Records of the IPS, Prosecution's Opening Statements, Summary of Evidence, and Copies of Indictments, 1946
憲政資料室 作成
- 資料群名(日本語)
- 国際検察局文書 検察官冒頭陳述、証拠の要旨、起訴状
- 請求記号
- IPS-11
- 数量
- 30アイテム(収集時のマイクロフィルムは2巻分)
- 主な内容
- 起訴状、冒頭陳述、証拠の要旨。冒頭陳述には検察側だけでなく弁護側のものを含む。国立国会図書館サーチのデータ入力に際しては、マイクロフィルム冒頭の目録部分を参考とした。
- 資料の構成
- 以下のリンクをクリックすると「国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション」で資料の画像を閲覧できる。マイクロフィルムの撮影順に配列。
- The Indictment.
- Opening Statement of the Prosecution by the Chief Counsel.
- Opening Statement of the Prosecution by the Chief Counsel (Original Draft).
- The Indictment (Japanese Translation).
起訴状. - Opening Statement of the Associate Prosecutor of the Philippines.
Pros. Doc. No. 6193. - Opening Statement.
Ben Bruce Blakeney.太平洋問題外交部門冒頭陳述. - Opening Statement. Pacific War, Military - Army.
George Francis Blewett. - Opening Statement.
John G. Brannon.第五部太平洋戦争 小部門第四-軍事(海軍の部) 冒頭陳述 ブラナン弁護人. - Opening Statement. China Phase [Division IV] and Defense Division V (U.S.S.R.) (with Japanese Translation).
弁護団冒頭陳述 蘇聯邦. - Opening Statement of Division I of the Defense Case.
弁護団第一部の冒頭陳述. - Opening Statement. Economic Aggression in China and Greater East Asia.
Mr. Hauxhurst.冒頭陳述 中國並ニ大東亞ニ於ケル經済的侵略. ヘンリー・エー・ホークスハースト. Pros. Doc. No. 6906. - Opening Statement - Relations with France and Thailand (with Japanese Translation).
Mr. Oneto.佛蘭西國、泰國関係 佛領印度支那ニ對スル侵略 劈頭陳述. ロベル・オネト. Pros. Doc. No. 6910. - Opening Statement by Mr. Freeman Relating to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees.
冒頭陳述 第五部 俘虜関係. フリーマン. - Opening Statement by Valentine C. Hammack Relating to the Organization of Japanese Politics and Public Opinion for War.
開廷聲明書. Pros. Doc. No. 6903. - Opening Statement by John Darsey Relating to Manchurian Military Aggression.
満洲の軍事的支配. Pros. Doc. No. 6905. - Opening Statement by Carkisle W. Higgins Relating to Relating Between the United States and Great Britain on the One Hand and Japan on the other.
Pros. Doc. No. 6908. - Opening Statement by J. G. Liebert Relating to Japan's General Industrial Production and Financial Preparations for War.
Pros. Doc. No. 6930. - Opening Statement by William Logan, Jr., Relating to Division V - Pacific War Subdivision II - Allied Pressure Against Japan.
冒頭陳述 第五段階 太平洋戦争 第二部 日本ニ對スル連合國ノ壓迫. - Opening Statement for the Manchurian Division.
- Opening Statement Presented by R. H. Quiliam Relating to Japan's General Preparation for Japan (with Japanese Translation).
劈頭陳述 日本の一般的戦争準備. Pros. Doc. No. 6911. - Opening Statement of the Prosecutor for U.S.S.R.
蘇連邦ト日本トノ關係 劈頭陳述. Pros. Doc. No. 6909. - Opening Statement - Relations Between the Soviet Union and Japan.
Pros. Doc. No. 6909. - Data for Opening Statement - Japanese Relations with the United Sates and British Commonwealth.
- Opening Statement by Mr. Takahashi Relating to the Pacific War.
冒頭陳述 太平洋戦争. - Defense Opening Statement, Parts I through II.
Pros. Doc. No. 6901: The Constitution of Japan Part I. Pros. Doc. No. 6902: Japanese Constitution and Government Part II =日本憲法ト政府. - Summaries of Proof.
- Japanese Documents.
劈頭陳述(キーナン). 検察側文書番号9612: 劈頭陳述 対和蘭侵略. - Documents Relating to the Netherlands Phase.
- Japanese Documents.
太平洋部門 戦争準備(陸軍) 冒頭陳述. 冒頭陳述(高柳賢三) . - Opening Statement by Frank S. Tavenner, Jr., Relating to Collaboration Between Japan, Germany and Italy (with Japanese Translation).
日本・獨逸及伊太利亜間ノ協同. Pros. Doc. No. 6907.
- 検索手段
- 国立国会図書館サーチ
- 関連資料