Search results 28
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In these two volumes of original from around the world address the history of British coloni......tretching from the emergence of cinema at the height of imperalism, to moments of decolonization and the ending of formal imperialism in the post-Second World War"--
- ContentsIntroduction: Film and the End of Empire / Lee G......EMPIRE AT WAR. The Last Roll of the Dice: Morning,, Empire and the Historiography of the Crown Film Uni......ichard Osborne Official and Amat......nial Cinema in the 1940s / Philip......oves a party": the Colonial Film Archive and the Racial Imaginary of the Worker-warrior......ELOPMENT. From the Inside: The Colonial Film Unit and the Beginning of the End / Tom Rice Images of Empire on Shifting Sands: the Colonial Film ......West Africa in the Post-war Perio......Rosaleen Smyth The End of Empire: The Films of the Malayan Film Unit in 1950s British Malaya / Hassan Muthalib PROJECTING ...
- Subject Heading...n pictures and the war. Motion pictures in propa...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
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- Note (General)Another publisher: RoutledgeCurzon
- Related Material...elite power in the formation of modern China The transformation of the international order of Asia : decolonization, the Cold War, and the Colombo Plan I......minister and father of the Meiji Constitu......ncial life and the military in imperial Japan : the phantom samura...... understanding the origins of East Asian fil......hina remembers the war Women's su......a, 1899-1991 : the rise, fall, and restoration of the Open Door Poli......anging visions of East Asia, 194......d continuities The United States and Southeast Asian regio......45-75 Women in modern Burma Japanese......5 Xinjiang and the expansion of Chinese Communis...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge studies in modern history of Asia RoutledgeCurzon studies in the modern history of Asia
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialLetters of sincerity : the Raffles collection of Malay letters,......errain : trade of the Straits Port of Penang A history of Negri Sembilan......ical geography of Pahang From po......3-1947 Mammals of Borneo : field......cial relations of dependence in ......istory History of Kelantan, 1890...... systems in Southeast Asia : the Malay Peninsul......60 . A history of diplomacy and ......century Labuan The Penang Po Leun......tion A history of Selangor, 1766-1939 The civil war in K...... 1839 Glimpses of Selangor, 1860......1957 : History of the Kingdom of Perlis, 1841-1......7 Refugee from the Japanese The tigers of Trengg...
- Alternative TitleMonograph / the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society MBRAS m...
- Alternative TitleMonograph / the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society MBRAS m...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related violence in the contemporary w...... : fascism and the Italian occupation of Syros in World...... experience in the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Navy Altered memories of the Great War : di......ent narratives of Britain, Austr...... Cyprus : from the Great War to m......crises War and the media : report......nda, 1900-2003 The special operat......s executive in Malaya : World War II and the path to independence The arts as a weapon of war : Britain and the shaping of the national morale in the Second World War The origins of air war : the development of military air World War I The culture of war in China : emp...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...nical progress The old grammar schools The economic mind ......n civilization The physiocrats : ......ix lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century An essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United States ......f inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815 Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776 The poor man's fri...... or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor The idea of value Industry of the Rhine Populati......n inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most ......uman happiness The Lancashire cot......ic development The evolution of the money market...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...d bibliography of English-langua......a bibliography of Soviet, Wester......ound : a study of the American camp meeting Crimes of style : urban graffiti and the politics of criminality Women of color : a filmography of minority and T......s : a guide to the sources and resources The winds of injustice : Indians and the U.S. Governmen......d bibliography of journal articl......ty politics at the millennium Wes......n encyclopedia The Unification Ch......t for women in the federal servic......i-communism in the United States ......ent Teaching mathematics : toward......onary Sciences of the earth : an encyclopedia o...
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social science......erence library of social science......erence library of social science
- Alternative TitleGarland reference library of the social science......erence library of social science......erence library of social science
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...o independence The European conquest The economics of money Elements of economic theory Librariansh...... short history of English litera......tion A history of classical and chart of South-East Asi...... production in the humid tropics ......verty Elements of English law The social framework of the Japanese econo......and how to use them Human and eco......nd behavior in modern Japanese politics The Golden treasury of the best songs & l......rical poems in the English language The western impact...... social change The history of South-East, So......s Pocket atlas of anatomy Econom......n monsoon Asia Modern banking Economic development ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialKedah, 1771-1821 : the search for sec......policy towards the Malays, 1875-1......iety : a study of non-communal p......lay society in the late nineteenth century : the beginnings of change The peasant robbers of Kedah, perceptions The Malay States, ...... transformed : the reconstruction of education in p......g Adat laws in modern Malaya : land tenure,......, and religion The Kingdom of Johor, 1641-17......ule, 1912-1941 The élite and the economy in Sia......2 A wilderness of marshes : the origins of public health ......hai, 1843-1893 The personal laws of Malaysia : an introduction The politics of belonging : polit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...0 Sacrilege in Malaya English throug......s into life in Malayan lands A dictionary of Malayan medicine The prostitute Adv......ives Let it be The experiences of a hunter and naturalist in the Malay Peninsul......eo An analysis of Malay magic The Sarawak Chines......r Malay annals The Hikayat Abdullah : the autobiography of Abdullah bin A......outh-East Asia The field-book of a jungle-walla...... a description of shore, river &......ried treasures of Chinese Turkestan Raffles of the Eastern Isles Perak and the Malays The manners and customs of the Chinese The hunt for the heart : selected tales from the Dutch East Indies The Chinese...