusts in British industry
The maintenance of free trade
Passages from the life of a philosopher
Official circulars of public documents and information : v. 1-10; 1840-51 [i.e. 1853?]
History of political economy in Europe
Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency (1857) : with the addition of further reflections on the state of the currency (1837)
A statistical view of the commerce of the United States
Natural elements of political economy
An account of maritime revenue & contraband traffic in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from the earliest times to the years 1800
The history of trade unionism
The history of currency 1252 to 1896 [1896].
The Petty papers : some unpublished writings of Sir William Petty
General report on enclosures
Competition among the few : oligopoly and similar market structures
Social economics
A plea for peasant proprietors : with the outlines of a plan for their establishment in Ireland
Chapters on the history on the Southern Pacific
History of crises under the national banking system
An essay on some general principles of political economy, on taxes upon raw produce, and on commutation of tithes
A theory of the labor movement
Money credit & commerce
Three letters to the Duke of Wellington
Industrial democracy
A short history of the steam engine
The national system of political economy
Felkin's history of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures
Theories of population from Raleigh to Arthur Young
A history of the Indian nationalist movement
Trade unionism and labor problems : second series
The Burlington strike : its motives and methods, including the cause of the strike
The fifth report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company, 28th July, 1812
The rise of American economic thought
Despotism in America : an inquiry into the nature, results, and legal basis of the slave-holding system in the United States
Privateering and piracy in the colonial period : illustrative documents
Essays on political economy : or the most certain means of promoting the wealth, power, resources and happiness of states applied particularly to the United States
Turning points in business cycles
Reflections on the formation and the distribution of riches, 1770
Popular disturbances and public order in Regency England : being an account of the Luddite and other disorders in England during the years 1811-1817, and of the attitude and activity of the authorities
Reports of special assistant Poor Law Commissioners on the employment of women and children in agriculture
The age of the Chartists, 1832-1854 : a study of discontent
London labour and the London poor : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work
An historical inquiry into the production, and consumption of the precious metals
Characteristics of the present political state of Great Britain
Wages and capital : an examination of the wages fund doctrine
A hundred years of inland transport, 1830-1933
British canals : an illustrated history
An early experiment in industrial organisation : being a history of the firm of Boulton & Watt, 1775-1805
The works of Lord Bolingbroke
Opinions on various subjects : dedicated to the industrious producers
Explorations in economics : notes and essays contributed in honor of F.W. Taussig
Principles of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application
The progress of the nation
Key economic areas in Chinese history : as revealed in the development of public works for water-control
The economic basis of public interest
The canals of South West England
Industrial Germany : a study of its monopoly organisations and their control by the State
Our coal and our coal-pits
An essay on the production of wealth
The growth of large fortunes : a study of economic causes affecting the acquisition and distribution of property
Elements of political economy
The history of the United States of America
The landed interest and the supply of food
Money and value : an inquiry into the means and ends of economic production
Direct taxes and stamp duties
Notes on political economy
Rise and fall of the Anabaptists
Tomlinson's North Eastern Railway : its rise and development
Observations on the commerce of the American States
History of the middle & working classes
The revolution in the mind and practice of the human race, or, The coming change from irrationality to rationality with a supplement 1849
Commerce defended
Remarks on some of the characters of Shakespere
The evolution of modern money
The economic development of a Norfolk manor, 1086-1565
Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind
F.Y. Edgeworth's contributions to mathematical statistics
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy
The slave power : its character, career & probable designs : being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest
Capital imports and the American balance of payments, 1934-39 : a study in abnormal international capital transfers
Journal of a tour through the State of New York in the year 1830 : with remarks on agriculture in those parts most eligible for settlers
Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun : Buddhist pilgrims, from China to India (400 A. D. and 518 A. D.)
