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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Through stories, questions and though......our ability to question, learn, exp...... will discover the tools for map-making in philo...
- Contentspt.1: Step into the unknown Wonder: The frog in the well Question: The blind men and the elephant Coura......ming: Dream of the butterfly Where am I? The brain in a tank The animals depart: The hunter and the fox-woman Remembering: The seal-woman pt....... kind of hero: Theseus and the Minotaur What ......? Brahma hides the humans' divine......eets Alexander the Great Politics: Justice of the true king Know......s good or bad: The old man at the fort Knowledge: The Salmon of Know......sic: Fionn and the music of what ......tting (Zazen): The hard-working c......e with nature: The sound of the yellow bell The ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A retelling of the Arthurian through his quest for the Holy Grail.
- Note (General)From the thirteenth-century epic poem ...
- Author HeadingPaterson, Katherine, 1932- Wolfram von Eschen...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.... to find his father and winds up undertaking quests with Sirs Gaw......d traveling to the fairy world.
- Contents... and a platter Questing Carl of Car......aiden Kiss for the dragon Carbonek Transformatio...
- Note (General)...ld selection. "The squire's tales"--Jacket. Rela...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The Arthurian stor......characters and themes that remain......ecognisable as they pass through ......ntroduction to the world of Arthu......looking beyond the canonical texts and themes to encompas......perspective on the Arthurian narr......elsh poetry to the twenty-first produced by the Fate franchise, the essays in this......ection explore the continuities that make the material recog......and places and the astonishing va......that have made the Arthurian stor......large parts of the world. Divided......xts: 600-1600; The European World......ies: 1500-2018 the book focuses on the moments of transition in whic...
- ContentsPART 1: THE WORLD OF ARTHUR IN THE BRITISH ISLES ....../ P.J.C. Field The Invention of A......ain: Arthur in the Early Welsh Li......n Arthur Among the Nine Worthies ......y and Place in the Arthurian Trad......Kenneth Hodges The Postmedieval A....../ Andrew Lynch The Arthurian Legends in the Sixteenth Century: The Misfortunes of Arthur and The Faerie Queene ...... Shakespeare's The Tempest / Clau......ichard Hovey's The Marriage of Guenevere and The Birth of Galah......lanton PART 2: THE EUROPEAN WORLD OF ARTHUR The Byelorussian T......scontinuity in the Irish Arthuria......for Young Men: The Challenge of the Medieval Gre...
- Related MaterialThe Routledge worlds
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The school-city of......s and girls of the Starpulse Gene......all compete in the Seibusai, the "star battle f......g for glory on the greatest comba......nment stage of the world.
- vol. 3. The Phoenix war dance vol. 4. Quest for days lost ...... 5. Battle for the crown vol. 6. The triumphal homecoming battle v...
National Diet Library
- Contents...e services for the mobile age / A......rie L. Radford The reference user......J. Bell We are the user: imaginat...... sympathy, and the user experienc......e Bivens-Tatum The user experience and the librarian: now......pigni Connaway The tutorial dialo......ferencing and other tools for vir......hatt Inventing the future by exam......ns Jordan More questions than answe......mail reference questions: a review of the literature and......ed librarians: the Community Refe......lbe Galston, Katherine Johnson, E......ariations on a theme in academic ......operative SMS: the My Info Quest journey / Beth......ight Analyzing the past to invest in the future:...
- Subject Heading...casting. Bibliothek. Auskunftsdienst. Informatio...
- Note (General)The papers in this......esentations at the second Reference Renaissance:...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...ning(3)BGM for the Loading Screen......n(9)Story(Main)Quest Clear-Result(1......i Only)(11)Sub Quest Clear(12)Chapt......17)Battle with the Marshland Mast......2)Welcome from the One-Eyed King ......n(7)Love Event Theme(1)(Contact)(8)Love Event Theme(2)(Heroine D......)(9)Love Event Theme(3)(Declaration of Love)(10)Theme of Penelope (11)Theme of Ophelia(1......(12)Memoirs of the Past(13)Theme of Navarre(14)Liberation BG...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleKnights & the golden age of chivalry
- Alternative TitleKnights & the golden age of chivalry
Other Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Summary:A retelling of the Arthurian through his quest for the Holy Grail
- Note (General)”From the thirteenth-century epic poem ...
