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National Diet Library
- Contents...consociational theory Essentialism and the reconciliation of the liberal state ......olitics a form of biopolitics? C......lism as a form of liberal govern......igm shifts and the production of "national rights and the priority of ethnicity "A l......very little" : the durability of identity, socialist politics,...
- Subject HeadingEthnic conflict. Ethnicity -- Political aspects. State, The. Cultural pluralism.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...ation Argonaut The President's jo......eting at Malta The Tsar's playgro......ed host pt. 2. The warriors' summit The Big Three reunion Winter offensive The German question The spoils of war : French z......ew world order The Security Council In the Fuhrer's shado......viding Balkans The battle for Pol......ns say? pt. 4. The diplomats' chessboard The United Nations......mate on Poland The bombline Far Standing on the crest of a hill pt. 5. The wheels of compromise A P......lish surrender The fate of Germany Liberated Europe and the Balkan deal Im......ts : China and the UN Prisoners of war pt. 6. The spirit of Yalt...
- Subject, 1939-1945--Peace. World politics--1945-1989.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Contents...e bargaining A theory of military threats. A model of military threats ; Comparing the instruments of coercion Elements of militarized de......tarization and the distribution of power and interests ; The expansion of the Korean War, 1950 ; The price of peace and military threat effective...
- Subject Heading...litary policy. Peace-building. Diplomatic negotiat...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This book examines the operational an......nges facing UN peace operations dep...... given rise to the complex and di......ical economies of conflict. The volume explores the nature and impact of such political......formal systems of power and infl......ence formed by the interaction of local, nationa......economies with the political agendas of conflict actors - on the course of UN peace operations. It......s in detail on the UN's long-running peace operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South S......, and Somalia. The book is centra......concerned with the interaction of UN missions with the power structures and local co...
- ContentsThe political economy of civil war and UN peace operations / M......d Jake Sherman The importance of political econ......erationalising the 'primacy of politics' in UN peace operations : implications of political econ......ctions, panels of experts, and the political economy of intrastate con......s actors in UN peace operations? / economy in the evolving tradecraft of intelligence a......analysis in UN peace operations / D......: operating in the 'grey zone' / Judith Vorrath The UN and logic of Congo's politi......chael Kavanagh The unbuilding of a state : UNMISS's role in the lead up to Sou......nsurgency : no peace left to keep / Ashley Jackson...
- Subject HeadingUnited Nations--Peacekeeping forces ......ion in Somalia Peace-building--Economic aspects Ci...
National Diet Library
- Alternative TitleTrue accounts of the Japanese occupation
- Alternative TitleTrue accounts of the Japanese occupation
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction: the Texas paradox And then there was light: f......os to order in the kerosene era (......ockefeller, no peace: boom-bust ret......3) Why are oil prices prone to boom bust cycles? The Texas era of price stability: US ......on (1934-1972) The birth of OPEC: 1960-1969 The transformation......wer to prevent price spikes ebbs and vanishes: 200...
- Subject HeadingOrganization of Petroleum Expo......leum products--Prices--United State......leum products--Prices. Petroleum reserves. United ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction: the study of just and durable peace Linking peace and justice in peacemaking / Seizing the middle ground for a just peace: the politics of recognition an......justice versus peace: transitional justice and peacebuilding strate......ha Sriram From peacebuilding as resistance to peacebuilding as lib......ocalizing just peace / Annika Björk......y, justice and peace / Adrian Hyde-Price Justice post b......nger Österdahl Peace agreements, ju......ce and durable peace / Peter Wallen......ustice, and EU peacebuilding in the Arab-Islamic w......Towards a just peace? roles and dilemmas of EU peacebuilding in Israel an...
- Subject HeadingPeace-building. Peace (Philosophy). ......ional justice. Peace-building--Case studies. Peace-building--Middle East. Peace-building--Balkan Peninsula. Peacekeeping forces--European Union...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Exploring the role of the military at the end of war, this volume of case studies i......contributed to the transition to peace throughout the 19th and 20th centuries"--
- Contents... Relationships Peace-making and (University of St. Andrews, UK) The Post-Cold War ......d Debates over Peacekeeping Operati......r or Diplomat? The Grey Area of UN Peacekeeping in Camb...... University, Netherlands) United ...... University, Netherlands) Part II......opulations and The Military Turni......nto "Friends": The Role of the Military in Peace-Making in (University of North Carolina...... Against War': The Antimilitarist Activities of Greek War (University of Patras, Greece......ertise General of the Russian Army A......tary Figure in the Service of Diplomacy, Elena Linkova (Peo...
