Search results 63
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....anifestations, the campaign to en......graphic images of militarized ch......sciousness. In the main, this has...... reflection on the myriad ways in which the lives of children are m......king omission, the contributors move beyond the usual focus on the global South. ......itical turn in the vast and literature, they address multi......tarized beyond the global South t......ugh enactments of militarism tha......n much less in the way of critical inqui......hinking beyond the global South a......ises questions of critical taken up in the disciplinary study of international relations. The ...
- Contents...te (Neo) Zones of Violence: Reco......n * 'Guardians of the Peace'?: The Significance of Children to Co...... Education and the War on Terror: The Early Years--H......zed Pedagogies of Everyday Paren......aped Crusaders the New Face of the Military?--Lor...... * Outsmarting the Weapons: The World of 'Us' Against 'Them'--Claire Ture......lander * Where the Wild Things Are: Imaginati......embodiment and the Militarization of Childhood--Les......mentation with the 'Darkside' in On- and Off-line Role Pla......ace Relations: The Case of Omar Khadr and the Canadian State......ica E. Foran * Peace Through Superior Firepower: R...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPreserving the Manhattan Proj......; A great work of human collabor......chard Rhodes ; The atomic bombs burst in their fumbling han......sive results / The Maud Report, July 1941 ; Wild notions of atomic bombs /......ted alliance : The rather fuzzy state of our thinking / Hershberg ; The stuff will be ......chard Rhodes ; The Chicago Pile-I: the first chain re...... Proceeding in the dark / General......Robert Jungk ; The Los Alamos pri......obert Serber ; These were very gr......eff ; A weapon of devastating po......c director for the special labora......cratic warrior of the first rank / R......t. S. Norris ; The biggest S.O.B. / Colonel Kenn...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
Recording Media映像資料
Other Libraries in Japan
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- ContentsDISC1(1)Indian Red(The Golden Eagles)(2)Welcome to the New Orleans Ja......One Night Only(The March)(Trombon......eorge Wein and the Newport All-St...... King)(3)Ruler of My Heart(Irma ......)Big Chief Got the Golden Crown(The White Eagles)(7)Big Chief(Professor Longhair)(8)Iko Iko,Brother John,Saints G......ckbird Special(The Dirty Dozen Br......e Gospel Train(The Zion Harmonize......ond Myles with the Gospel Soul Ch......dland Two-Step(The Savoy Family C......(6)Yellow Moon(The Neville Brothers)(7)When the Levee Breaks(J......ISC5(1)Fire on the Bayou(funky METERS)(2)Take the"A"Train(Claren......rn in Her Side(The Subdudes)(9)N.O.Bounce(Big Fr...
- Alternative TitleJazz fest the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage F...
- Alternative TitleJazz fest the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage F...
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...p Aside(3)When The Sun Comes Down......adder(5)Centre Of The Sun(6)Get Into......roove(7)Labour Of Love(8)Ain't N......ntain(9)Always There(10)Colibri(1......Still A Friend Of Mine(2)Can't Get You Out Of My Head(3)Deep Waters(4)Wild And Peaceful(5)Morning Sun(6)Expresso M...