The history of the great riots : the strikes and riots on the various railroads of the United States and in the mining regions, together with a full history of the Molly Maguires
The quantity theory of money : a critical study of its historical development and interpretation and a restatement
Des crises commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis
The State of the Poor : a facsimile of the 1797 edition
The family economy of the working classes in the cotton industry, 1784-1833
A system of moral philosophy
The tables turned
1868 year of unions : a documentary survey
The Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Industrial Britain under the Regency : the diaries of Escher, Bodmer, May, and de Gallois, 1814-18
A treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system
The wages question : a treatise on wages and the wages class
The principles of free trade, illustrated in a series of short and familiar essays originally published in the Banner of the Constitution
Surveys, historic and economic
The pamphlets of Thomas Robert Malthus
The fiscal history of Texas : embracing an account of its revenues, debts & currency from the commencement of the revolution in 1834 to 1851-1852, with remarks on American debts
Economic policy and the size of cities
Risk, uncertainty and profit
Thorstein Veblen and his America
Old Devon
The case of labourers in husbandry stated and considered : with an appendix containing a collection of accounts shewing the earnings and expenses of labouring families in different parts of the Kingdom
The First International in America
An enquiry into the principles of taxation, chiefly applicable to articles of immediate consumption
Anti-equilibrium : on economic systems theory and the tasks of research
Monetary theory before Adam Smith
The bitter cry of outcast London
The economic writings of Mountifort Longfield
Political economy for the people
Races and immigrants in America
The higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men
First report of the Central Board of His Majesty's commissioners appointed to collect information in the manufacturing districts, as to the employment of children in factories, and as to the propriety and means of curtailing the hours of their labour : with minutes of evidence, and reports by the district commissioners, 28 June 1833
The growth of English industry and commerce
The Clydesiders : a left wing struggle for parliamentary power
Banking theories in the United States before 1860
The Laws of wages, profits & rent
History of the union pacific : a financial and economic survey
The financial economy of the United States illustrated and some of the causes which retard the progress of California demonstrated
Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance, and banking, from 1789 to 1896
History of the Chartist movement, 1837-1854
Man and society : the Scottish inquiry of the eighteenth century
The Schumpeterian system
Selections from the economic history of the United States, 1765-1860 : with introductory essays
Seventy years of life and labour : an autobiography
Jay Cooke : financier of the Civil War
Principles of political economy
Robert Owen : a biography
Definitions in political economy
The secretaries of state, 1681-1782
Income, employment, and the price level : notes on lectures given at the University of Chicago, autumn, 1948 and 1949
Methodism and the working-class movements in England, 1800-1850
The works : political, metaphisical & chronological
Economic annals of the nineteenth century
A bookseller of the last century : being some account of the life of John Newbery and of the books he published with a notice of the later Newberys
The General Strike, May 1926 : its origin & history
The growth of the manor
The growth of philosophic radicalism
The making and using of index numbers
View of the progress of political economy in Europe since the sixteenth century : a course of lectures
History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860
An account of maritime revenue, contraband traffic, the introduction of free trade, and the abolition of the navigation and corn laws, from 1801 to 1855
The measure of value stated and illustrated : with an application of it to the alterations in the value of the English currency since 1790
Theory of politics : an inquiry into the foundations of governments and the causes and progress of political revolutions
David Urquart : some chapters in the life of a Victorian knight errant of justice and liberty
A review of economic theory
A practical detail of the cotton manufacture of the United States of America and the state of the cotton manufacture of that country contrasted and compared with that of Great Britain
Land systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England & continental countries
A Tudor book of rates
Principles of political economy
The last years of the English slave trade, Liverpool, 1750-1807
The vested interests and the common man : ("The modern point of view and the new order")
The principles of political economy
Britain's greatest rail disaster : the Quintinshill blaze of 1915
The purchasing power of money : its determination and relation to credit interest and crises
Principles of social science
Planning for steady growth
An outline of the science of political economy
The mercantile system and its historical significance
The development of social overhead capital in India, 1950-60
The Tezkereh al vakiāt, or, Private memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Humāyūn
A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on commerce
The national income, 1924-1931
Scientific management and labor
Discussions in economics and statistics
Essays in political economy/ by Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie
Emigration from the British Isles : with special reference to the development of the overseas dominions
On wages and combination
The scope and method of political economy
Mental development in the child and the race : methods and processes
The higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men
The unity of law : as exhibited in the relations of physical, social, mental & moral science
Facts, failures & frauds : revelations, financial, mercantile, criminal
The incidence of income taxes
Essai sur la nature du commerce en général
Industry & trade : a study of industrial technique and business organization, and of their influences on the conditions of various classes and nations
The enquirer : reflections on education, manners and literature : in a series of essays
A State iniquity : its rise, extension and overthrow
The Eastern question : a reprint of letters written 1853-1856 dealing with the events of the Crimean War
The Ricardian socialists
The commercial crisis 1847-1848 : being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic & the French Revolution
From Peter the Great to Lenin : a history of the Russian labour movement with special reference to trade unionism
A practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils
Value, capital and rent
A brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States
Essays in taxation
A report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian affairs
Roads to freedom : essays in honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek
Scotland and the French revolution
The Russian Jew in the United States : studies of social conditions in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, with a description of rural settlements
Great Western coaches, 1890-1954
Value and distribution : a critical and constructive study
Notes of a tour in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire
The ethical and economic theories of Adam Smith
The state theory of money
Dumping : a problem in international trade
An essay on the best means of providing employment for the people
The techniques of industrial archaeology
Cotton is king : or The culture of cotton and its relation to agriculture, manufacturers, and commerce ...