- Subject HeadingPeace-building--Case......--Case studies Peacekeeping forces-......tary relations Peace-building Peacekeeping forces
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, approach to theory, reviews, relevant to the basic concepts of water science ......tion. In light of the broadening field and study of water management, the expert contributors set the basis for a ho......e by examining the various techni......tion projects, they illustrate ho......ssues can stem the flow of ongoing from both a theoretical and pr...... practitioners of water policy a...... by experts in the field. Uses cl......cise summaries of the most relevant ......d knowledge on the subjects explored. Illustrate...
- ContentsPreface 1. A review of water related downscaling of global climate......and evaluation of post-fire eros....... Applications of post-fire eros......mal management of marine protect...... Communication of climate change......n wet regions: The example of Ireland / Hamm......od security in the upper blue nile region of Ethiopia / Fah......ons for water: The crucial role of environmental ...... Edeltraud Guenther, Thomas Guenther, Samanthi protection: The example of the baltic sea / A...... 19. Full cost of water: Definit...... 20. Full cost of water: Recover......ure challenges of water resources management / ...
- Related MaterialElgar encyclopedias in the social sciences
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Summarizing the current state of knowledge on the links between closely at their centrality i......bal collection of scholars and p...... a broad range of key industries...... leadership in the climate econom......l investments. The Handbook delve......esses perceive the issue of climate change, how they are affected, as well as the impact they have and what......flections from the contributors on what the future holds f......sustainability officers (and their staff) in co......, a wide range of climate-related issues from the corporate standpoint, it will...
- Contents1 Introduction to the Handbook of Business and C...... Hansen PART I THE BUSINESS CASE ...... K. Sundaram 3 The end of combustion? 38......l Schuermann 5 The patchwork quil......s complexities of decarbonizing the electric secto......6 Implications of fully decarbonizing the electric indus......ate change and the insurance indu......s responded to the energy transit...... LEADERSHIP IN THE CLIMATE ECONOM......t reduction as the foundation for......ence 294 Janet Peace and Kristiane ......TE PRACTICE 14 The equity value relevance of carbon emissio......: a case study of the palm oil Habib and Katherine White PART V CLIMATE FINA...
- Title HeadingElgar handbooks in energy, the environment and climate chang...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....nsive overview of the changing dynamics in the relationship between the African continent and the EU provided experts in the field. five parts, the handbook provi......cisive look at the past, present ......ential futures of EU- Africa relations. The cutting-edge chapters, cover themes like multil......hnology among others. Thoroughly a diversity of conceptual and theoretical and beyond. The handbook thus offers rich and c......nsive analyses of contemporary and Europe. The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Rela......rking in range of fields within the (sub)discip...
- ContentsIR theory : comparati......ons / Frank Mattheis Applying pos......b Sebhatu From the Treaty of Rome to Cotono...... and change in the governance of EU-Africa rela......lations : from the European secur......ty strategy to the EU global stra......olicy (ENP) in the South Mediterr......thony Costello The evolution of the joint Africa-E......and Alex Vines The African Union ...... with Africa : the holy grail of coordination /......rigues Sanches Peace and security in the context of EU-Africa rela......d bilateralism the context of EU-Africa rela......olus Trade and the economic partn......flux? : impact of resources and state interests...
- Alternative TitleHandbook of EU-Africa relations
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingPeace -- Addresses, essays, lecture...
- Note (Original Version).... : U.S. Dept. of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Public Communication, Editori...
- Title HeadingUnited States. Dept. of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Current polic...
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe physiology of combat : the anatomy of the human body in ...... altered state of consciousness The call to combat......e get such men The price of combat : after the smoke clears.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This volume draws together the ground-breaking work of researchers an......and understand the material and c......ltural impacts of the Pacific War. The Pacific War (1......atched in any other theatre. Described......s a 'typhoon,' the war was an uns...... rolled across the islanders' hom......g only a trail of destruction in......d in a variety of ways through c......rgeted studies of archaeological...... wider surveys of battlefield landscapes, and the ways in which we commemorate the experiences and legacies of both combatant......n populations. The translation of important exploration of the archaeology of the Pacifi...
