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National Diet Library
- Contents...iochemical and biological activity / Emi......, Eric T. Kool Use of synthetic biology tec...... Luc Brunsveld The role of directed prote......volution in synthetic biology / P......ul A. Dalby Synthetic biology In vitro synthetic biology of the genetic code :......arten Merkx Synthetic tool in synthetic biology / M......rated with microfluidic technology for synthetic biology / T......hi Chemical synthetic biology pro......olymers and synthetic cells / Cri......neling photosynthetic electron fl......ight-driven synthesis of high-value products / Birger ...
- Subject HeadingSynthetic biology.
- Author HeadingRyadnov, Maxim. Brunsveld, Luc. 菅, 裕明 Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
National Diet Library
- Contents...Intosh Methods of collection and......identification of minute nematodes from the feces of primates, with......utionary study of pinworms / Hideo Hasegawa The utility of molecular meth......elationships : the Oesophagostomu......n M. Polderman The application of endocrine meas...... avoidance and the evolution of primate social......pozoonoses : a literature review / Taran......ingh Lice and other parasites as markers of primate evolut......d biodiversity of lice from prim......Leo Prevalence of Clostridium pe......intestinal microflora of non-human prim......tinal bacteria of chimpanzees in the wild and in captivity : an ap...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The free exchange of microbial gene...... However, over the past quarter-c......ountries under the World Trade Or...... and by claims of sovereign righ......ountries under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD......n this volume, the authors examine the scientific com......s responses to these obstacles an......ess provisions of the Nagoya Protoco......als, data, and literature in a carefully......nfrastructure, the scientific reinforcing the open access movement. The original empirical surveys of responses to the CBD included h......le addition to the literature on governing scientific knowl...
- Contents...n legal status of microbial gene......nal Regulation of Genetic Resources and the Assault on Sci......ods: emergence of the transnational ...... 3. Tightening the regulatory grip: from the convention on biological diversity in 1992 to the Nagoya protoco......II. Preserving the Public Research Functions of Microbial Gene......esources After the Nagoya Protocol: 4. The existing micro......onal exchanges of genetic resour...... access to and use of scientific literature and data; 7. Enabling the microbial rese......portunities in the networked envi...... 10. In search of a politically acceptable and ...
- Subject Heading... Convention on Biological Diversity ( countries. Biological and genetic resources. Patent...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....l question has the potential to s......isfaction with the understanding of welfare in eco......mpirical study of people's subje...... research into the 'dismal' scien......ed interest in the economics of happiness. Professor Frey and Professor Stutzer h......scholars which offer a wide-ranging overview of recent developments. These include an exploration of the economic determinants of happiness, the importance of social capital......well-being and the new life satis......ion challenges the existing fundamentals of economics, and the role of happiness research in public ...
- Contents... pt. I REVIEWS OF THE NEW APPROACH 1......rch?', Journal of Economic Literature, 40 (2), June,......evelopments in the Measurement of Subjective Wel......eing', Journal of Economic Persp......Psychology and the Ambiguities of "Welfare"', Ph......C DETERMINANTS OF SUBJECTIVE WEL......xplanation for the Easterlin Paradox and Other Puzzles', Journal of Economic Literature, 46 (1), March......g: Reassessing the Easterlin Para...... continued: 6.`The Happiness-Inco......', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 ......rterly Journal of Economics, 120.......P. Luttmer 8.`The Role of Income Aspirat......ness', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organiz...
- Title HeadingInternational library of critical writings in economic...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBiological literature.
National Diet Library
- ContentsA brief summary of the different types of mass spectrometers used in proteomics....../ Eric Sarnighausen and Ralf Resk......ree proteomics of serum / Natali......nd Rainer Bischoff Flow cytometric analysis of cell membrane ......aracterization of the human 20S prot......e subunits and their isoforms by a combination of proteomic appr......lectrophoresis of the human urinary ......on : isolation of native membran......effing Mapping the signaling path......olch Selection of recombinant an......sig Production of protein arrays......application to the determination of binding stoich......aracterization of N-glycosylated proteins using...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The second edition of this extensive work is the definitive sou...... pertaining to the full range of topics in the important area of food and agric...... ethics. Altogether about 100 new......s new edition. The start of the 21st century h...... and criticism of food and agric......ingly question the goals and ethi......nd consumption of food, and the use of crops for fuel and fiber. These rights, and the environmental impacts of agricultural production. The encyclopedia p......ailed analysis of these issues and hundreds of other topics including the use of antibiotics in......imal feedlots, the Green Revolution, organic far...
- Contents... Innovation in the Food Sector Re......Sustainability of Food Productio...... and Gender Synthetic Biology and Biofuels Synthetic Meat System......d Technologies used for Animal Br......Animal Welfare The 2003–2006 WTO ......plications for the SPS Agreement ......Development in the Food and Agric......culture Virtue Theory, Food, and ......ute Technology-Theology-Natural S......s and Trade in the Food and Agric......lture Research Literature, Food, and Gen......Medicalization of Eating and Metaphysics of Natural Food M......ifunctionality of Agriculture an......ture NAFTA and the Food and Agricultural Industr...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingBiological literature. Bibliografias Gerais. Medici...
National Diet Library
- Contents... Early history of dissection: co......Controversy in the development of science educat......and dissection The context for di...... standards: whither dissection? L......n Students and the culture of dissection The animals used in teaching N......g resources in the computer age L......s and research literature on alternatives.
National Diet Library
- Contents...lature, review literature, biological aspects, industrial uses, less-common heteroatoms v. ...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject Heading生物学. 医学 (地理区分) 情報サービス (地理区分) 文献調査. 書目. Biological literature. Life sciences -- Research.
- Note (General)Rev. ed. of: The use of biological literature / editors, R.T. Bottle, H.V. ...
- Alternative TitleUse of biological literature.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingColumbia University. School of Library Service. Fleming, Tho...
Available onlineNational Diet Library
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- Subject HeadingBiological literature
- Subject Heading (ID)Biological literature
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBiological literature
- Subject Heading (ID)Biological literature
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingBiological literature
- Subject Heading (ID)Biological literature
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ic chemistry : the structure, reactions, synthesis, and uses of heterocyclic compounds
- Periodical Title...ic chemistry : the structure, reactions, synthesis, and uses of heterocyclic compounds
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Rev. ed. of: Chemical dictionary. 4th ed....