A discourse upon usury
Primitive trade : its psychology and economics
The clash of progress and security
A short economic and social history of the Lake Counties, 1500-1830
The economics of control : principles of welfare economics
The critique of capitalist democracy : an introduction to the theory of the state in Marx, Engels, and Lenin
The social system : a treatise on the principle of exchange
Outlines of political economy
National income and outlay
Memorials of Alfred Marshall
Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms : delivered in the University of Glasgow
Le socialisme au XVIII[e] siècle : étude sur les idées socialistes dans les écrivains français du XVIII[e] siècle avant la révolution
The criminal prisons of London : and scenes of prison life
Wall Street under oath : the story of our modern money changers
British railway signalling : a survey of fifty years' progress
Essays, reviews, and reports : previously uncollected writings
Real wages in the United States, 1890-1926
Irish economics, 1700-1783 : a bibliography with notes
Francis Hutcheson : his life, teaching and position in the history of philosophy
Keynes's General theory : a retrospective view
Virginia iron manufacture in the Slave Era
A description of the canals and railroads of the United States : comprehending notices of all the works of internal improvements throughout the several States
A discourse upon usury : by way of dialogue and orations, for the better variety and more delight of all those that shall read this treatise, 1572
Currency and banking in the province of the Massachusetts Bay
A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce between Great Britain and other powers
Wage determination under trade unions
Other people's money, and how the bankers use it
A key to Ricardo
The history and description of fossil fuel, the collieries, and coal trade of Great Britain
International trade : an application of economic theory
Good and bad trade : an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations
The workman and the franchise : chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people
A view of the United States of America : in a series of papers written at various times, in the years between 1787 and 1794
The history of wool & wool combing
A narrative of a journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America
The organization of the boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts before 1875
A history of political economy
Heterodox London, or, Phases of free thought in the metropolis
A History of banking in all the leading nations
The English peasantry and the enclosure of common fields
Blocks of buildings, schools and immigration
Outlines of economic theory
Industrial Remuneration Conference, 1885 : the report of proceedings and papers
The spirit of '76 and other essays
A full and detailed catalogue of books which belonged to Adam Smith
Practical moral and political economy : or, the government, religion and institutions most conducive to individual happiness and to national power
The center of the circle of commerce : or, A refutation of a treatise, intituled The circle of commerce, or The ballance of trade, lately published by E.M.
Business : a profession
A few doubts as to the correctness of some opinions generally entertained on the subjects of population and political economy
History of the railroads and canals of the United States of America
An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on Negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers
International short-term capital movements
The incidence of income taxes
International trade
Common land and inclosure
Price tables : mercantile era
The mail-coach men of the late eighteenth century
Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy
An essay of the impolicy of a bounty on the exportation of grain
Essay on the rate of wages
Reminiscences and reflexions of a mid and late Victorian
Natural value
Land tenure and unemployment
History of monetary and credit theory : from John Law to the present day
Methods of social study
The financial history of the American telephone and telegraph company
The past, the present, & the future
A history of coal mining in Great Britain
Anticipations, Uncertainty, and Dynamic Planning
A history of the economic institutions of modern Europe : an introduction to Der moderne Kapitalismus of Werner Sombart
A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money
Four studies on the economic development of Turkey
The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation : made by sea or over-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeeres
A six months tour through the North of England
Barriers to new competition : their character and consequences in manufacturing industries
Profits, interest and investment : and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations
The position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilists
Labour defended against the claims of capital : or, the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen
Literary remains consisting of lectures & tracts on political economy
A history of the English poor law [1854]
Essays in taxation
Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan, in the years 1857, 1858 and 1859
Toynbee's Industrial revolution
Wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century : notes for the use of students of social and economic questions
The social basis of the German Reformation : Martin Luther and his times
The linen trade
Fairs, past & present : a chapter in the history of commerce
Agriculture and the trade cycle : their mutual relations : with special reference to the period 1926-1931
Abstract of the answers and returns
Foundations of English administrative law : certiorari and mandamus in the seventeenth century
Persons & periods : studies
Competition among the few : oligopoly and similar market structures
Imperial Germany and the industrial revolution
The early history of banking in England
On the regulation of currencies : being an examination of the principles on which it is proposed to restrict, within certain limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England and of the other banking establishments throughout the country
The New Harmony movement
The coal question : an inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines
The organization of the English customs system, 1696-1786
Tariffs: a study in method
The costs of the World War to the American people
Notes on political economy
Thoughts on man : his nature, productions and discoveries
The autobiography of Samuel Bamford
The principles of political economy
An essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade : consequently of the value of the lands of Britain and on the means to restore both ; to which is added, Serious considerations on the several high duties : which the nation in general, (as well as its trade in particuler) labours under, & c.
