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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.... to answer one of the most important...... book examines the current China-......Xi Jinping and their respective f......icly say about the relationship between the countries. Second, how the two establishments frame their tangible coo......h as security, the Arctic, space,......elations with other Eurasian coun......ries. Finally, the book examines the impact of the COVID-19 pande......, and although there is no official Sino-Rus......e is in sight, the relationship will continue to...
- ContentsRelationship status : official narratives of Russia and Chi......on-alignment'? The reality of security cooperation The near-Arctic state of mind : China's......eighbourhood : the Central Asia game of bypass Russia ......eighbourhood : the curious case of Vietnam There is more to E......ia and China : the India factor 'Meet in the Milky Way' : Sino-Russian cooperation i...
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...SAPPHIRE(8)One Way Love(9)With Yo......UNSET(15)UNDER THE MOONLIGHT(16)C......EAKER(17)HEART of GOLD DISC2《RYU...... IMAICHI》〈ZONE OF GOLD〉(1)ZONE OF GOLD(2)Catch m......& Tell(6)Sweet Therapy(7)RILY(8)O......T(12)Church by the sea(13)Over & Over(14)Over The Night(15)SHINING(16)Angel DIS...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In 2010, the Labour Party of Great Britain ......n defeat since the 1930s (with on......thirteen years of New Labour government. Since then, the debate over both the legacy of New Labour and the future direction of the party has, yet so far there has been lit......c perspective. The chapters in th......r a wide range of issues and pro......erspectives in the areas of economic, soci......ntral focus on the defense of the state. The chapters on the economy put fo......hilst in terms of social policy ......ronger notions of social justice......are rights. In the context of growing nation...... book sets out the importance of central state a...
- Contents...: Transforming the private sector....../ Bill Kerry ; The environment: F......ratic society. The importance of equality / Rut......r ; Better together: A new vision......ate. In praise of centralism / D......alist case for the union / David ...... democracy and the progressive tr......Law and order: The challenge for ......on for Europe: The economic 5: WInning the argument. Winn......n Goodman MP ; The progressive na......ion labour and the future of social democracy / Andrew Har...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."For the first time, here is the full, definitive story of the movement for v......merican women, of every race, told through the voices of the women and men ......d it. Here are the most recognizable figures in the campaign for w......hony, but also the black, Chinese......y essential to the movement but e......Here, too, are the anti-suffragis......ed about where the country would head if the right to vote ......te so that together these 100 selectio......0 writers tell the full history of the movement-from ......igail Adams to the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments to the ratification of the Nineteenth Ame......nt in 1920 and the limiting of suffrage under Ji...
- Contents...on) Lecture at the Franklin Hall ......rom Letters on the equality of the sexes / Sarah ......ké Address to the Massachusetts ...... Grimké from "The great lawsuit" Petition to the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York / Ele......op Declaration of sentiments and......ruth Speech to the Second Nationa......estine L. Rose The Woman's Rights Convention, the last act of the drama (New Yor......unt Address to the Legislature of New-York / Eli......ell Address to the Seventh Nation......ague) Speech a the Eleventh Natio......per Address to the First Annual Meeting of the American Equal......uth Debates at the American Equal Rights Associa...
- Title HeadingLibrary of America ; 332
National Diet Library
- Contents...ology. mapping the world of helping : the place of counselling ps......e, craft and professional values......Setting out on the journey. Desig......n Finding your way. Conceptualisi......ichael Carroll The interface betw......ical and psychotherapeutic approa......y Encountering the landscape. Person-centred therapy in the twenty-first c......nd Mick Cooper The evolving world of cognitive and ......Sarah Bartlett The practice of therapeutic letter......g in narrative therapy / Anja Bjo......psychology and the counselling ps......tice in a time of environmental ....../ Pamela James Therapeutic work w...... Arikut-Treece The role of counselling psycholog...
National Diet Library
- ContentsChapter 1: 400 million years of flight evoluti......development to perfection Chapter 2: Photographs of animals in fli......enging in many ways Chapter 3: From the perspective of the 4: Criteria of evolution : se......r 5: Insects : the first flying a......ter 6: Birds : the "classics" amo......animals : from the hummingbird to the Andean condor ......als Chapter 8: The fascination remains : the topic still is and will conti...