- Alternative TitleLive in London the 30th anniversary concert
- Alternative TitleLive in London the 30th anniversary concert
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOn the loadstone and ......s . Concerning the two new sciences . On the motion of the heart and bloo......n animals ; On the circulation of the blood ; On the generation of animals The school for wives ; The critique of the school for wiv......e ; Don Juan ; The miser ; The would-be gentleman ; The would-be inval......nice ; Phaedra The philosophy of right ; The philosophy of history . Fear...... good and evil The history of Herodotus . The history of the Peloponnesian War The origin of species by means of natural selection ; The descent of man and select......o sex Elements of chemistry . Ex......; Areopagitica The history of Don Quixote de la ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ュー 『DISTURBING THE PEACE』アルバム発表時/自宅スタジオ......ツアー来日直前時 『SLIP OF THE TONGUE』アルバム発表時. Part-1 『SLIP OF THE TONGUE』アルバム発表時......OVERS』アルバム発表時 『THE ULTRA ZONE』アルバム発表時/自宅訪問取材時 "THE ULTRA ZONE"ツアー......-ABLE』アルバム再発時&『THE 7TH SONG』アルバム発......WORLD』アルバム発表時 『THE SECRET JEWEL B......アルバム発表時 『SOUND THEORIES VOL.1&2』アルバム発表時 『WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE』アルバム発表時 『THE STORY OF LIGHT』アルバム発表時 "THE STORY OF LIGHT"ツアー来日時 "THE STORY OF LIGHT"ツアー再来日時 『STILLNESS IN M...
Recording Media映像資料
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...= Quintessence of dust アフリカへの思い = Out of Africa ; より良き選択 = The greater ; 死と税金......ern's guide to the galaxy ; 末路 = Time of death 脳死と誠意と後悔 heaven 評価 = The student ; 別離 = Where there's smoke ; 触っ...... house ; 誘拐犯 = The human shield ;...... ; 天使のいないところ = There are no angel......ssure 幸せを求めて = The high holiday ;......ovac 緊急事態 = Brothers and sisiters ; 手紙 = The letter ; 託す思い = On the beach ; 閉鎖 = L...... ; 慈悲の街 = City of mercy 独りぼっち = next of kin ; ふり返れば = ......人 = A Saint in the city 300人の患者 =......意な別れ = One for the road ; 傷ついた者 =......恐れ = Fear 告白 = The crossing ; 魔女狩......者生存 = Survival of the fittest ; 春の嵐 = April sho...
Other Libraries in Japan
- LCCMicrofiche 1014 (E)
- Subject HeadingUnited States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
- Subject Heading (ID)United States -- History -- Sources Pamphlets on microfiche
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialSelected poems of John Greenleaf Whittier The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club The Decameron Prid...... and prejudice The castles of Athlin and Dunbayne The entail, or, The Lairds of Grippy The adventures of Robinson Crusoe Principles of political econ......s on socialism The pilgrim's prog......rse, 1900-1940 The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson The Romance of Tristan : the thirteenth-cen......n' Confessions of an English opi......Reflections on the Revolution in France and other writings The way we live no......oems and plays of Robert Brownin......p from slavery The adventures of Oliver Twist The picture of D...
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
- Alternative TitleWorld's classics The worlds classics
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon Marrue......nord du Sahara The tragedy of Armenia : a br......VIIe siècle In the clouds above Baghdad : being the records of an air command......sydlige Europa The scourge of Christendom : annals of British relati......giers prior to the French conques......nce en Algérie The Lebanon in : Syria and the powers in 1860 : book of the marvels of the time concerning the massacres in the Arab country D......acle : through the Libyan desert to the oasis of Jupiter Ammon ...... Maroc : étude théorique et prati......und die Seinen The life of Moḥammad from original source...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe legall fundame......tall liberties of the people of England revive......pistle written the eighth day of June 1649, by prisoner in the Tower of London) to Mr.......all Speaker to the remainder of those few knig......tendedly stile themselves ... the Parliament of England, intru...... authorised by the consent of all the people thereof, whose represe......y election ... they are; although they are never abl......roduce one bit of a law, or any piece of a commission t......rove, that all the people of England, ... a......, ... to chuse them a Parliament,......rliament : and therefore it canno......erly be called the nations or peoples Parliament...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... Understanding The grapes of wrath : a stud...... Understanding The merchant of Venice : a stu...... Understanding The scarlet letter...... Understanding of mice and men, the red pony, and the pearl : a stud......rstanding Cry, the beloved countr...... Understanding The call of the wild : a student ca......tanding A tale of two cities : a...... Understanding The catcher in the rye : a studen...... Understanding the literature of World War I : ...... Understanding the literature of World War II :......Understanding Othello : a student...... Understanding the Odyssey : a st......rstanding Lord of the flies : a student caseboo...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialHunted down : a story ; The uncommercial t......ler : a series of occational pap......s Journal 1929 The fool of the family Jack Hinton, the guardsman The invasion of the Crimea : its o......and an account of its progress down to the death of Lord Raglan Th......traits History of Anthony Waring...... mutual friend The siege of London ; The point of view ; A passi......selection from the poetry of W.B. Yeats Meanwhile : the picture of a lady John Bull's other island ; How ......aodicean : or, The castle of the De Stancys : a story of to-day Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and...... Typhoon, and other stories A prayer for my son ...
