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National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialWest African history series
- Periodical TitleWest African history series
National Diet Library
- ContentsAfrican slavery and other forms of......e Upper Guinea Coast in the context......Atlantic slave trade / Walter Rodne......n the economic and social history......llassoux Kayor and Baol / Charles Becker and Victor Martin ...... firearms into West Africa, 1750 t......nikori Slavery and the slave trade in the context of West African history / J.D.......The Oyo Yoruba and the Atlantic trade, 1670 to 1830 ......Atlantic slave trade on some West African societies / Dantzig The trade of Loango in the seventeenth and eighteenth cen......rtuguese slave trade from Angola in......t of the slave trade on east central Africa in the...
- Subject Heading奴隷貿易. アフリカ. 経済. 社会. 歴史. Slave trade -- Africa -- History -- Addre...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related in politics and socio-economic......ngers : states and citizenship in......story, culture and inequality : t...... southern highlands of Madagascar......ian Ocean : islands in ebb and flow Insurgency and counterinsurge......8 Contest for land in Madagascar ......ent, ancestors and development Th......tial factor in African history : the ......ial, material, and perceptual : the body and technologies o...... of downstream and lakeside from Africa and South Asia Dis......utional change and the politics o...... management in African wetlands A political e......sts, conflicts and legacies on the southern Ethi...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....a clear, basic and well-illustrat...... Africa's long and fascinating past ... . -- Pro...
- Contents...tory : farming and pastoralism in......ropical Africa and ancient Egypt ...... iron in north and west Africa The ear......ntral, eastern and southern Afric...... Trans-Saharan trade and the kingdom of......nt Ghana Islam and the Sudanic states of west Africa Eastern......ron Age states and societies of central and southern Afric......ns of the east African coast to the sixteen......Atlantic slave trade, sixteenth to ......teenth century West African states and societies, to ...... century North and northeast Afri......entury Central and eastern Africa......teenth century West Africa in the ......Atlantic slave trade Christian missions, new state...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...smic variables and related object......nnapolis, Maryland, 13-17 July 19......reenbelt, Maryland 11-12 Septembe......ale structures and peculiar motio......tellar systems and the sun : proc......Science Center and Michelson Scie......ics, structure and history of gal......eld at Dunk Island Resort, Dunk Island, Queensland, Australia, 30......tellar systems and the sun : elev......y : techniques and applications :......onal Astronomy and Ionosphere Cen...... on Laboratory and Astronomical H......altimore, Maryland, 12-13 October...... from galactic and extragalactic for stellar and circumstellar ......March 1994 in Bandung, Indonesia Science with th...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...reappraisal in African history : the ...... experience in western Zambia Leisure and society in colonial Br......lle Corruption and state politics...... of harmony : land dispute strategies in Swaziland Slaves, peasants and capitalists in......riage, status, and social change ......c, state power and the political ......r in the South African gold mines 191......969 Dependence and opportunity : ......Ahafo Kingship and state : the Buganda dynasty H.C. Bankole-Bright and politics in co......Transformation and continuity in ......galese peasant society Transforming M......ion, 1975-2000 Africans : the history of a continent...
- Alternative TitleAfrican studies
- Alternative TitleAfrican studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... 1916 Women in trade unions in the Union today and tomorrow Dear ......rafting of 18- and 19-year olds] ......blem has been handed to you! : a of teachers and students : for teacher and students in public and private schools and colleges The a......efore the Ohio Society, Sons of the R......8 Valley Forge and the presidents......t on the costs and benefits of el......: The ACLU's stand on outlawing t......nt of New York and the fight for ......e general case and claim of the in business and the industries......ith historical and explanatory notes The life and services of Major General Joh...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...htenment Spain and the American C......e organization and operation of t......kośa of Sāgaranandin : a translation and commentary, of......rishes, tithes and society in earlier medieval Poland, c. 1100-c. 12......dy in conquest and acculturation The brain and its rôle in th......jamin Franklin and eighteenth-cen......brates, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. Parad......ween Hellenism and Rome : studies...... institutional and social history......: the evidence and its implicatio...... : the classic and post-classic p......e maritime fur trade at Bering Strait : Americans and Russians meet ......alects of Atka and Attu Specialist control : the...
- Alternative Title... Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Prom...