- Subject Heading...s. Photography of animals.
- Note (General)...o. Translation of: Die Evolution des Fliegens :...
National Diet Library
- ContentsRedefining motherhood "Follow the lead of physicians": Motherhood in the late nineteent......-she knows all the laws": Motherhood in the early twentiet......: Experts to mothers in the interwar perio...... World War II "The modern way": Mothers, circa 1920-...... authority has the same opinion as mine": Motherhood in the postwar dictate": Motherhood in the late twentieth century Conclu...
- Subject HeadingMothers -- United St...... -- History. Motherhood -- United States -- Hist...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents http: //
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In response to new forms of research outpu......librarians--to offer faculty and......tal throughout the entire research process. The Scholarly Comm...... your library. The book is divide......our Program to the Next Level; 2....... experienced professionals looki......resh ideas for their institution.......r implementing the project, and m......rks, including the ACRL Framework......her Education, the ACRL Scholarly Communications...
- Contents...OUR PROGRAM TO THE NEXT LEVEL Sou......unications via the power of co-location / ......ans who prefer their scholarly co......borations / Heather F. Ball The ScholComm students to the research life ...... / A. Miller Professional develo......ent as a piece of cake: how to h......othy P. Henkel The proof is in the pudding: build......s to encourage the adoption of OER / CJ Ivory The perfect mix: l......achel Hinrichs The HackYourSyllab......ER) money! / Esther Brandon and L......: a memorandum of understanding ...... party platter of peer-reviewed ......Texts and ham: the scholar's book......wich: assembly of a multilayered exhibit of ope...
- Subject Heading...blishing Bibliothèques universit......tionnels Bibliothèques et savant......ation en bibliothéconomie Commun...... savante Bibliothèques libraries (buildings)
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...ALL NIGHT-STAR OF WISH(EXILE)(6)......(EXILE)(7)Love of History(EXILE)......)THROW YA FIST(THE RAMPAGE from E......10)SILVER RAIN(THE RAMPAGE from E......E)(11)HEATWAVE(THE RAMPAGE from E......E)(12)Fandango(THE RAMPAGE from E......)(13)LA FIESTA(THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE)(14)The Typhoon Eye(THE RAMPAGE from E......5)SWAG & PRIDE(THE RAMPAGE from E......EXILE TRIBE)(8)WAY TO THE GLORY(Jr.EXILE)(9)CALL OF JUSTICE(THE RAMPAGE from E......L(三代目J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE T......M(三代目J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE T......T(三代目J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE T.......(三代目J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE T.......(三代目J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE TRIBE)(18)Feel S...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....tailed history of stellar interf......ory. It covers the origin of the field in the early 19th Cen......ent throughout the last hundred years at the Observatory, including the people, instru......pendices cover the importance of Mount Wilson today as well as...
- Contents1. The birth of stellar interf......l started with the last man who k......verything 1.2. The master of light 1.3. Along the way to the event horizon 2. The Mount Wilson o......and Merrill 3. The pièce de résistance 3.1. The stellar diamet......toric night at the 100 inch teles....... Science from the 20 foot Michel......ferometer 3.4. The 20 foot then and now 4. A ......e too far 4.1. The 50 foot Pease ....... A Postmortem of the 50 foot 4.3. The curtain lowers 5. The interregnum 5........7. Looking to the Future--the Woods Hole summer study 6. The great reawakening of the 1970s 6.1. Ant......iam C. Wickes' perfection of the Anderson Interferomete...
- Subject Heading...stoire History of science. SCIENCE--Astronomy. ...
National Diet Library
- ContentsPart I. Choices The dispersion of power : choice......semi-solutions The object of the government or ......emi-solution I The strategy of majority rule ......nal change and the limits of remedies thereafter Restruc...... : remedies I (the what) The "two modes" : ...... Congress and "the other way" : remedies II (the how) Return to......tutional means of bridging the divide : remedies III (the how, continued) Coda
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsIntroduction The US is way behind the rest of the world Parental...... is not good Fathers as partners, not helpers The uk is not a go......ct Conclusion: the six month solution
Recording Media映像資料
National Diet Library
- Contents...ERATION(3)CALL OF JUSTICE(4)PERF......EVER!!(9)SHOCK THE WORLD(10)Summe......BATTLE(4)Touch The Sky(5)Each Other's Way-旅の途中(6)No Limit(7)SUPER SHINE...
