Search results 1,708
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ll. Successful livestock farmers are those who also ha...
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Great Britain--Management Livestock--Great Britain......, manuals, etc Livestock Livestock--Management Great Britain
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types ...... source of key livestock breed informat......d as a list of livestock names and syno...... reference for livestock breeders and a......h interests in livestock."--Publisher's website
- Subject HeadingLivestock breeds--Dictionaries Livestock--Encyclopedias Livestock breeds--Encyclopedias Livestock. Livestock breeds.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....he book series-Livestock Diseases and M....... Although the livestock plays an important role in th...
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Diseases Livestock--Diseases.
- Title HeadingLivestock Diseases and Management
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.Mason's World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Bre......ibes breeds of livestock worldwide as w...... and breeding, livestock produce and ma......ial aspects of livestock farming. Written by renowned livestock authorities, t......involvement in livestock breeds of the world, presenti...
- Contents...falo Yak Other livestock : Elephants ; Cervidae : rein...
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Encyclopedias. Livestock breeds--Encyclopedias. Livestock. Livestock breeds.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Reproduction. Livestock--Breeding.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....mong wildlife, livestock and humans, of......e and domestic livestock have coexisted......mong wildlife, livestock and humans in ......ering wildlife-livestock interfaces fou......verlap between livestock and wildlife, ......t the wildlife/livestock interface, ill......h the wildlife/livestock interfaces and......omote wildlife-livestock coexistence is......t the wildlife/livestock interface, global change and ...
- Contents...: The Wildlife-Livestock Natural And Hi......nimal Wildlife-Livestock Interface The ......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface: Bey......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface In E......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface In At Wildlife-Livestock Interface In A......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface In O......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface In N......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface In C......ctions Between Livestock And Wildlife C......on Of Wildlife-Livestock Interfaces: Th......t The Wildlife-Livestock Interface
- Subject Heading...dlife diseases Livestock--Diseases Epid...... Epidemiology. Livestock--Diseases. Wildlife diseases.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....ity protein by livestock and poultry and how it plays ...
- Contents...imporvement of livestock, from diseases in livestock and poultry production: 27. M...
- Subject HeadingSustainable agriculture. Livestock--Environmental aspects.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingMilk. Livestock. Dairying.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAnimal biotechnology Livestock--Climatic factors Biotechnolo...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.In a changing climate, livestock production is ...... the issues of livestock production and......e sections: I. Livestock production, II......r alleviation, livestock-generated nitr......mate change on livestock diversity, far...... of indigenous livestock in climatic ch......melioration of livestock methane such as breeding for ...
- Contents1. Overview Section 1: Livestock Production 2. ......rces vis-a-vis Livestock and Fish Produ......otic Stress in Livestock / v. Sejian, I......ution from the Livestock Industry / P.P......Perspective on Livestock-Generated Impacts on Livestock Diversity in T......14. Indigenous Livestock Resources in a......and Tannins in Livestock Enteric Methan......age Therapy in LIvestock Methan Amelioration / Rosalin...
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Climatic factors. Livestock productivity. Climatic change...
National Diet Library
- ContentsFarmer and public roles in livestock disease manage......cs into farmer livestock disease management Issues of livestock disease manage...... Case study in livestock disease manage...... Case study in livestock disease manage...... Case study in livestock disease management: Korea.
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Diseases--Prevention. Livestock--Diseases--Case studies. Risk...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, diseases of livestock. Compiled by A......omic impact to livestock"--
- Contents...ry vaccines in livestock production, animal health and...
- Subject Heading...on--veterinary Livestock Poultry Animal Diseases--prev...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLivestock. Domestic animals. Farms, Sma...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingWomen farmers. Livestock. Animal owners. Livestock farms.
- Alternative TitleWomen manage livestock diversity
- Alternative TitleWomen manage livestock diversity
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingAnimal rights. Livestock--Economic aspects.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Genetics. Livestock--Embryology. Epigenesis.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)Livestock
- Alternative TitleIntroduction to the complete abolition of the livestock farming
- Alternative TitleIntroduction to the complete abolition of the livestock farming
National Diet Library
- Summary, we are with livestock system classif......maps of global livestock production sys......number of poor livestock keepers, globally, within the...
- Subject HeadingLivestock productivity--Statistics. Livestock productivity--......lassification. Livestock--Geographical distribution--M...
- Note (General)"International Livestock Research Institute" -- "Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative"--Cover.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingGermplasm resources, Animal. Livestock.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingLivestock--Diseases--Prevention. Livestock--Diseases--Case studies.