Search results 35
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book comprises the biographies of the North Korean p......ole in shaping the formation of the country during the late 1940s, the Korean War of 1950-53 and the power struggles of the mid-1950s. Dra......s insight into the life stories o......s Pang Hak-se, the founder of Nor......r; and Mun Il, the secretary of N......, Kim Il-sung. The biographies of......istory such as the rise of Kim Il-sung and the reasons behind......s selection as the nation's leader, The book also reve...... events during the Korean War, such as the Inchon Landing......a's entry into the war, shed new ......ory. Unveiling the lives and impact of influenti...
- ContentsLost and forgotten: Failed candidates for the North Korean throne The Brigade factio......Kim Il-sung in the Soviet Army Yu......Pak Chŏng-ae: The woman with an ...... chronicler of the early days of ......a Pang Hak-se: The founding father of the North Korean s...... Kang Sang-ho: the story of his service in the North Korean escape from the DPRK Nam Il: The general who signed the Korean War arm......who challenged the Leader Pak Ŭi-wan: Vice-Prem...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The Life and Songs......eassessment of the life, politics...... and legacy of the misunderstood father of American m....... Once revered the world over, Fo...... from grace in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement due to their controversia......oster embraced the minstrel tradi......ore abandoning the genre for resp...... parlor music. The youngest child...... he grew up in the shadows of a s......ssful older brother and his president brother-in-law, James......e line between the family's conse......--unsullied by the grime of indus......t tarnished by the injustice of slavery. Rather than defining......les to satisfy the changing tastes of his genera...
- ContentsPioneer elites Foreclosure and the death of Charl......ll up and down the whole creation......hooldays in Brother William's sun......lsy Shiras and the antislavery im...... and deaths in the family Buchana......c Last days on the Bowery Accidental death or su...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ism throughout the twentieth cent....../ Andrew Mango The Ottoman educat...... / Yeşim Arat The importance of ......ular: Islam in the service of the national and p......modern Turkey: the Nakşibendis, the Nurcus, and the Gülen communi...... / Feroz Ahmad The Turkish Grand ....../ Sencer Ayata Forgotten campaigns: a h......der Turkey and the great powers /......enri J. Barkey The evolution of T......sation against the West": cultural politics in the early Turkish ....../ Orhan Koçak The Turkish novel:...... / Nüket Esen The Turkish music ......toman times to the early republic......acı Fashioning the Turkish body politic / Arus Y...
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading...tory -- Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066 Great Br...
- Subject Heading (ID)...tory -- Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066 Great Br...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)"On 1 January 2010 Sport in the global society, created by Pr...
- Related MaterialThe Olympic movement and the sport of peace......militarism and the Great War : ma......otball clubs : the split, 1878-19......, identity and the modern Olympic......rom England to the world A global......en years later The new geopolitic...... Asia Sport in the city : cultura......rism Soccer in the Middle East Ol......onflict : from the games of the new emerging forces to the Rio Olympics, Africa and the USA Sport in the Americas : loc......l perspectives The Beijing Olympi......lobal politics The other sport mega-ev......World Cup 2011 The making of spor......n football and the influence of l......supporters and the commercialisation of football...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialStudies in the Book of wisdom......oman Palestine The antecedents of......rical study of the earliest Chris......and indigenous elites : a case study of the Nehemiah memoi......Jerusalem and Athens : the congruity of T......losophy Law in the documents of the Judaean desert The texts and versions of the Book of Ben Si......interpretation The Alexandrian ri......of 38 C.E. and the persecution of the Jews : a histo...... covenant, and the beginnings of ......orical time in the Second Temple ......erspectives on the "Date of the Last Supper" d......n : studies in the Hebrew Bible a......nistic context The Jewish community in Rome : fr...
- Alternative TitleSupplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism : text and s...
- Alternative TitleSupplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism : text and s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...y and equality Forgotten pages in Balti...... and inclusion The Vanished World......n Lithuania in the twentieth cent......madness : from the Soviet Union Brezhnev to the "Soviet Union"......communities in the post-Soviet Ba......igested past : the Holocaust in L......ation-state In the captivity of the matrix : Sovie......, 1945-1970 Aesthetics Lithuania : elites, parties, and...... and change in the Baltic Sea Reg......xile 1939-1989 The Baltic States and their region : new......ndependence On their own behalf :......minorities and the campaign for c......tvian politics The history of Jews in Lithuania ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)... Title varies: The American Sociological Associa...
- Related MaterialEducating for freedom : the paradox of pedagogy The methodology of......ion and repair The costs of regim...... mobilization, elite domination, and control of the state in Guyan......reer paths for the forgotten half Historica......le analysis in the study of relig......torics : local elite social structu......and, 1540-1640 Theory of societal......rxist critical theory Passing the torch : does h...... education for the disadvantaged pay off across the generations? O......for equality : the evolution of w......ty or power in the family? performance They say cut back,......acilitation in the attainment of status Society ...
- Alternative TitleThe American Socio......s in sociology The Arnold and series of the American Sociological Associa...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Issued by: Weatherhead East Asia......hington Press, The University of Chicago Press, ...
- Related Material...ese sources on the history of the Chinese Commun......f materials in the East Asiatic L......University and the Division of Or......n prewar Japan The Korean Communi......ent, 1918-1948 The North Korean r......ion, 1945-1950 The first Vietnam ......tarianism, and the limits of Budd......lizing without the masses :, Japan, and the political econ......nstruction and the formation of a......mic narratives The cultural revol......rial : Mao and the Gang of Four A......ina & Russia : the "great game" The Pacific basin ......challenges for the United States ...... : ideology in the late Meiji per...... approaches to the political economy of Taiwan M...
- Alternative TitleA study of the East Asian Ins......ute Studies of the East Asian Ins......y A studies of the East Asian Ins......ity Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia......ute A study of the Weatherhead East Asia......ute Studies of the Weatherhead East Asia......ity A study of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Co...
Other Libraries in Japan
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- Alternative TitleCulture & history of the ancient Near East CHANE CHAN
- Alternative TitleCulture & history of the ancient Near East CHANE CHAN
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Another publisher: RoutledgeCurzon
- Related Material...tary force and elite power in the formation of modern China The transformation of the international ......ecolonization, the Cold War, and the Colombo Plan I......minister and father of the Meiji Constitu......ncial life and the military in imperial Japan : the phantom samura...... understanding the origins of Eas......hina remembers the war Women's su......a, 1899-1991 : the rise, fall, an......restoration of the Open Door Poli......d continuities The United States and Southeast Asian regio......5 Xinjiang and the expansion of C......r : Kashgar in the early twentiet......Yi Gwangsu and the March First Movement of 1919 ...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in modern history of Asia RoutledgeCurzon studies in the modern history of Asia
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ranean ports : the Catalan and Tu......, 1100 to 1235 The Byzantine Turks, 1204-1461 The Mamluks in Egy......d Savonarola : the evolution of humanist theology 1461/2-14......and society in the eastern Medite......15th centuries The cronaca di edition of the first vernacul......doc, 1000-1500 The anxieties of a......itizen class : the miracles of the true cross of ......ngelus pacis : the legation of Ca......ini, 1326-1334 The society of Nor...... and armour of the warrior saints...... Revel-Neher A forgotten community : the Mudejar aljama......iva, 1240-1327 The Benefits of pe......medieval Italy The Latin renovatio of Byzantium ...
- Alternative TitleThe medieval Medit......ures, 400-1500 The medieval Mediterranean : peop...
- Alternative TitleThe medieval Medit......ures, 400-1500 The medieval Mediterranean : peop...
Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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Other Libraries in Japan
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