National Diet Library
- Contents...hy Reflections of a pimp Bore wa...... Chet Lang and the big bang Death of a pitchman I first sight The view from the bowling alley The bogus Boca pre...... hats to each other The Russians are c......ming Hectoring the hobbit Movin' on, sideways Death to stra...... Blubbering on the stand From grunt to flunky The marionette mei......ter Jacking up the commo Don't di......ling Called on the carpet More ch......-hole Bulletproofing the love-in Death ...... NBC Peeing on the Kidder body A shout from the bathroom The Wright stuff ( Fly ball at the Pierre Black clouds lift the stock The chairman and the strawman Don...
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.A continuation of Encyclopedia of Major Marketin...... covering some of the top global and......are aligned to the strategic mark...... ensuring that the marketing stra......ative examples often described a...... stories" by professors.
- Contents...istan Ministry of Public Health : the Immunity Charm......l : dads share the load Bacardi : break free The Body Shop : fo......esting Bonds : the boys Burger Ki...... : Google home of the Whopper Canadi......: World Chance the Rapper : color......a : TV doctors of America Coca-C......ta Air Lines : the dating wall Do......resting man in the world Duluth T......seals : change the way you see disabi......aber-Castell : the never-ending f......ompany : go further Geico : crush......Brewery : made of more Health Se......t Heinz : pass the Heinz Hornbach......s Kenzo S.A. : the realest real K......e my addiction The Legacy Store Berlin : PaintBa...
- Is Format OfPrint version: Encyclopedia of major marketing strategies. F...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."The significance of chanson and it......k. Focusing on the development of the singer-songwriter over the last 100 years......sses in detail the contribution of the major practitioners of the genre, from Ar......tide Bruant in the late nineteenth century to the emergence in the 1990s of French rap in the form of MC Solaar. This succession of artists has el......echnologies as they emerge such as the phonograph, ra...... than a survey of a popular music genre, the book is a case-history of the adaptation of an ancient form to the demands of today's mass media."
- ContentsA little theory goes a long way What is chanso......on Chanson and the singer-songwriter The gender of the genre happened to the women singer-songwriters? The psycho-anthropology of everyday chanson The Frenchness of chanson Practi......lle Edith Piaf The charm of Charles Trenet......rges Brassens: the appropriation of a literary her...... Jacques Brel: the dramatic synthesis Barbara: performing the feminine Serge......nd renovation: the Nouvelle chans......ulders Renaud: the apotheosis of satire, a gardener of words From one......e siecle to another.
- Note (Content)"In addition to discussion of individual per......awkins tackles the difficulties of establishing a...... discourse for the discussion of chanson, and looks at the potential contributions of forms of literary theory, film criti......ics. Moreover, the book offers of sociology of chanson, the first time suc......phies for each of the artists discus...... book is a gateway to the genre of chanson to which all future s...
National Diet Library
- Contents...Perfect Storm" of New Technologi......busting Crisis of Short-Termism: The Mother of All Problems Q......Answer Primacy of Customer Trust "Value" is the New "Profit" : Jabbing at the Elevator Button in the Stock Market Focus only on the Short Term and......'ll Lose Sight of the Long Term Cust......erm Value, Too The Secret Life of Companies: Short Games Take the Money and Run ......Money is Still the Root of All Investment......le Business In the Long Term, the Good Guys Real......: Reciprocity: The Golden Rule Ap......d to Customers The Man with the Folding Chair ......reat Employees the Way You Want Them to Treat Custom...
- Note (General)...ted URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
National Diet Library
- Contents... and Lucia Siu The social construction of a perfect market : the strawberry auc......tive? : option theory and the construction of derivatives ma......xperiments and the construction of markets / Fabi...... consideration of the FCC auctions /......Nik-Khah Which way is up on Callo...... / Petter Holm The properties of markets / Timo......tics "perform" the economy? / Emmanuel Didier Wh...
- Note (General)Related URL: Table of contents only http: //www.loc...
- Alternative TitleOn the performativity of economics