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWomen's rights? : the politics of eugenic abortion in modern Japan Their footprints r......innings across the Indo-Tibetan f......ces Frameworks of choice : predi...... fading legacy of Shikarpoor, historic city The EU-Japan secur......ensive Aspects of urbanization i......l to global Northeast migrants in......g trajectories of migration and theory The making of the Asia Pacific brokers and the politics of representation......ums, missions, modernities From padi......n identity and the social construction of space in the borderlands of Cambodia, Viet......o Amitav Ghosh The Institutionalisation of political parties in post-aut...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMyths and realities : the democratization of Thai politics The political ecology of tropical forests in Southeast Asia : hist......ying Marxism : the formation of modern Thai radical c......1958 People on the move : rural-u......ons in Sarawak The rise of middle classes in Southeast Asia Betwee......nt monks in Northeast Thailand After the crisis : hegem......vernance in Southeast Asia Laying the tracks : the Thai economy and water : the human ecology of a composite sw......n Vietnam's northern mountains The end of personal rule ......a : golkar and the transformation of the Suharto regime......Buddhism among the Thai-Lao : religion in the ma...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General), University of Hawai'i Press, KITLV Press
- Related Material...donesia's city of struggle The riddle of Malaysian capi......l capitalists? The Khmer lands of Vietnam : envi......nd sovereignty The rice sector of peninsular Mal......nd state in Southeast Asia Kuala ......ia Perceptions of the past in Southeast Asia Indone......mporary fatāwā The potent dead : ......a Cham Muslims of the Mekong Delta :......nd mobility in the cosmopolitan p...... in rural Java The end of the absolute monar......on : China, Southeast Asia and Au......e peasants and the colonial sugar......nese in crisis The Khmer lands of Vietnam : envi......Resilience and the localisation of trauma in Aceh, Indonesia Mad...
- Alternative TitleAsian Studies Association of Australia, Southeast Asia public......series ASAA Southeast Asia publications series
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editors of some issues: Megan Vaughan an...
- Related Material...ctions Empires of religion The white redoubt, the great powers and the struggle for Southern Africa, 1960-1980 The Imperialism of French decolon......nch policy and the Anglo-American......ia and Morocco The shadow of colonialism on Europe's modern past Light and......acial nation : the Kariba Dam scheme in the Central Africa......d knowledge in the early East Ind......orld Money and the end of empire : Briti......mic policy and the colonies, 1947-58 The ends of European colon......olonization in the twentieth cent......sia, 1945-1970 The 'civilising mission' of Portuguese history and the global politics of exclusion ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)No. 22 has imprint: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies
- Related Material...l democracy Southeast Asia under ...... democracy and the left in the Philippines af......nference under the tamarind tree ......d change in Southeast Asia Beyond suspicion? : the Singapore judiciary Patterns of Vietnamese res...... and priest in the Cao Dai in Viet Nam Being modern in Bali : imag......oral order and the question of change : essays on Southeast Asian thoug...... integration : the case of Indonesia Entr......ium Allegories of the Vietnamese pas......nification and the production of a modern historical identity Tribes of the north Thailand frontier The 1988 uprising in rural Southeast Asia Malaysia's national l...
- Alternative TitleMonograph series (Yale University. Southeast Asia Studies) Monograph
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Great captains of antiquity Rolling the iron dice : hi......indoctrination of the military : Wor......plications for the military-indus......MacArthur, and the Korean War The American war i...... ramifications of unrestricted s......are, 1939-1941 The spit-shine syn......rationality in the American field army The emperor's frie......hind a curtain of silence : Japa......ody, 1945-1956 The Search for str......sion Arms race theory : strategy and structure of behavior Raide......te infantry? : the changing role of the U.S. Army Rang......nd security at the dawn of the twenty-first c......try tactics in the First World War The hollow ar...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental gue...... small wars in the midst of a big one development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first c......reflections on the challenges ahe......ent in America The witch-cult in ......Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociology The struggles of Brown, Jones, ......ean vision and the South Pacific,......0 : a study in the history of art and ideas ......or worlds : or the day software puts the universe in a s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Title from no. 8 Other titles from no. 5
- Related Material...ation, 1962-66 The razor's edge :......disputes in Southeast Asia Exchan......e rate regimes of ASEAN countrie......nd linkages at the industrial estates of Malacca town :......preneurs in Southeast Asia The ASEAN preferen...... : an analysis of potential effe......n dependence : the simple analytics of stockpiling parties and the 1982 general e......y, France, and the Netherlands Economic......tional banking The enemy beyond, ......perceptions in the ASEAN region Estimation of interstate mig......sia, 1947-1970 The Klang strikes of 1941 : labour in Colonial Malaya Cultural and in Thailand The withering days of the Nguyen ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialAncient fiction : the novel in the Graeco-Roman w......and liturgical theology China fights for the world Developm......ood intentions The value dimensio......affa A history of English Romanticism in the nineteenth century The modernization of the American Stock......nge, 1971-1989 The British and the Grand Tour Gov......ks in crisis : the legal response The geometry of vector fields ......hall's mission The psychology of conservatism Women and their work Blake and the new age The Elizabethan dumb show : the history of a dramatic convention The history of Swedish econom......vity Paradoxes of the infinite An introduction to p...