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National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The age of the Hebrew Bible i...... recent years. The scarcity of cl......nce allows for the possibility of...... views, though these are often clouded by theological and po......anging book synthesizes recent li......rch to clarify the history of bib......ture, from its oldest texts and l......cise language, the authors provid......w standard for the historical study of the Bible. This mu......ded work paves the path forward to dating the Hebrew Bible and understandin...
- Contents...thod Kinds and causes of linguistic......ural history : the ages of Biblical literature.
- Subject HeadingBible. Old Testament--Lan...... style. Bible. Old Testament--History. Bible. Old Testament--Cri......istory. Bible. Old Testament. Heb......translation of the Bible.
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe bicycle, a new (old) thing Anthrop......ties "Good for the cause" : the bike movement politics On the need for the bicycle.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....mine contexts, causes, and conseque......ies throughout the region.The book features ......rmany, France, the United Kingdom......ildlessness in the United States puts the European exper......n perspective. The book offers insights as the determinants o......ldlessness, whether governments c......dlessness, how the phenomenon dif......ial strata and the role economic ....... In addition, the book also exam......ion as well as the consequences experts in the field of famil......behavior. From causes to consequenc......s, it explores the many facets of childlessness ...
- Contents...ildlessness in the UK Childlessne......ildlessness in the United States ......Childlessness: The Influence of E......and Men Across the Life Course Ch......ative Study of the Life Course Pl......y: A Review of the Current Situat...... Regulation in the Context of Cro......thout a Woman? The Differential I......e Dynamics for the Wellbeing of C......n and Women in the Netherlands Fertility and Women's Old-Age Income in Germany Childle...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.This unique book explores the details of bonding disorder: the psychopatholog......lation between the baby and parents. The difficulties are one of the most important......cted issues in the perinatal ment......ook introduces the latest knowled......tual analysis, causes, adverse cons......vious studies. The volume will be......inicians, and other professionals......ith infants in the perinatal health field
- Contents...o Yoshida ; 3. The psychometric properties of the maternal anten......ment scale and the identification......non-clinical mothers / Yuriko Usu......inori Kitamura Causes. 4. Bonding d...... aged 10 years old or younger : a......f a Japanese mother population / ......Do you want another baby? Bonding...... desire for another baby among a one-month old child / Toshin...... in Japanese mothers of an infant......eding style, mother-to-infant bon......ding prevent mother-to-infant bonding disorder? ...
- Subject HeadingMother and infant Ne......Y / General. Mother and infant. Newborn infants-...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This timely book brings together leading exper......people move in the face of crisis......e move, while others do not? Wher......long? What are the challenges and......factors should these depend? This......tion outlining the parameters of ......onceptualizing the term and evalu...... also explores the legal, policy ...... studies, from the earthquake in Haiti and the widespread vio...... in Mexico, to the on-going exodu...... in Alaska and the Carteret Islands, among others. Section Thr......d populations. The concluding section maps the global governance of crisis m...
- ContentsSetting the Scene / SUSAN ......Migration" : A Theoretical Perspe......splacement and the Challenge of Mobility in the Context of Cli...... Relocations : The Arctic and Sou......ONEN Something Old and Something ......esettlement in the Twenty First C......olicy Adrift : The Challenge of M......UMIN Flight to the Cities: Urban ......IA WEISS FAGEN The Global Governance of Crisis M...
National Diet Library
- Contents1. The Panic of 2008 : Something Old and Something ......Maury Klein 2. The Anatomy of A R......A Look Back to the 1930s / Kennet...... Preparing for the Worst / James ......ail? Recasting the Financial Safe...... Was a Primary Cause of the Crisis / Frank......ry Failure and the Race to the Bottom in US M......and Returns in the High Yield Bond Market : The Year 2008 in R...... 9. Regulating the Financial Frankel 10. The Sewers of Jefferson County / Theresa A. Resuscitate the Shareholder Derivative A......earing House : The Supreme Court Responds to the Subprime Finan......or Victory for the Dual Banking System and Consu...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe health of older men in the past / Dora L.......valence during the nineteenth and......s in trends in old-age better than their predecessors......y is a pain in the ****, especially in England, the Netherlands, and the United States ......ility risk and the value of disab......amwick Why are the disability rol...... skyrocketing? The contribution o......ons: exploring the impact of depr......ies persist in the U.S. older population /......ies feel about their health care?...... burden across the spectrum of disabling disease...
