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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.An award-winning professor and an ac......take us beyond the hype of reform and inside some of America's most......umanistic book offers a rich account of what education can be at its ...
- ContentsIntroduction: Remaking the American high school The state of deeper learning in American high schools Deeper learning at the progressive fr......ed learning in the modern age No ......learning meets the shopping mall high school The long hand of history and the challenge of reinvention learning at the "margins": why the periphery is often more vital than the core A teaching in the disciplines El......reativity, and the future of schooling
- Subject HeadingHigh schools--United State......--Case studies High school environment--U......--Case studies School improvement pr......studies Public schools--United States--Case studies...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ntroduction 1. The American publi......sion rights 3. The school curriculum, st...... about freedom of expression 4. Invasion of the bloggers : coming to a high school near you 5. The digital media ......hts 6. Putting the First Amendmen......plications and the future of freedom of expression App......dix A : Knight future of the First Amendmen......s Appendix B : Future of the First Amendmen......hy Index About the authors.
- Subject Heading...dment. Freedom of speech -- Unit......tates. Freedom of the press -- United States. High school students -- Un......tates. Freedom of speech -- Study and teaching ...
- Author HeadingDautrich, Kenneth. Yalof, David Alistair. López, Mark ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.In this book the author offers an account of a rigorous high school course on race......ically diverse high school, the book chronicle......nt with one another, with a rich ...... powerfully to their daily lives. The author a moral......uses on issues of race, reflects on the challenges and......d in teaching; the unexpected tur...... conversation, the refreshing directness of students' questions, the "aha" moments and the awkward ones, and the paradoxes of his own role a......hite college professor teaching ...... a multiracial high school classroom. This book provides...
- Contents...Why I taught a high school course on race and racism The first day: stereotypes and their consequences......and suspicion: the historical construction of race "Smedley ......ial incidents: the question of moral symmetry......: complicating the discussion of racism The African role i......n: challenging the notion of black inferior......l self-concept The N-word: bounda......cial classroom The last day: stud......y and learning The personal, mora......d civic values of integrated edu......ty Appendix 1: The students Appendix 2: Syllabus...
- Subject Heading...United States. High school students--United States--Atti...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This edited volume broadens the understanding of the media arts at ......e bringing together practices from around the world. Authors......explore issues of cultural and s......sity in fields of education, media theory, and critical theories of education and ......tilize a range of methodologies ......ased research. These artists and ......research about the pedagogical and theoretical aspects of media arts in Associate Professor of Art Education ......ted faculty at the Art & Design R......ator (ADRI) at The Pennsylvania Associate Professor of Media Design a......on at Graduate School of Sciences and Technology fo...
- Contents...nts 3. Back to the People: Transforming the Role of Media Arts in the Context of the Chilean Social Uprising of October 2019 4......nalism: Sounds of Dissent and Re......reativity, and the "Right Thing" in the Age of Global Media Media Arts: Theorizing Innovat......Art Education: The European Digit...... Framework 10. The Significance of Media Arts Edu......ion Project in the Canary Islands......: Case Studies of High School Art Teachers Perceptions of Media Arts Teaching under the New Arts Curri......rom Taiwan 19. The Meaning of Animating in the Digital Era: A......s Education at the Institute of Advanced Media A...
- Title HeadingPalgrave studies in educational futures
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsPart I. State of the science for school mental health ......o we know if a school mental health ......ntroduction to the section on the state of the science for school mental health ......pps Universal, school-based social a......erventions and their potential to...... Neil Humphrey School-based interven......Alberto Valido School mental health ......, Darcey Allan School-based mental h...... and promising future directions / A......on, and family–school–community partnerships in school mental health ......improve family–school collaboration in school mental health ......on R. Minch, Katherine L. Lawlor,......luating family–school collaboration in schools / De...