- ContentsIntroduction : a war of the worlds / Ben R......sawa, and Neil Price Bringing together divergent experiences of World War II in the Aleutians / Ra......rspective / Matthew Kelly WWII in the Solomon heritage in the Pacific / Jenn......archaeology in the Pacific / Juli......arratives from the World War II battle of Peleliu / Gavin Lindsay The current situation of the battlefield ar......nd utilization of war-related si......Akira Hokumori The transition of battery positi......tsuya Nakahodo The search and identification of burial places of Japanese prisoners of War (POWs) in the territory of Russia. Observations, experie...
- Author HeadingRaffield, Ben Hirasawa, Yu [平澤悠] Price, Neil S.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Exploring the reasons why the Second World W......r that spanned the globe, The Origins of the Second World W......and origins in the decline of the old empires of Britain and France and the rise of ambitious new ...... large empires of their own. This fo......hout, covering the origins of the war from its background in the First World Wa......ion to embrace the Soviet Union, Japan and the United States by the end of 1941. Creating......cinct overview of the subject, this book takes a thematic approach to the complex range of events that cu......ny explanation of the outbreak of hostilities mu......, a chronology of key events and a Who's Who of...
- Contents...und Explaining the Second World W...... Two. Analysis The international ......our. Documents The Treaty of Versailles and Germany The Covenant of the League The search for a s......nticipates war The "Hossbach Memo...... before Munich The Munich Conference The Munich Agreeme......olini's vision of empire Economi......and Germany in the Balkans The Four-Year for Britain The crisis in France "Peace for our time" The change of mood in the West Hitler pl......rantees Poland The Franco-British......y Stalin warns the West after Munich The Franco-British......lure in Moscow The Soviet reactio......advances, 1939 The German-Soviet Pact Britain's ...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Community music as a field of practice, peda......earch has come of age. The past decade, and within the organizations dedicated to the subject. The Oxford Handbook of Community Musi......hensive review of what has been achieved in the field to date expected in the future. This H...... only captures the vibrant, dynam......w characterize the field, but also charts the new and emergi......l define it in the coming decades. The contributors t......y from a range of different cult......ives. As such, The Oxford Handbook of Community Musi......des a snapshot of what has become a truly globa...
- ContentsForeword / David Price Introduction. An Overview of Community Music in the Twenty-First C......unity Music in the South Pacific ......g Behind Bars: The Many Dimensions of Community Musi......hrough a Sense of Place / Peter ......munity Musical Theatre and Inter-Ethnic Peace Building in Ma......usic Portraits of Struggle, Identity, and Togetherness / Andrâe......onie Politics. Theorizing Arts Pa......unity Music in the United Kingdom......d J. Elliott ; The Ethics of Community Musi......usic and Music Therapy: Jointly a......d Musicians in the Community / and Quality of Life / Patrici...... and Glen Carruthers ; Models of Collaboration i...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe letters 1933 -......1940s: war and price czar 1950s: li...... democrats and The affluent socie......tragedy 1970s: the shooting star of American liberalism 1980s: the rise of American economics, peace and laughter.
Recording Media録音資料
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Analyzes key aspects of the 2011 Mideast t......ic conditions; the role of social media; influence of Islamists; the impact of political changes on the Arab-Israeli peace process; and r......ifications for the United States and the rest of the world. Also pr......untry analysis of Middle East political evoluti...
- Contents... understanding the Arab Awakening......ollack PART I. THE DYNAMICS OF THE ARAB SPRING 2.......nion : what do they want? / lessons for the Arab Spring / ...... Islamists and the Brotherhood : political Islam and the Arab Spring / Shadi Hamid 5. The impact of new media : the revolution wil......el S. Doran 6. The impact on the peace process : peacemaker or peacebreaker? / Khal......lman Shaikh 7. The Arab militaries : the double-edged s...... M. Pollack 8. The economic dimension : the price of freedom / Suza......: Al-Qaeda and the Arab Spring / ......Democratizers? The pursuit of pluralism / Kenneth M. Pollac...
- Title HeadingSaban Center at the Brookings Institution book.