- Alternative TitleCollection of British and American authors Collection of British authors : Tauchnitz e...
- Alternative TitleCollection of British and American authors Collection of British authors : Tauchnitz e...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialTheodora The man of the times, or, A scarcity of cash : a farce The hero of two wars : a d......a in five acts The wood daemon, or, The clock has stru......ime Occurences of the times. Or, The transactions of four days. (Vi.......--from Friday the 16th, to Monday the 19th January, ....... : [Six lines of verse] Lindor and Clara, or, The British officer : a comedy in five acts The fall of British tyrann......ty triumphant, the first campaign......a tragi-comedy of five acts as l......ely planned at the Royal Theatrum Pandemoni......t St. James's, the principal place of action in America The force of calumny : a play in five acts...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...5-2017 Wade in the water The rivered earth ......ed poems Poems of John Keats It never rains The black unicorn ......ity measures : the new Greek poetry Motherland fatherland homelands......ollected poems The half-finished ......selected poems The new Penguin book of English verse The poetry of sex The Penguin book of Scottish verse......abouts unknown The peace of wild things ; and other poems As far as I know The complete poems......l chaos : on motherhood, finding ......n Curnow Poems of Thomas Hardy If all the world and love......ems, 1993-1997 The Penguin book of American verse The zoo of the new : a book of exception...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...Alice Walker's The color purple S......y in Narrative of the life of Frederick Doug......eale Hurston's Their eyes were wa......way's For whom the bell tolls Vio......anne Collins's The hunger games trilogy Wildness in Jack London's The call of the wild Genocide in Anne Frank's The diary of a young girl Democracy in the poetry of Walt Whitman W......tephen Crane's The red badge of courage Bioeth.......D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye Family dys......ockwork orange The American Steinbeck's of mice and men R......të's Jane Eyre The environment in......s in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club ...... One flew over the cuckoo's nest Poverty in John...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...shot Murder in the Supreme Court All quiet on the western front : a romance Them What your chi......ivate intrigue The goddess and other women You've ......rried : a saga of love and compl...... F. Kennedy in the White House Silent spring The House of a Thousand Lan......orpse A garden of earthly deligh......oo far to go : the Maples stories......called freedom The chosen Problems of parents The cool world Down the Seine and up the Potomac with A...... Shall We tell the president? Murder in the Smithsonian In the company of spies Picked-up pieces The siege of Harlem This st......ovel Murder at the Pentagon Casebook of the blac...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ive government The republic of Plato A wood tales Wild Wales Vanity F...... Born in exile The social Minor poets of the eighteenth cen......s Brinker, or, The silver skates ...... Old mortality The golden treasury of English songs ......ementary book of more modern poetry The Count of Monte Cristo Great tales of detection : ni......tories History of Germany Our mu......nd Minor poets of the 17th century :......, Lord Herbert of Cherbury Scarlet and black The shepherd's calendar and other poems Poetics...... On style . On the sublime Throug......ussia : a book of stories A tale of a tub, and ...
- Alternative TitleEveryman's library series The Everyman library Everyman lib...
- Alternative TitleEveryman's library series The Everyman library Everyman lib...