- Subject HeadingSchool children--Ment......, manuals, etc School psychology--Un......ealth services School health service......alth services. School children--Ment......alth services. School health services. School psychology. United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Routledge Inte......ional Handbook of Gender Beliefs...... presents, for the first time, the work of leading resear......hers exploring the synergies and ......nships between these fields, and ...... for advancing theory, practice, ...... understanding of how gender bel......arning spaces. The collection sum......ard rectifying their negative effects. The chapters are o......s, and Student Futures, Stereotype T......shared between the three fields t......g and positive futures for students.......ion brings together cutting-edge research at the intersection of gender beliefs, stereotype th...
- Contents...r diversity in the education syst......gagement : how the perceived fit ......ts' gender and school work explains ......uncertainty in higher education ST......Godbole, and Catherine Good Stere......s : looking to the future / Penelope W. ......type threat in the language educa......d gender and mathematics : the cognitive burden of stigmatising h......ank C. Worrell The culture effect......n cultures / Katherine Picho-Kiro...... for gender, mathematics, and lit......EM beliefs and their effects on s...... environment : the role of gender / Rajsh......ions : effects of the intersectionality of students' gender and ethnicit...
- Related MaterialRoutledge international handbooks Routledge international handbooks of education
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ence source on the promising aspects of high speed railway ......t road travel, highlighting empiri......ons plans, and future opportunities"--
- Contents...ent California high-speed rail : a......n California's future / Jeff Morales, California High Speed Rail" to high-speed rail : the early challeng......timate success of the California high-speed rail pro...... USA Comparing the size of the market in potential high speed rail corridors of the Midwest : a gr......fits forgone : the cost of not building higher performing p......ities for U.S. high-speed rail dev......rsons Brinckerhoff, USA, Jackson......rsons Brinckerhoff, USA Safety of domestic high speed passenge...... USA Exploring the airline-high speed rail col......versity Kelley School of Business, USA, George J Va...
- Subject HeadingHigh speed trains--United States. High speed ground t......-Case studies. High speed ground transportation. High speed trains. United States.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....and resilience of historic citie......s alike, among them reconstructio......vernance and professionals. The book builds on......s accepted for the 2019 Silk Citi......and resilience of historic citie......and societies" the third Silk Cit......ith University of L'Aquila and U......ciplinary book offers overview on the subject matter. It thereby enables a ...... understanding of challenges, op...... it brings together historical approaches to the reconstruction of historical cities and those of more recent ti...... understanding of the subject matter
- Contents...ches Old Souks of Aleppo: A narr......hotography for the city, between the need for prote......tage as stones of memory: The recovery of archives in the area of the Marche crater ......built fabric - The case of Shahjahanabad, India The Tree: The concept of place after the earthquake, L'......econstructions of historic citie...... Phoenix, city of tomorrow or co......onstruction to the Phoenix Initia......rauma recovery of monumental bui......s in Italy and the United States at the beginning of twentieth cent......quake recovery of Bam, Iran Reconstruction of heritage and spirit: Mending the scars of Aleppo Beyond the da...
- Related MaterialThe urban book series
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction The death of the comprehensive high school? historical, c...... comprehensive high school, 1929-1942 / S......empt to extend the comprehensive high school / Wayne J. Urban The comprehensive high school, enrollment ex......d inequality : the United States in the Postwar Era / into small school reform : advoc...... care in small schools of color / Rene A......Soul making in the comprehensive high school : the legacies of Frederick Wiseman's High School and High School II / Jose R. Rosario The end of the comprehensive high school? African Ameri......rt for private school vouchers / Thomas C. Pedroni The formation of comprehensive ed...
- Subject HeadingComprehensive high schools -- Cross-cultural studies. E...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe high-stakes testing......nology? Why is the history of testing important? What are the paradoxical consequences of high-stakes testing? What is the future of testing? Why and how should high-stakes testing be monitored?
