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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)The International Conference on Business History, 8
- Related MaterialThe International Conference on Business History
- Periodical TitleThe International Conference on Business History
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.This handbook addresses the intersection b......sustainability and digital transf......n. It analyzes the challenges and sustainable businesses with a futur......nclude current and potential soci......technological, and managerial trends; the implications of the digital revolu......ion in society and business; as well as the challenges of ......g sustainable, and profitable. Pr......ding an understanding of the business reasons to inc......ientation into the business strategy, this handbook facilitates an understanding of the need for profo......public policy, and business environments to adapt to the ...
- ContentsPart I: Digital Transformation 1. The Eco-System of ......rithms Shaping the Future 3. Auto......on Adoption in the Textile Industry of an Emerging......eterminants of the Digital Orientation of Small Businesses 5. Analysis of Business and Sustainability......atin America 6 The Internationali...... Speed of SMEs and Their Long-Term Su...... Cybersecurity and Personal Data ......Avant-Garde in the Digital Transi......gmented Reality: The Game Changer of Travel and Tourism Industry in 2025 10. Eq......lity Inclusion and Diversity thro...... Need for Speed: Corporate Poli......cisions Part II: Economic, Political and Ethical Challenges 12. Politi...
- Subject HeadingSocial responsibility of business Sustainability Management--Te...
Other Libraries in Japan
- ISBN0860082989 :
- ContributorInternational Conference on Business History 8 ; edited by Akio Ok...
National Diet Library
- on Commerce and Economic Development: Introduction ;......urces ; Timber and products ; Agriculture and its products ; Bre......tics ; Apparel and textiles ; Motion pictures and television ; T......tures. Appendix: Examples of expanding industrial services ; Business climate ; Assembly Con....... 6, 1957 ; Northern California W......Trade Center ; The Northern California Ports and Terminals Bureau ; California...
- Author HeadingCalifornia. Legislature. Senate. Fact-Finding Committee on Commerce and Economic Development.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMarketing and finance in the course of industrialization : proceedings of the third Fuji con......e Social order and entrepreneurship : proceedings of the second Fuji co......rence Overseas business activities : proceedings of the Fuji conference Family business in the era of industrial growth : its ownership and management : proceedings of the Fuji perspective : proceedings of the Fuji Conference Business history of gen......ding companies : proceedings of the Fuji Conference Development and diffusion of technology : electrical and chemical industries : proceedings of the Fuji conference Strategy and structure of big business : p...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe performance of......t corporations : the case of Jamaica Agribusiness in Latin America The Structure of the Soviet economy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-out......nomic, social, and political change : the development of......ore prosperous and open society The production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research The role of trade unions in the development process : with a case st......s imports from the Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joi......ject Strategic and long-range planning for the multinational corporation Man...
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- Alternative TitlePraegers special studies in international economics and developmen
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Australia-Japan Research Cent...
- Related MaterialAustralian students and the Japanese terti......m Rural reform and development in......l to Australia : prospects and issues Informa......bureaucracies, and Japan's compar......dvantage Strengthening regional f......sia Processing and product develo......ent systems in the Japanese wool textile and apparel industry The role of intermarket keiretsu business groups in perspective The Australia-US agreement: an assessment The political econ......itution policy : Japan's respon......ith favourites : free trade agreements in the Asia Pacific Intra-industry trade and the ASEAN free tra......area Can Japan and the Soviet Union sort out the...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe economics of the monetary union and the Eurozone crisis The new collective......ynes's General Theory reconsidered in the context of the Japanese econo......e technologies : perspectives f......, India, China and Brazil Exploring the mechanics of c......onic inflation and hyperinflation......ment austerity and socioeconomic ......ion strategies : business expansions, relocations, and mergers Nation......ectual capital and the financial cris......tria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland Optimisation uncertainty : the state-continge......approach Trade and the labor market : effect on wage inequality in ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialOligopoly and technical progress The old grammar schools The economic mind ......n civilization The physiocrats : six lectures on the French économistes of the 18th century An essay on the laws of trade ......n reference to the works of inter......improvement in the United States ......itical economy : illustrated by......f inquiry into the commercial sta...... Britain since the year 1815 Studies in the theory of money, 1690-1776 The poor man's fri...... or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor The idea of value Industry of the Rhine Population policies and movements in E......n inquiry into the principles of the distributio...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)General editor: Timothy M. Shaw Publisher varies: Palgrave, Palgrave Macmillan
- Related MaterialGlobalization and the South Globalization and labour in China and India : impacts and responses Sanc......mic statecraft : theory and practice Trans......nal governance and South American politics : the political economy of norms Theories of new regionalism : a Palgrave reader Religion and the politics of de......cratization in the Third World : concrete comparative and theoretical perspe......tates, markets and regimes in global finance The politics of IM...... market reform : some lessons from China The politics of re......rce extraction : indigenous peo...... corporations, and the state China and the mortg...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00582777