American commerce as affected by the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, 1793-1812
The vested interests and the common man : ("The modern point of view and the new order")
Monetary nationalism and international stability
The engineers and the price system
Observations on the subjects treated of in Dr. Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations
Finance and politics : an historical study, 1789-1885
The significance and basic postulates of economic theory
The early writings of Adam Smith
A history of the Irish poor law [1856]
Thoughts on the education of daughters : with reflections on female conduct in the more important duties of life
The Muscovy merchants of 1555
A history of accounting and accountants
Principles of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application
Historical account of the navigable rivers, canals, and railways, throughout Great Britain
Letters, addressed to the people of Pennsylvania respecting the internal improvement, of the commonwealth, by means of roads and canals
History of the iron trade
William Hone : his life and times
Tracts on sundry topics of political economy
The history of the twelve great livery companies of London : principally compiled from their grants & records, with an historical essay and accounts of each company ... including notices & illustrations of metropolitan trade and commerce
The impact of the union : eight economic theorists evaluate the labor union movement
Institutional revenue : a study of the influence of social institutions on the distribution of wealth
Of population : an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind, being an answer to Mr. Malthus's Essay on that subject
Economic developments in Victorian Scotland
Aspects of the theory of international capital movements
Political reflections on the finances and commerce of France
The Tanat Valley : its railways and industrial archaeology
Political economy
The passions of the human soul and their influence on society and civilization
The independent treasury of the United States and its relations to the banks of the country
Problems of economic planning : papers on planning and economics
Economy of the labouring classes
The use of credit instruments in payments in the United States
James Mill : a biography
Legal foundations of capitalism
German society at the close of the Middle Ages
The paper pound of 1797-1821 : the bullion report, 8th June 1810
History of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain
Methods of social study
The ordeal of free labor in the British West Indies
The economic history of the British iron and steel industry, 1784-1879 : essays in industrial and economic history with special reference to the development of technology
Industrial policy and institutionalism : selected essays
Posthumous works of the author of a vindication of the rights of woman
The economics of physiocracy : essays and translations
Jacob Riis revisited: poverty and the slum in another era
National evils and practical remedies : with the plan of a model town
The early and later history of petroleum : with authentic facts in regard to its development in western Pennsylvania
The trade and navigation of Great-Britain considered
The history of the public revenue of the British Empire
The American struggle for the British West India carrying trade, 1815-1830
Monetary theory before Adam Smith
The literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical notices
Employment and equilibrium : a theoretical discussion
Speculative notes and notes on speculation : ideal and real
The budget, on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method as presented in Mr. Mill's system of logic is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economy
The progress of society
On the economy of machinery and manufactures
Essays in applied economics
Thorstein Veblen and his America
Illustrations and proofs of the principle of population
The risings of the Luddites : Chartists and Plug-drawers
Industrial depressions
Europe, the world's banker, 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the War
Trades' societies and strikes : report of the Committee on Trades' Societies, 1860
The world of Adam Smith
Investigations in currency & finance
History of the Anti-Corn-Law League
Industrial history of the United States
The financier and the finances of the American Revolution
New ideas on population : with remarks on the theories of Malthus and Godwin . With the addition of the correspondence between Everett and George Tucker on the Malthusian theory, published in the Democratic review for 1845 & 1847
Industrial biography : iron workers and tool makers
Studies in American trade unionism
Studies in the theory of economic expansion
A hillside view of industrial history : a study of industrial evolution in the Pennine highlands with some local records
The English capital market
Gabriel Bonnot de Mably
Monetary nationalism and international stability
The problem of international investment, 1937 : a report by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration
Market and prices : theory of consumption, market and market prices
Griffiths' guide to the iron trade of Great Britain
The industrial archaeology of Scotland
The English brass and copper industries to 1800
Gold, prices & wages : with an examination of the quantity theory
The industrialisation of backward areas
Railway economy : a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospects & relations commercial, financial & social with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continent & in America
An essay on the external corn trade : with an appendix on the means of improving the condition of the labouring classes
Economic policy and the size of cities
Original papers regarding trade in England and abroad
Some information respecting America
The canals of the north of Ireland
Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
The facts of the cotton famine
England in the eighteen-eighties : toward a social basis for freedom
Balance of payments and economic growth
Lectures on the elements of political economy
Several papers relating to money, interest and trade, &c.
Biographical memoir of Adam Smith (1793)
An essay on the distribution of wealth
Fractional money : a history of the small coins and fractional paper currency of the United States
The economic writings of Sir William Petty : together with the observations upon the bills of mortality, more probably by Captain John Graunt
Birthright in land : an essay on the right of property in land
John Stuart Mill : a criticism with personal recollections
A dissertation on the numbers of mankind, in ancient and modern times
The true law of population : shewn as connected with the food of the people
History of the principal public banks, accompanied by extensive bibliographies of the history of banking and credit in eleven European countries
Adam Smith as student and professor
The domesday of crown lands : a study of the legislation, surveys, and sales of royal estates under the Commonwealth
The catechism of positive religion
History of the Liverpool privateers and letters of marque : with an account of the Liverpool slave trade
Select statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-1928
A treatise on political economy : to which is prefixed a supplement to a preceding work on the understanding, or, Elements of ideology
Free trade and other fundamental doctrines of the Manchester school
Preface to social economics : essays on economic theory and social problems
Social value : a study in economic theory critical and constructive
A history of banking in the United States
The life and correspondence of Major Cartwright
Capital and steam-power, 1750-1800
The Petty papers : some unpublished writings of Sir William Petty
Artisans and Machinery
An essay on public happiness
Nationalism : a report by a study group of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
Economic development in the nineteenth century : France, Germany, Russia, and the United States
The national system of political economy
The theory of moral sentiments
The protectionist case in the 1840's
The trades of East London connected with poverty
Threading my way : an autobiography
Thorstein Veblen and his America : with new appendices
The principles of population and production : as they are affected by the progress of society with a view to moral and political consequences