- Subject HeadingOlder people -- He......-- Statistics. Older people with ......h Services for the Aged -- trends -- United Stat...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe dark side of p......dine: HIV/AIDS The travels of ant......nella DT104 Of old growth and art......s A virus from the Nile.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Usage of the political keyw......propaganda" by the Chinese Commun......ded over time. These changes periods in the history of the People's Repub...... of China from the Mao Zedong Era......(1949-1976) to the New Era of Xi ......hina builds on the work of earlie......ars to revisit the central issue ......erstood within the Communist Part......techniques and themes? What can w......? In answering these questions, the contributors t......cs approaches. Their work captures the sweep of propa......tinuities from the perspective of......ys which place the history of the People's Repub......rationally, aesthetically, and in terms of socia...
- perspective The Mao era and the Chinese Keywords of the pedagogical st...... Qing legacies The birth of China......rtyrdom across the media Acknowledgement 4 The subtle image of the 'compatriot' .......nda posters of the Mao era Images......compatriots in the propaganda posters of the Mao era Embedding the 'old' society in the present: The images of Taiw......compatriots in the 1950s victims and the poor relatives among the Chinese people The martyr who cou......ow his face to the audience36 The distant relati...... in posters in the 1970s Illustra......iphery Weaving the HK/TW compatriots into the bi...
- Author HeadingFarley, James (Assistant lecturer) Johnson, Matthew D.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....nja Zmerli and their team of expe...... shed light on the multiple ways ......cholars alike, The Psychology of ...... examples from the U.S., Europe, Asia and the Middle East to examine the nature, charac......s, content and the reception of c......f discourse: - The style and natu......ical actors in the national and i......ional arenas - The discourse campaigns - The rhetoric of the media as it tr...... Collectively, the essays form a ...... to understand the different role......guage plays in the conduct of politics, the way in which these roles are pe...... cultures, and the political outcomes of verbal ...
- ContentsThe new American e......tive study and the effect of cult......communication: the construction o......n addresses to the United Nations...... / Sarah Tanke They caused our crisis! the contents and e...... evidence from the Netherlands / Michae......communication: the case of the five star movement in the 2013 Italian e......campaigning in the 2015 U.K. reported by the print media / ......sed debates in the press and their influence candidates: the cases of Spain, the U.K., and the U.S. / Laura P...... Lehman-Wilzig Old traps and new ......nowledge / Dorothee Beck "Men prefer redheads": ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The Antebellum Press: Setting the Stage for Civil War reveals the critical role ...... journalism in the years leading ......t by exploring the events that fo......ed directly to the outbreak of war"--
- Contents... Milad Minooie The "irrepressible conflict" and the press in the late antebellu......evolt spurs Southern fears and sp......ery / James Scythes Disunion or submission? Southern editors and the Nullification ......tors : pushing the boundaries of ...... W. Bulla When the pen gives way to the sword : violence in the nineteenth cen......ouse divided : the Texas press response to the Compromise of ......ary M. Cronin "The good old cause" : the Fugitive Slave......ry rhetoric in the Boston daily c......lin pierce and the failure of coverage of the compromise candidate, the "Nebraska Act," and the midte...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."During the early to mid-t......tieth century, the Zionist Organi......l victories on the international, leading to the foundation of ......hin Palestine. The International account of the founding of Is......el by exposing the misrepresentat...... statements at the United Nations......ewhere against the historical rec......s new light on the legacies of su...... interested in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict"...
- Contents...a; 4. Courting the commissar; 5. ......and mirrors at the YMCA; 7. The ship that laun....... Cocktails at the consulate; 9. ......s; 10. Denying the undeniable; 11......?; 12. Joining the world with fin......nest hour; 19. Old issues, new lies; 20. An orga...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe omni-Americans......outh to a very old place The hero and the blues Stomping the blues The blue devils of Nada From the briarpatch file Other writings. "The problem" is no......U.S. Jews : no cause for alarm ; "S......? ; Bearden in theory and ritual ; Three omni-Am...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book focuses on the way in which the problem of the motion of bodi......pproached over the course of huma....... It is not another traditional h......echanics but rather aims to enable the reader to fully understand the deeper ideas t...... to understand the mechanisms of motion and then in formulating theories with pred......rtain parts of the history of mec......ter Newton. On the other hand, due att......or example, to the history of thermodynamics, wh...... epistemology, the book examines the various views and theories of a give...... analysis) and then makes compari...... one or two of the most meaningful contributions...