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialGlobal Englishes and change in Engl......guage teaching : attitudes and impact Mobile disruptions in the Middle East : lessons from Qatar and the Arabian Gulf r......gement success : the power of talk ......onal relations theory? Care in sport coaching : pedagogical ca......Colonialism on the margins of Africa Tourism and urban regeneration : processes compressed in time and space "Helicopter parenting" and "boomerang children" : how parents support and relate to their student and co-resident gr......yptocurrencies : a primer on digital money The rise and fall of the British press ...... communication and deformative transparency : pe...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publishing place varies: Cham, Singapore
- Related MaterialT.S. Eliot, Lancelot Andrewes, and the Word : intersections of literature and Christianity Brand hate : navigating con...... negativity in the digital world ......erging markets : case studies of SMEs in the manufacturing ......nt cooperation : challenges of the new aid architecture The debt crisis and European democ......tic legitimacy The silent revolution : how digitaliza......rk, journalism and politics Agroecology : reweaving a new landscape Developme......slamic finance : challenges and initiatives Gr......uese sociology : a history Sart......Digitalization and public sector ......anese politics : a longitudinal study of polit...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialCredit reform : comparable bud......costs for cash and credit Movinng U.S. forces: Options for st......Fuel economy standards for new pa......pport programs : policy options......ry agriculture The outlook for fa......96 Structuring the active and reserve army for the 21st century Work and retirement : options for for defense : maintaining to......ropriations in the 1990s Reforming the military healt......stem Assessing the public costs and benefits of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Pr......ance computing and communications......dical expenses : patterns in the non-elderly, options for the highway trust fund Has trade ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Published in association with the "Review of Int...... cover based on: Transnational classes and international ...... Pijl (1998) "[The] Routledge/RIP......mprises two strands: "Routledge/ redership, and hardback only; "The RIPE series in......" for students and teachers, and published in hardback and paperback.--(As of 2000)
- Related MaterialCritical theories, internat......onal relations and "the anti-globalisation movement" : the politics of gl......itical economy : emerging issue......bour migration : current issues, challenges and dilemmas The Southern Cone model : the political econ...... Latin America The political remittances : gender, governmentality and neoliberalism history of the economy : on the birth of the national and international ......rn democracies : statecraft, desire, and the politics of exclusion The European periphery and the Eurozone crisis : capitalist diversity and Europeanisatio......orporate power and ownership in contemporary cap...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge/RIPE studies in global political economy The RIPE series in global politic...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe dynamics of the Maastricht pro......ism, Ethnicity and voting behavio......e fluctuations : an analysis of the effects of producer price and asset market i......zania Exchange and social approach to the analysis of conversation and its implications f......guage pedagogy The Communist Party of the United States and the Communist Inte......-1929 Hegemony and crisis : Swazi royal po......ral adjustment : A study of EC-......Trade, kinship and Islamisation : a comparative study of the social and economic organ......tion of Muslim and Hindu traders ......t, South India The impact of civi......ty networks on the global politics of sustainabl...
- Author Heading (ID)DA02729752
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...onomy, 1975-85 : an assessment ......ions 1920-1940 The political econ......ative study of the small-scale industry in Japan and Egypt with in Iraq : application of...... between Japan and Latin America : problems and prospects at the end of the millennium Modelling the sources and impact of macr......TO加盟後の日中経済貿易関係 : 問題と対策 The development of...... in Kazakhstan : with special r......pment Minerals and metals in Japa...... food security and crop diversifi......ion strategies : evidence from development and its experience for......transformation The dilemma of interdependence and cooperation : Japan's approac...
- Author Heading (ID)DA00421698
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialObservation, prediction and simulation of ...... quantum field theory and quantum gravit......rugs Structure and dynamics of RN......urce of carbon : biochemical and chemical uses ...... organizations and development in infancy and early childhood Eicosanoids : from biotechnology to therapeutic applic......iogeography of the marine algae of the North Atlantic The impact of proc......ophysical jets and their engines A mu......onvective heat and mass transfer ......of interannual climate variations Bio......ogical effects and physics of solar and galactic cosmic radiation Mathematical modelli......ric ozone as a climate gas : general circulation mod...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Imprint varies: Clarendon Press
- Related MaterialComplete poems The Gorbachev factor The accidental guerrilla : fighting small wars in the midst of a Early jazz : its roots and musical development The language of music The tender passion The Oxford history of Ireland The Middle Ages Christianity in the twenty-first century : reflections on the challenges ahe......--race, crime, and punishment in America The witch-cult in ......Codebreaker in the Far East The user : the truth about drugs, what they do, how they feel and why people take them Sociology The struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Pacific, 1768-1850 : a study in the history of art...