The art of central banking
The extraordinary black book : an exposition of abuses in church and state, courts of law, representation, municipal and corporate bodies
The theory of investment value
Mathematical investigations in the theory of value and prices ; Appreciation and interest
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy
America and her commentators
Town government in the sixteenth century : based chiefly on the records of the following provincial towns : Cambridge, Chester, Coventry, Ipswich, Leicester, Lincoln, Manchester, Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Shrewsbury
The theory of value before Adam Smith
The money supply of the American colonies before 1720
Mathematical investigations in the theory of value and price (1892) ; Appreciation and interest (1896)
The writings of William Paterson : founder of the Bank of England
Forecasting the yield and the price of cotton
The slave trade : domestic & foreign : why it exists & how it may be extinguished
A description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester
Capital & finance in the age of the Renaissance : a study of the Fuggers and their connections
The multiplier theory
A study on the pure theory of production
A new view of society, or, Essays on the formation of the human character, preparatory to the development of a plan for gradually ameliorating the condition of mankind
The theory of international prices : history, criticism and restatement
The English utilitarians
A century of bank rate
Political arithmetic : containing observations on the present state of Great Britain, and the principles of her policy in the encouragement of agriculture
The village labourer, 1760-1832 : a study in the government of England before the Reform bill
The history of banks to which is added a demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking (1837) : with a letter to his Excelleny Marcus Morton on banking and the currency (1840)
Scottish economic literature to 1800 : a list of authorities
The innocents at Cedro : a memoir of Thorstein Veblen and some others
Philosophy and political economy : in some of their historical relations
The mathematical groundwork of economics
An eighteenth-century industrialist : Peter Stubs of Warrington, 1756-1806
The history of the poor laws : with observations
Jeremy Bentham : his life and work
The canons of criticism and glossary, being a supplement to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakespear : Collected from the notes in that celebrated work and proper to be bound up with it. To which are added, The trial of the letter [upsilon], alias Y; and Sonnets
A history of the precious metals
Evils of the factory system demonstrated by parliamentary evidence
The cotton trade of Great Britain : its rise, progress, and present extent
Thirty years of labor, 1859-1889
Captal and steam-power, 1750-1800
A geometry of international trade
Select tracts and documents illustrative of English monetary history, 1626-1730
Monetary theory and the trade cycle
The miners in crisis and war : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain (from 1930 onwards)
A theory of the labor movement
Modern capitalism : its origin and evolution
The control of wages
A history of American currency : with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money
A study in the theory of inflation
The circle of commerce : or, The ballance of trade
A tour thro' the whole Island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies : giving a particular and diverting account of whatever is curious and worth observation. particularly fitted for the reading of such as desire to travel over the Island
The scope and method of political economy
Natural value
The organization of industry, explained in a course of lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge in Easter term 1844
Reflections on the revolution of our time
Education and reform at New Harmony : correspondence of William Maclure and Marie Duclos Fretageot, 1820-1833
History of immigration to the United States : exhibiting the number, sex, age, occupation, and country of birth of passengers arriving from foreign countries by sea, 1819 to 1855
History and criticism of the labor theory of value in English political economy
Studies in the theory of money and capital
Karl Marx and the close of his system . Böhm-Bawerk's criticism of Marx
Economic cycles : their law and cause
The commerce of America with Europe
Slavery and anti-slavery : a history of the great struggle in both hemispheres, with a view of the slavery question in the United States
Principles of labor legislation
The early trading companies of New France : a contribution to the history of commerce and discovery in North America
On political economy, in connexion with the moral state & moral prospects of society
Social destiny of man or association and reorganization of industry
A Merseyside town in the industrial revolution : St. Helens, 1750-1900
The measure of value stated and illustrated : with an application of it to the alterations in the value of the English currency since 1790
Labor and law : with a memoir and two portraits
Pre-Malthusian doctrines of population : a study in the history of economic theory
Essays on banking
The great landowners of Great Britain & Ireland by John Bateman
Working life of women in the seventeenth century
The theory of the leisure class
The war on the Bank of the United States
Mercantilism and the East India trade
The canals of the north of Ireland
The complete English tradesman, in familiar letters, directing him in all the several parts and progressions of trade
The Theory of Social Economy
Social reform & the church
The two James's and the two Stephensons ; or, The earliest history of passenger transit on railways
Protective and preferential import duties
The Lessons of monetary experience : essays in honor of Irving Fisher
A description of the Burmese empire
Buddhism in Tibet : illustrated by literary documents and objects of religious worship : With an account of the Buddhist systems preceding it in India
A history of American political theories
Thoughts on the funding system and its effects
An inquiry into the colonial policy of the European powers
A neglected point in connection with crises
A catalogue of the library of Adam Smith
The autobiography of Martin Van Buren
Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England & on the paper circulation of the country : to which is added Further observations published later in the year
Report from the Secret Committee on Joint Stock Banks, 20 August 1836
Monetary theory and the trade cycle
Pure economics
Money and trade considered with a proposal for supplying the nation with money
Macbeth, and King Richard the Third : an essay, in answer to remarks on some of the characters of Shakespeare
The early history of the Levant Company
State banks and trust companies, since the passage of the National-bank act
Labor and other capital : the rights of each secured and the wrongs of both eradicated : with an introductory essay "Edward Kellogg : father of greenbackism"
East, Central, and South London
Social statics : or, The conditions essential to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed
The economics of Alfred Marshall
Agricultural depression and farm relief in England, 1813-1852
Capital and population : a study of the economic effects of their relations to each other
Britain's commercial interest explained and improved : in a series of dissertations on several important branches of her trade and police
The mercantile system and its historical significance. 1884
Generating economic cycles
The nature and necessity of interest
Agenda for progressive taxation
Secular movements in production and prices : their nature and their bearing upon cyclical fluctuations
First essay on population, 1798
The character and logical method of political economy
The new economics : Keynes' influence on theory and public policy
Memoirs of a social atom
Europe, the world's banker, 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the war
The Harmony Society at Economy, Penn'a : founded by George Rapp, A.D. 1805 : with an appendix
Some leading principles of political economy newly expounded
An inquiry into the colonial policy of the european powers
River navigation in England 1600-1750
The great unwashed
A critical dissertation on the nature, measure [i.e. measures] and causes of value ...