- Alternative Title... Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Prom...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related of the Gold Coast : the life and times of Georg......pire of Sokoto West African trade and coast society : a family stu......-1912 The Gold Coast, Britain and the Netherlands, 1850-1874 Si...... George Goldie and the making of Nigeria A life ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related communities and the Nigerian s......ntury Kingdoms and chiefdoms of s......ral traditions and history, 1400-...... Colonial rule and crisis in equa......ds : Shepstone and the colonial s......: urban design and archetypes in ...... Wilmot Blyden and the racial nat......ural resources and conflict in Af......on, tradition, and environmental ......: South Africa and the origin of : authority and property in co......ana, 1920-1950 African urban spaces perspective African migration narr......olitics, race, and space The United States and West Africa : interactions and relations The ......-1960 Labour, land and capital in Ghana : from s...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialFighting the slave trade : West African strategies Metaphor and the slave trade in West African literature West African challenge to e......pire : culture and history in the......nte & the Gold Coast c. 1820-1950 Nkrumah and the chiefs : t......, 1951-1960 Eurafricans in Western Africa : co......tatus, gender, and religious obse......a city Slavery and reform in West Africa : towar......entury Senegal and the Gold Coast Between the se......slim societies and French colonia......ies in Senegal and Mauritania, 18......1920 Themes in West Africa's history Cold War and decolonization...... of the borderlands since 1914 Ouidah : the soci...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material... some sectoral and regional chara......a medium-sized African town preferences and requirements i......scar Recurrent and capital estima......esearch on new African reservoirs Эко......nzprobleme der westafrikanischen Entwicklungsländer Bureaucracy and political deve......progrès Africa and Southwest Asia : official standard names appro...... Tanganjika, Uganda, Sansibar) : ......of all notices and public documen......of the country and a history of of sciences and arts in the formulation and implementation......cies Essays on African culture = Essa......caine Southern African mammals, 1758 to 1951 : a rec...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThe external trade of the Loango Coast, 1576-1870 : t......P.C. rebellion African traders and economic of Nkore in Western Uganda to 1896 The t......f the Jie of Uganda Clan leaders and colonial chief......ory of an East African stateless society c. 1800-1939 L......8-1963 Muslims and chiefs in West Africa : a stu......e Upper Guinea Coast, 1545-1800 Trade and politics in th......o the economic and political hist...... Indirect rule and the search for......essays in East African legal history ......northern Gabon coast to 1875 Imperialism and nationalism in......constitutional and political development, 1899-1...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialThrough Masai land : a journey of......anic mountains and strange tribes......l Geographical Society's expedition to Mount Kenia and Lake Victoria ......nza, 1883-1884 African kingships in p......litical change and modernization ......ion of voyages and travels : cons...... Asia, Africa, and America The ma...... Bori : demons and demon-dancing in West and North Africa D......zibar waters : and on the eastern coast of Africa With......method of life and mode of though......nzibar, the island metropolis of ......, Brazil & the West Indies in His ......s, The Swallow and Weymouth Trave......s, researches, and missionary labours during an ...
- Alternative TitleRoutledge library of African studies
- Alternative TitleRoutledge library of African studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Note (General)Publisher varies: Oxford : Oxbow Books v.44-46: "Series editor: John Alexander"
- Related MaterialPrehistoric cultures and environments Archaeology and history in Ìlà......Central Yorubaland, Nigeria), 120......ol of Oriental and African Studies, Unive...... : excavations and analyses at Ai...... on its social and political orga......ric settlement and subsistence in......igeria Ceramic and other speciali......nter-gatherers and farmers : an e...... Africa Memory and the mountain :......of Kilimanjaro and implications for landscape archaeology The middle and later Stone Ag......hurmai (GnJm1) and Kakwa Lelash (......opia Spheroids and battered stones in the African early and middle Stone A......m, archaeology and history : Gao region (Mali) c...
- Author HeadingAlexander, John
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related : Europeans and Island Caribs, 1492-1......: a historical and bibliographica......ontours Africa and the Caribbean ......f-words in the West Indies : performance and the emergence ...... the promised land : a history of......erican settler society in nineteenth-...... of indentured African immigration in......-1865 Peasants and capital : Domi......, nationalism, and the state in t......atal Blackness and race mixture :......the network of trade and revolution, 17......n of Caribbean society in its ideolog......nguages of the West Indies Indentu......ugar : Chinese and Indian the British West Indies, 1838-1918 "We come to...
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins studies in Atlantic history and culture
- Alternative TitleJohns Hopkins studies in Atlantic history and culture
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...5 The Colonial and Imperial Confe......British policy and Canada, 1774-1......n 18th century trade policy British......olonial policy and the South African Republics 1848......yal government and political conf...... Social policy and missionary org......0-1855 Railway and customs polici......udy of English trade with Spain in the British West Indies : a stu......ury The Berlin West African Conference, 18......farming on the West African Coast The British West African settlements, 1......tration Canada and the British ar......tem in New Zealand, 1852-76 The 1...... beginnings in West Africa, 1454-1578 : a survey ...
- Alternative TitleImperial studies Royal Empire Society Imperial studies
- Alternative TitleImperial studies Royal Empire Society Imperial studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Caribbean Standing Closer Asso......rsity degree standard in the Brit......e training of candidates and probationers f......nto the causes and circumstances ......ear ... Report and proceedings of...... the financial and economic posit...... Rhodesia Gold Coast : dispatches on the Gold Coast government's p......r the Colonies and H.E. the in British African territories : a memorandum forwarded un......of the British African colonies Inter......ources of East and Central to Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Northern and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland in February and March, 1960 Report of the Com...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ques chez les Mandingues du Wuli ......u gender norms and narratives Chi...... of Kongsis of west Borneo (1776-1......face : a study and critical New Guinea) and Enggano (Indon......tural commerce and Dutch commerci......0-1850 Central African hunter-gathere......: policy, law, and practice of decentralization and urban spatial ......1645 The best hand is the hand that always gives : griottes and their professi......Chinese poetry and Duoduo De Nederlandse koloniale lo......914-1940 State and Islam For the ......ts to the dead and the living : f......kale elite in Manduar (Gambia) of Eşber : Western orientated verse drama and...
- Author HeadingRijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Centrum voor Niet-Westerse Studies
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...ory, language, and literacy in th...... in Romanesque and Gothic monumen......1715 Chemistry and the chemical i...... of Manchester and other studies ......y, literature, and theology Byzantium and its image : history and culture of the......zantine Empire and its heritage M......ic instruments and experimental p......-1850 The city and the realm : Burgos and Castile, 1080-1492 Spanish and Portuguese mon......, the schools, and the Computus B......saetze Imagery and ideology in By......m The crusades and Latin monastic......Labour history and the labour mov......itain Commerce and conquest in th......n medieval England : the Becket dispute and decr...