- ContentsONE. The science of mot......of mechanics Mathematics and physics Mathematical physics The theory of potentia......of different mathematical involve......nts and people The framework Discovering new mathematics Greek ba......tion of motion The science of wei......ernate science The medieval theories of natura......motion Impetus theory Jean Saxonia and the spreading of the theory Final remar......nd Renaissance The role of techni......sics and new mathematics The debate about the status of the subalternate Ballistics: The birth of a new...... Benedetti and the fall of bodies......n of bodies on the earth surface and in the heav...
- Subject Heading...s, Analytic. Mathematics--History. Physics--Hist...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The budget battles......have amplified the warnings of de......nd Medicare as they faded into an impoverished old age. On the contrary, argu......are instead on the verge of a bro......y and society. The old idea of "retir......ent and shrank their activities-w......ell notes, and the boomer generat......ment-extending their working live......nteer service. Their experience, ......d importantly, their continued enrich the American workp......ole society in the decades to come. Unretirement...
- ContentsWork long and prosper A cause for celebratio......ealism at work The only thing we ...... fearmongering The vanguard of the 25/65 revolution The movement against old age stereotype......a radical idea The rise of mass r......ment Rewriting the social compact The us generation boomers on the job Planning f......r unretirement The economic possibilities for gr...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...guished Lamp?; The Succession; Je......d; Relaunching the Jesuit Mission......te Questioning the New English Order: The Beginning of the Appellant Cont...... ; Superior of the Mission; "May ......y to him whose cause is just": Jesu...... Jesuit Flock; The Essex Rebellio......ertures within the Catholic Commu......Adjustments to the New Ecclesiastical Order; The Continuing Debate over the Succession; Re......rganization of the Scottish Mission The Intercession of the Nuncio The Appeal to Rome; Troubles at the English Colleges; The Continuing Struggle in the Low Countries;......nge holines in there mouthes but wickednes in th...
- Related MaterialBibliotheca Instituti Historici S.I. Ca...
- Periodical TitleBibliotheca Instituti Historici S.I. Ca...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ropean wine on the eve of the railways Phylloxera and the development success in the Midi : growers......merchants, and the state pt. II. The causes of export fai......ant drinkers : the British market and the international ...... white pt. IV. The great divergence : the growth of indu...... production in the New World. Big......merican wine : the California Win......on Australia : the tyranny of dis...... producers and Old World consumers Conclusion Ap...
- Related MaterialThe Princeton economic history of the Western world
- Periodical TitleThe Princeton economic history of the Western world
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe Landscape of the Legal Professi...... in Europe and the USA : continui...... C.H. van Rhee The Balkanized Ame...... / R.L. Marcus The Romanian Legal...... [et al.] Just Cause for Despair am......viewed through the Prism of Europ......erspectives on the Notary Profess....../ C. Koller Do the Old Rules of Conduct still Fit the Modern Lawyer?......F.A.W. Bannier The Legal Profession and the Competitive Ma......G. Finocchiaro The Legal Professi......lvestri How do the Private Profes......n Reception of the Rechtspfleger ......s / A. Maganić The State Attorney......: Attorney for the State? / S. Aras The Court Expert Witness as a Leg...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... and memoirs, 'The Civil War: The First Year' brings together over 120 pieces by more than...
- Contents...60. What Shall the South Carolina......y "Alarms from the South" : Illin...... Daily Tribune The Threat of Sece......ember 10, 1860 The Need for Southern Cooperation,......November 1860. The Right of State......860. "I am for the Union as it is....... Watkins and Others, November 20....../ Edward Bates The "Wicked Spirit......December 1860. The Late Election,......ber 1860. From the Annual Message......James Buchanan The Benefits of Sl......December 1860. The Non-Slaveholders of the South, Decembe...... Colquitt and Others, December 7,......December 1860. The Right of "I stand by the Union" : December 1860. Remar...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPrevalence and social causes of spanking The social and sci...... punishment in the United States ......ld perspective There was an old woman who live......lems Chapter 6:the boomerang effe......ild well-being The child-to-mother bond and deli...... What explains the link between s......ural context & the relation of sp......ds in spanking The decline in app......s to accepting the evidence A world without span...
- Author HeadingStraus, Murray Arnold, 1926-