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //bvbr.bib-bvb...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPart I. Families, schools, and educatio......ity 1. Family, schooling, and cultur......arch on homes, schools, and communit......en Pezzetti 3. Schools and inequalit......artin Part II. The changing demographics of social inequal......ce, class, and theories of inequality in the sociology of education / Sa......local contours of inequality / R...... R. Beattie 9. School experiences an......nson Part III. The social organization of schooling and opportu......r learning 10. School choice and lea......Jihyun Kim 14. The social contexts of high schools / Robert Cros......ortunities and the transition int...... choices along the education lifecourse / Michal...
- Note (Content)...o key concepts of sociology of education, thr......nd emphasizing the intersectionality of gender, race, ....... Sociologists often center their work on the sources and consequences of inequality. Th......reviewing many of these explanations......k analyses and school and teacher ef...... Additionally, the book explores the changing landscape of higher education institutions, their respective p......ising stars in the field, each of the chapters is embedded in theory, but contem......r sociologists of education and other scholars and ......nderstand many of the problems of inequality in ......ded to address them--
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, response to them. One of the great many kinds of verse: formal,......, and protest. The anthology open...... testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion......d people voice their passionate r......olume captures the power and beauty of this diverse t......y and culture. The volume also biographies of each poet and notes that illu...
- 1900-1918 The dark tower: 19......9-1936 Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 Ideas of ancestry: 1959......aise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 200......ollection ; On the Death of the Rev. Mr. Georg......Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem......ker To Eliza ; The Slave's Compla......t ; On hearing of the intention of a gentleman to purchase the Poet's freedom ; Division of an estate ; The Art of a Poet ; Georg......eal to Woman ; The Grave of the Slave / Sarah ...... / David Drake The Natives of America ; Refl......rse Written in the Album of Mademoiselle _......orge B. Vashon The Emigrant / Benjamin Clark Son...
- Related MaterialThe library of America
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The book examines ......and education, school reform, the achievement ga......d poverty--and highlights crucial practical and p...
- Contents... : forty years of health policy ......rth : applying the biology of adversity to build the capabilities of caregivers / Jack P. Shonkoff Early childho......n Lombardi ; A future for preschool in the United States ......leen McCartney School reform. The past as prologue to the future : envisioning school reform for the twenty-first c......-first-century school system : creat......g a teaching profession and mult......rt B. Schwartz The achievement gap. Confronting the achievement ga......inequality and the school performance of low- and high-income childre......fare : meeting the needs of vulnerable chi......enile justice. The wheel turns : recreating a sy...
- Has FormatTable of contents only
National Diet Library
- Contents1. A vision of leadership 2. ......acement junior theme / Maggie Sch......ord search / Katherine Lowe The Georgia Helen ......cher pairs / Katherine Lowe Junior theme and immigration thesis / Marilyn Cobb Junior theme with special...... Burns Kapolei high school library media readers / Katherine Lowe Professional learni......Pickard Speak softly and carry a......h tutorial / Katherine Lowe Libra......-first-century high school library / Magg...... Schmude Doing the best we can with the technology we ......a Picard Strengthening the library media ......lley Mentoring school library media ......cialists new o the system / Patiricia Picard Par...
- Subject HeadingSchool library media ......rams. National School Library Media Program of the Year Award. School libraries -- A......United States. School libraries -- U......studies. Bibliothèques scolaires ......ts-Unis. Bibliothèques scolaires Schulbibliothek. Lernort. Preis (Auszeichnun...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Though there has been muc...... discussion on the academic aspects of Japanese educa...... abroad (e.g., high scores on inte......lesson study), there has been lit......information on the non-academic aspects of Japanese schooling. The non-academic a......a certain hour of the day, and rather extends throughout the day, and to hours outside of the regular classr......oms -- such as school excursions. It......serving lunch, school events such as sports day, school excursions, st......roughout one's school years, from elementary school (actually, eve......ndergarten) to high school. They are, however, bound together by the common goals of the T...