England & America : a comparison of the social and political state of both nations
Essays in economics
Modern economic thought : the American contribution
The essential principles of the wealth of nations : illustrated, in opposition to some false notions of Dr. Adam Smith and others
Chronicon-preciosum, or, An account of English gold and silver money, the price of corn and other commodities and of stipends, salaries, wages, jointures, portions, day-labour, &c. in England for six hundred years last past
Free trade, or, The meanes to make trade florish. Wherein the causes of the decay of trade in this kingdom are discovered
Sketches of some booksellers of the time of Dr. Samuel Johnson
A theory of profits
English land and English landlords : an enquiry into the origin & character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform
The industrial revolution 1750-1850 : an introductory essay
What Veblen taught : selected writings of Thorstein Veblen
The philosophy of manufactures, or, An exposition of the scientific, moral and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain
Modern industry and the African : an enquiry into the effect of the copper mines of Central Africa upon native society and the work of the Christian missions
Labor and administration
A history of modern banks of issue
Memoir of Samuel Slater : the father of American manufactures; connected with a history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture in England and America
The riddle of the tariff
The national system of political economy
James Watt : craftsman & engineer
Types of economic theory : from mercantilism to institutionalism
The trade cycle : an essay
An essay on the distribution of wealth and on the sources of taxation
Science : the false messiah [1927], &, Holier than thou : the way of the righteous [1929]
Capital and interest : a critical history of economical theory
Narrative of the condition of the manufacturing population : and the proceedings of government which lead [sic] to the state trials in Scotland
American social history : as recorded by British travellers
Several papers relating to money, interest and trade, &c.
A history of the Scotch poor law (1856)
Railroad reorganization
Origin of the new system of manufacture commonly called power-loom weaving : fully explained in a narrative containing William Radcliffe's struggles through life
The miners of Nottinghamshire, 1914-1944 : a history of the Nottinghamshire miners' unions
Correspondence and conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior, from 1834 to 1859
The political ideas of the Greeks
England & America : a comparison of the social and political state of both nations
The glass industry of the Weald
A history of emigration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912
The graphic method of curvilinear correlation
Tracts on our present money system and national bankruptcy : comprising strictures on the price and trade of corn
Men and manners in America
The Petty-Southwell correspondence, 1676-1687
A short history of paper money and banking in the United States : to which is prefixed an inquiry into the principles of the system
The history of the Reform bill of 1832
Unorthodox London, or, Phases of religious life in the metropolis
Thoughts on the study of political economy, as connected with the population, industry, and paper currency of the United States
An historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, from the earliest accounts : containing an history of the great commercial interests of the British empire
An introduction to English economic history and theory
Duncombe's free banking : an essay on banking, currency, finance, exchanges, and political economy
Four tracts on political and commercial subjects
Gold, prices & wages under the greenback standard
The market book : a history of the public markets of the city of New York
A contribution to the bibliography of the Bank of England
A history of currency in the United States
The industrial and commercial revolutions in Great Britain during the nineteenth century
The American Federation of Labor : history, policies, and prospects
English agriculture in 1850-51
Travels through the middle settlements in North America in the years 1759 and 1760 : with observations upon the state of the Colonies
The history of banking in America
The industrial development of Birmingham and the Black Country, 1860-1927
Taxes on articles of consumption
Lectures on political economy
The theory of unemployment
Outlines of political economy
Joint stock banking in Germany : a study of the German credit banks before and after the War
The tariff problem
Cooke and Wheatstone and the invention of the electric telegraph
Report from the Select Committee on Public Libraries, 23 July 1849
Good and bad trade : an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations
Stock exchange securities : an essay on the general causes of fluctuations in their prices
Cromwell & communism : socialism and democracy in the great English revolution
A study in public finance
A bibliography of the writings of Roscoe Pound
The cotton manufacturing industry of the United States
The unspeakable Curll : being some account of Edmund Curll, bookseller; to which is added a full list of his books
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin, on the subject of public roads & canals
Adventures in socialism : New Lanark establishment and Orbiston Community
Some problems of wages and their regulation in Great Britain since 1918
Rural economy in New England at the beginning of the 19th century
Essentials of economic theory : as applied to modern problems of industry and public policy
The theory of political economy
Karl Marx and the close of his system . Böhm-Bawerk's criticism of Marx
Nottinghamshire in the eighteenth century : a study of life and labour under the squirearchy
Industrial and commercial correspondence of Alexander Hamilton : anticipating his report on manufactures
Laws of wages : an essay in statistical economics
National income and outlay
Facts and factors in economic history
An analysis of the occupations of the people : showing the relative importance of the agricultural, manufacturing, shipping, colonial, commercial & mining interests of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its dependencies
