Search results 1,163
National Diet Library
- Contents...of Social Work with Groups, Inc., an inte......ey Social work with groups / Andrew Group work with specific popul......ns Adolescents with co-occurring m......lifford Adults with co-occurring m......elman Children with traumatic grie......t Seden People with AIDS / George ...... Getzel People with cancer / Rache......hneider People with mental health ......Trawver People with problematic al...... Hanson People with problematic People with problematic of children with autistic spect......n Knight Women with advanced breas....... Clemans Work groups / Paul H. Ephr...... M. Lazzari Co-working / Mark Doel Leadership / Stev...
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Contents...y : skills for working in groups across populat......ght Group work with people who hav......oue Group work with people who suf...... people living with HIV/AIDS durin...... Social skills groups for school-age......nts Group work with older adults /......ive group work with immigrant fami......uld Group work with immigrants and......nto Group work with combat veteran......yle Group work with supercomputers......ton Group work with adult survivor......ght Group work with victims of hat......ama Group work with survivors of s......itz Group work with survivors of i......ans Group work with children impac......ors Group work with urban African American parent...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....o under-served groups; provide programming that mak...
- Alternative TitleLibrarian's guide to working with friends groups
- Alternative TitleLibrarian's guide to working with friends groups
National Diet Library
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
National Diet Library
- Contents...ues associated with cardiac care: ......ial group work with patient with implanted card......ial group work with heart transpla......ardiac support groups Cardiac social groups and coleadersh......ial group work with cardiac patients.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Author Heading...a. IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on Method Engineer...
National Diet Library
- Contents...s: Experiments with an Online Syst......fferent-Places Working Group Support ......roup Decisions with Partial Inform......roup Decisions with Intuitionistic......roup Decisions with Linguistic Information: A Sur...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....d researchers. Working on the frontlines with patients and f......afety Planning with Survivors of D......ial work field with useful practice wisdom for a ...
- Contents...afety Planning with Survivors of D......siderations in Working with Veterans Teletherapy with Adolescents in......IV.Convergence with Racism Pandemi....... The Pandemic Within the Pandemic of 2020: A Spi...
National Diet Library
- Contents...r risk factors with depression amo......ors associated with risk of turnov......or the elderly with dementia = 認知症グループホームに勤務する介護職...
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingLevine, Ruth, 1959- What Works Working Group.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....f populations. Without a doubt, societies can rea...
- ContentsWhen I'm 54 : Working Longer Starts ......een Health and Working Longer : Dispa...... Psychology of Working Longer / Marga......ohwedder Dying with Your Boots On ......e Realities of Working Longer in Low-......ciodemographic Groups / Sean Fahle a......thleen McGarry Working Longer in an A......d Politics of "Working Longer" / Jacob S. Hacker and...
- Alternative TitleAmerica's aging workforce and the future of working longer
National Diet Library
- Contents... work practice with older adults B......nd social work with older adults E......r older adults Working with older adults' support systems...
- Subject HeadingSocial work with older people--United States. ...
- Alternative TitleSocial work with older adults Social work with elders
National Diet Library
- Contents...ites Genograms with African-Americ......p conferencing with African-American families / K...
- Subject HeadingSocial work with African Americans.
National Diet Library
- Contents...and prevention Working with individual children Working with children in context Working with children in groups Care, resilience and social s...
National Diet Library
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingFAO Working Group on the Cooperation with the Nansen Programme. 国際連合食糧農...