- ContentsThe tokkatsu framework: the Japanese model of holistic educa......oko Tsuneyoshi The essentials of tokkatsu (1) /......y to live in a future society (inter......atsu, Ministry of Education, Cul...... a global age: the case of a public night junior high school in Japan / Tokkatsu as the core of career educati......hi Hamano, CEO of Hamano Product......iyama, founder of Yellow Hat Ltd......u Implications of comparing school cleaning acros......dent committee of secondary schools in Japan / Yu......ife education: the case of C Secondary School / Yutaka Ochi ......r learning and the Kenkyukai: the Japanese model of collaborati...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Argues that the education a system of high-achieving and equitable schools that protects every child's ...
- ContentsThe flat world, ed...... and America's future. Education in ......y can matter ; The legacy of educational in...... must be done? The anatomy of inequality : how the opportunity ga......verty and lack of social support......on and unequal schooling ; Unequal a......eachers ; Lack of access to high-quality and expands the opportunity gap. The prospects and pitfalls of standards-base...... a difference? The legality of unequal school funding ; How ......matter? A tale of three states :......y (or don't) ; The cases of Connecticut used well ; The case of California: wh......sive neglect ; The moral of the stories Steady w...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...nd life-course theories of offending / Franc......Benson, and Matthew D. Makarios factors for offending / David......and Maria M. Ttofi Preventing cr......ntervention in the preschool years / Holly ......t training and the prevention of crime / Alex training in the prevention of antisocial dev...... approaches in the prevention of female offending / Debor......s on crime and offending / Steve......centration and the prevention of crime / Jens L......mentoring, and the prevention of crime / Christ...... David Hawkins School-based crime pr...... "good enough" theory / Martha J.......nald V. Clarke High crime places, times, and offe...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of crime prevention
- Alternative TitleHandbook of crime prevention
National Diet Library
- Contents...rning : a case of old wine in ne......nd learning in the information age : from the school to e-school to no school? / Nigel Paine The economics of open learning ...... and secondary schools / Marianne Ba......correspondence schools to parastatal colleges of open learning : out-of-school secondary educ......central and southern Africa / Ton......T : supporting the travelling tra......ndia with open schools / Santosh Pan......ctions on open schooling and nationa......E-learning and the development of open classes f......tevens Virtual high schools in the United States ......current views, future visions / M.D. Roblyer From d...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The authors persua......ely argue that the present cascade of reforms to pub...... a consequence of a larger inten......nk government. The startling resu......t is that more of public educati...... are moving to the private sector and to the prison industr...... various forms of evidence struc......atory research the authors reveal......s and circuits of dispossession ...... clear failure of present at war with the interests of the vast majority of citizens, and urban youth of color. In the final chapter the authors explor......principles and offer examples es......ial movements, the kind of power necessary to co...
- ContentsThe radical restructuring of the state and dissolution of American econo...... Restructuring the teaching workf......form in an era of economic decline Charter schooling and the deregulation a......capitalization of public educati......ession stories High stakes testing and the racialized science of dispossession Circuits of dispossession ......on in a nation of swelling inequ...... austerity and the intensifying f......r a collective future.
- Subject Heading...States. Public schools--United State......cation. Public schools. United States.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The book is a compilation of the best and still......overty & Race, the bimonthly of The Poverty & Race......l from 2006 to the present. Authors are some of the leading figures in a range of activities around these themes. It is the fourth such bo......published over the years, each with a high-visibility for......Luis Gutierrez of Chicago for this book. The chapters are o......ace & Poverty: The Structural Underpinnings; Dec...
- Contents...m: Focusing on the Cause / Cliff ......̀-vis Class in the U.S.? / john and Poor in the Inner City / W......s: Response to the Periodic Report of the United States to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrim......-Government in the United States ......Ira Katznelson The Importance of Targeted Unive...... Tax Aversion: The Legacy of Slavery / Robi...... Tax Aversion: The Sequel / Blacks for the Economic Crisi......ory D. Squires The Missing Class: The Near Poor / Vi......r Tan Chen & Katherine S. Newman ......riminalization of Poverty: UN Re......aryn Gustafson The Criminalization of Homelessne...