The principles of free trade : illustrated in a series of short and familiar essays originally published in the Banner of the Constitution
Some aspects of the tariff question : an examination of the development of American industries under protection
Theories of welfare economics
A side-light on Anglo-American relations, 1839-1858 : furnished by the correspondence of Lewis Tappan and others with the British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society
Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland
Papers on the science of Administration
William Huskisson and liberal reform : an essay on the changes in economic policy in the twenties of the nineteenth century
The natural and artificial right of property contrasted
Studies in currency 1898
Foundations of British monetary policy
The economic history of Ireland in the seventeenth century
History of the Grange movement, or, The farmer's war against monopolies
Wall Street under oath : the story of our modern money changers
On financial reform
Introduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture in the United States
Scotland in modern times : an outline of economic and social development since the Union of 1707
The evolution of finance capitalism
Banking policy and the price level : an essay in the theory of the trade cycle
The industrial revolution, 1750-1850 : an introductory essay
Monetary experiments : early American and recent Scandinavian
The pure theory of foreign trade ; The pure theory of domestic values
The railway mania and its aftermath, 1845-1852 : (being a sequel to "Early British railways")
Commercial crises of the nineteenth century
A history of the English agricultural labourer
Selected papers on economic theory
Population problems of the age of Malthus
Interest and prices (Geldzins und Gunterpreise) : a study of the causes regulating the value of money . And the article, the enigma of businesscycles
The history of trade unionism
Nicholls's forest of dean : an historical and descriptive account ; Iron making in the olden times
Lectures on population, value, poor-laws, and rent, delivered in the University of Oxford during the years 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835 & 1836
An enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain (1802) : together with his evidence given before the Committees of Secrecy of the two Houses of Parliament in the Bank of England, March and April, 1797, some manuscript notes, and his speeches on the Bullion Report, May 1811
A treatise on political economy, or The production, distribution and consumption of wealth
Politics for the people
Charles Williamson, Genesee promoter : friend of Anglo-American rapprochement
International trade under flexible exchange rates
Political economy and politics
Food supply and economic development with special reference to Egypt
Studies in the theory of international trade
The cotton trade of Great Britain
Outlines of a system of political economy : written with a view to prove to government and country that the cause of the present agricultural distress is entirely artificial and to suggest a plan for the management of the currency. Together with the fourth edition of An essay on the principles of banking
History of monetary and credit theory : from John Law to the present day
Early British economics : from the XIIIth to the middle of the XVIIIth century
The Nation : the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States
Great Britain's true system
Theories of welfare economics
Progress of the working class, 1832-1867
Life of Adam Smith
The economic writings of Francis Horner in the Edinburgh Review, 1802-6
Statistical annals : embracing views of the population, commerce, navigation, fisheries, public lands, post-office establishment, revenues, mint, military & naval establishments, expenditures, public debt and sinking fund of the United States of America
Alien immigrants to England
The industrial resources, statistics, &c. of the United States and more particularly of the Southern and Western States
The ending of hereditary American fortunes
Three lectures on the rate of wages
Notes on political economy as applicable to the United States
Lord Durham's report on the affairs of British North America
A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives
David Ricardo : a centenary estimate
Dumping : a problem in international trade
Pennsylvania iron manufacture in the eighteenth century
A letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith, L.L.D., F.R.S. : being an examination of several points of doctrine laid down in his Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (1776)
An inquiry into the nature of value and of capital, and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit. 1813
Theories of the trade cycle
Studies in the economic policy of Frederick the Great
Baron d'Holbach : a prelude to the French Revolution
An examination of Dr. Price's Essay on the population of England & Wales, and the doctrine of an increased population in this Kingdom
A select bibliography of modern economic theory 1870-1929
An examination into the principles of currency involved in the Bank charter act of 1844
The world of Adam Smith
Theories of welfare economics
Maps of London poverty : districts and streets
Travels in North America in the years 1780-1781-1782
Streets and population classified
The theory of profit
Spinoza's political and ethical philosophy
History of the Bank of England, 1640 to 1903
The skilled labourer, 1760-1832
Commerce and industry : a historical review of the economic conditions of the British Empire form the peace of Paris in 1815 to the declaration of War in 1914, based on parliamentary debates
Studies in public finance
The colonial administrations of Sir Thomas Maitland
Introductory lectures on political economy
A manual of political economy : with particular reference to the institutions, resources, and condition of the United States. 1828
Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States
America : or, a general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the Western Continent with conjectures on their future prospects
Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy
Theory of morals : an inquiry concerning the law of moral distinctions and the variations and contradictions of ethical codes
Cornwall : its mines and miners
Industrial fluctuations
The British Empire in America : containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress, and state of the British colonies on the continent and islands of America
Lives of American merchants
The influence and development of English gilds : as illustrated by the history of the craft gilds of Shrewsbury. 1891
A treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes
The passing of the Great Reform Bill
The English coasting trade, 1600-1750
Taxation from the civil war to the present day
Report from the Select Committee on the Health of Towns, 17 June 1840
The present state of England in regard to agriculture, trade, and finance
London's industrial heritage
A history of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
Our new masters
The British iron & steel industry : a technical history
An essay on the principle of population : or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness
Education & social movements, 1700-1850
Adam Smith, 1776-1926 : lectures to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the publication of "The wealth of nations"
Studies in the theory of economic expansion
An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth : and into the means and causes of its increase (1804)
Gloucestershire woollen mills : industrial archaeology
Absentee ownership and business enterprise in recent times : the case of America
The Kress library of business and economics, catalogue : covering material published through 1776 with data upon cognate items in other Harvard Libraries
The philosophy of wealth : economic principles newly formulated
Adam Smith and modern sociology : a study in the methodology of the social sciences
Cartoons : from the General Strike
A history of English philanthropy, from the dissolution of the monasteries to the taking of the first census
State papers and speeches on the tariff : with an introd
Economic essays
Lectures on the restrictive system delivered to the senior political class of William and Mary College
History of the Indian archipelago : containing an account of the manners, arts, languages, religions institutions, and commerce of its inhabitants
A Select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications on the national debt and the sinking fund
Utility and all that, and other essays
International trade
The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income
International trade : an application of economic theory
Work and wealth : a human valuation
The economic history of Ireland from the union to the famine
Finance and trade under Edward III
An investigation of Mr. Malone's claim to the character of scholar, or critic : being an examination of his Inquiry into the authenticity of the Shakespeare manuscripts, &c
Economic beginnings of the Far West
A Lecture on human happiness : being the first of a series of lectures on that subject in which will be comprehended a general review of the causes of the existing evils of society
Economic essays in honour of Gustav Cassel, October 20th, 1933
Money and monetary policy in early times
The miners : years of struggle : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, from 1910 onwards
Selected writings on economics
Proportional representation : with chapters on the initiative, the referendum, and primary elections
Colonial currency reprints, 1682-1751
The history of the factory movement
General theory
Collectivist economic planning : critical studies on the possibilities of socialism
Industrial evolution
Social control of business
Reflections on the decline of science in England : and on some of its causes . On the alleged decline of science in England
The English East India Company : the study of an early joint-stock company 1600-1640
Christian socialism, 1848-1854
The scope and method of political economy
Foundations of British monetary policy
Thomas Tusser, 1557 floruit : his good points of husbandry
A congressional history of railways in the United States
The theory of business enterprise
International trade
Planning for steady growth
The moral and physical condition of the working classes employed in the cotton manufacture in Manchester : and containing an introductory letter to the Rev. Thomas Chalmers
Political essays
The control of trusts
Popular political economy
The British working class reader, 1790-1848 : literacy and social tension
Babeuf's conspiracy for equality
Russian sociology : a contribution to the history of sociological thought and theory
What Veblen taught : selected writings of Thorstein Veblen
England's treasure by forraign trade
Income revisited : being a sequel to Income: an introduction to economics
The credit system in France, Great Britain, and the United States
England's treasure by forraign trade
Business and capitalism : an introduction to business history
An introduction to economic history
British industry, 1700-1950
Thorstein Veblen and his America : with new appendices
Chronicon rusticum-commerciale : or, Memoirs of wool & being a collection of history and argument concerning the woolen manufacture and the woolen trade in general
The instinct of workmanship and the state of the industrial arts
Colonization, particularly in Southern Australia : with some remarks on small farms and overpopulation
History of the white Australia policy to 1920
Homestead : a complete history of the struggle between the Carnegie Steel Company and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, July 1892
Manchester merchants and foreign trade
The disintegrating monolith : pluralist trends in the communist world
Towards precision shoemaking : C. & J. Clark Limited and the development of the British shoe industry
From Marshall to Keynes : an essay on the monetary theory of the Cambridge school
The economic lessons of the nineteen-thirties
British canals : an illustrated history
The Yorkshire Ouse : the history of a river navigation
Stone blocks and iron rails : industrial archaeology
Labour defended against the claims of capital : or, the unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books