- Author HeadingPaterson, Katherine Wolfram, von Eschenbach, ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingGawain and the Grene Knight G...... in literature Quests (Expeditions) in literature ...
- Subject Heading (ID)Gawain and the Grene Knight G...... in literature Quests (Expeditions) in literature ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)The knightly quest.--Mama's old s......this up road.--The kingdom of earth.--Grand".
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...ase(5)Cutscene:The Last Piece(6)K......scene:Sonic on the move(20)Jingle:Quest-Intro(21)Jingle:Quest-Start(22)Quest:SOS Backup(23)Jingle:Quest-Clear(24)Cutsc......nd:7th Mvt.(12)Theme of Koco(13)F......25)Cutscene:To the new frontier D......ep(13)Cutscene:The Vision (14) of the Ancient Civili......ons of Home(22)Quest:The Best Defense(23)Jingle:Quest-Fail(24)Jingle:Quest-Result(25)Cuts......(2)Cutscene:Another tomorrow(3)Cy......-7:Floating in the Blue(6)Ares Is......Cutscene:To Another Frontier(10)C......ace 3-1:Escape the Loop (13)Guard......utscene:Beyond the past(17)Island......pace 3-5:BMB(8)Quest:Bridge the Gap(9)Chaos Island...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFrankenstein Marco The mark of Zorro The enchanted Apri...... and prejudice The mistress of sp......fficially dead The hound of the Baskervilles O...... day River God The call of the wild Touching the void Daisy Miller The magic barber The adventures of ......reasure island The perfect storm ......of men against the sea The house on the hill Things fa...... No Good wives The tenant of Wildfell Hall The umbrella The grapes of wrath The phantom of the Opera "A" is for alibi The merchant of Ve......ce Kick-off! : the story of football Around the world in eight......ridget Jones : the edge of reason Room 13 and other ghost stories L.A. winners G...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialIndia in the fifteenth to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good H......d into English The English New En......vel journals : the Americas, Anta......oyages towards the North-West in ......elections from the early records of the Honourable the East India Com......d from MSS. in the British Museum Reports on the discovery of P......f discovery to the North Pacific commemorate the centenary of the Hakluyt Society The bondage and tr......ica, 1396-1427 The diary of Willi......nd (1681-1687) The observations voyage into the south sea in the year 1593 The historie of tra...
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
- Alternative TitleWorks issued by the Hakluyt Society
National Diet Library
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAgainst time's arrow : the high crusade o......o Gernsback, father of modern sci......iterary voices The dream quest of H. P. Lovec......ld Dahl : from the gremlins to the chocolate fact......s & martinis : the skewed realism......oward Earth is the alien planet :......and darkness : the fiction of Joh......ion writers of the West and South......D.H. Lawrence, the poet who was n......Demon prince : the dissonant worl...... Worlds beyond the world : the fantastic visi......R.R. Tolkien : the art of the myth-maker Int......h of symbols : the triumph of : Tolkien, the Trilogy, and the Silmarillion Interviews with ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: "Books for the Bairns" Office
- Related MaterialMore nursery rhymes : old mother goose Little ......ow-white, and other fairy tales R......merry tales of the olden time Thor and the giants, or, So......ifty years ago The story of Perseus and the Gorgon's head The Diverting Hist......of John Gilpin The Bairns' Bible ......ntroduction to the study of the old book The fairy of the snowflakes : and other Christmas sto......fairy tales of the ancient Greeks The redcross knigh......'s Bairn : or, the story of Tinyk...... two tales for the Bairns The rambles of a rat Mother Michel and he......rel-Land : or, The story of Mr. W......y : re-told to the boys and girls of the Britis...