Published Reports of the Public Opinion and Sociological Research Division
憲政資料室 作成
- 資料群名(日本語)
- 請求記号
- 資料形態
- 数量
デジタル画像 37アイテム分(収集時のマイクロフィルムは1巻)
- 主言語
- 主な内容
日本の世論調査機関による現在の重大な問題に関する調査を民間情報教育局分析・調査課及び世論社会学的調査課が簡潔に分析した報告書であるCurrent Japanese Public Opinion Surveysと民間情報教育局分析・調査課及び世論社会学的調査課が行った調査報告であるDivisional Public Opinion Surveysから成る。
- 資料の構成
※資料名末尾の[ ]内はコマ番号
- SURVEY SERIES Ⅰ. Current Japanese Public Opinion Surveys
- No. 1: Attitudes of Tokyo Residents toward the Ashida Cabinet. (Yoron Kagaku Kyokai, February 1948) 29 May 1948 [2-9]
- No. 2: Attitudes in Kyoto toward Coeducation in the New Lower Secondary Schools. (Nagasue Public Opinion Research Institute, March 1948) 5 June 1948 [10-16]
- No. 3: Attitudes toward the Ashida Cabinet and Related Political Matters. (Asahi Newspaper Public Opinion Room, March 1948) 12 June 1948 [17-28]
- No. 4: Attitudes of Union Members in the Tokyo Area. (Yoron Kagaku Kyokai, March 1948) 28 June 1948 [29-41]
- No. 5: Attitudes in Osaka toward Current Political Problems. (Osaka Public Research Institute, March 1948) 30 June 1948 [42-48]
- No. 6: Attitudes in Tokyo toward the New Lower Secondary Schools. (Yoron Kagaku Kyokai, March 1948) 17 July 1948 [49-59]
- No. 7: A National Survey of Attitudes toward the Ashida Cabinet. (Mainichi Shimbun Yoron Chosa Shitsu, March 1948) 9 August 1948 [60-70]
- No. 8: Attitudes of Tokyo and Kyoto Residents toward Strikes of Government Workers. (Yoron Kagaku Kyokai, Tokyo; Nagasue Yoron Kenkyujo, Kyoto, April 1948) 10 August 1948 [71-81]
- No. 9: Attitudes of Osaka Consumers toward Vegetable Rationing. (Osaka Yoron Chosa Kenkyujo, April 1948) 11 August 1948 [82-89]
- No. 10: Attitudes in the Kansai District toward Democratization of Securities. (Jiji News Agency) 26 August 1948 [90-103]
- No. 11: Attitudes toward the Inflation Problem. (Shimbun Yoron Chosa Renmei, June 1948) 3 September 1948 [104-112]
- No. 12: Attitudes toward the Emperor System. (Yomiuri Shimbun Yoron Chosa, July 1948) 18 September 1948 [113-128]
- No. 13: Attitudes toward Higher Denomination Currency. (Jiji News Agency Public Opinion Room, September 1948) 21 September 1948 [129-139]
- No. 14: Attitudes of Resettlers toward the Land Reclamation Program. 27 September 1948 [140-156]
- No. 15: Attitudes on the Democratization of Japan. (Jiji News Agency, July 1948) 25 October 1948 [140-156]
- No. 16: Japanese Reactions in an International Survey. (Yoron Chosa Kenkyujo, November 1948) 11 January 1949 [157-164]
- No. 17: Political Trends Through October 1948. 11 January 1949 [165-173]
- No. 18: Attitudes of the Urban Consumer toward Food Problems. 19 February 1949 [174-201]
- No. 19: Urban Consumer Problems; Housing, Clothing, Sanitation and Medical Care. 17 March 1949 [202-223]
- Basic Attitudes toward Foreign Countries. 23 June 1949 [224-234]
- Two Surveys on the Population Problem. 13 August 1949 [235-257]
- The Independent Enterpriser and his Income Tax. 27 August 1949 [258-295]
- Reactions to Postwar Changes: A Trend Survey. 16 March 1950 [296-324]
- Attitudes toward Japan's Role in the Present Crisis. 26 August 1950 [325-345]
- SURVEY SERIES Ⅱ. Divisional Public Opinion Surveys
- Reactions to a Traffic Safety Week Leaflet. 22 June 1949 [348-362]
- Attitudes toward the Labor Movement. 31 January 1949 [363-376]
- Problems of Working Women in Tokyo. 26 March 1949 [377-399]
- Attitudes of Farmers toward Rural Problems. 21 May 1949 [400-448]
- The Japanese People Look at Prostitution. 30 June 1949 [449-509]
- The Purchase of Zaibatsu Stocks: An Appraisal of Public Interest. 31 August 1949 [510-541]
- Survey of Bread and Flour Utilization by the Japanese People. 3 March 1950 [542-570]
- Agricultural Problems of the Japanese Farmer. 24 March 1950 [571-627]
- Japanese Reactions to the International Crisis. 29 January 1951 [628-656]
- Changes in Japanese Attitudes toward International Problems. 2 February 1951 [657-717]
- A preliminary Study of the Neighborhood Association of Japan. 23 January 1948 [718-805]
- Some Aspects of the Fishery Rights System in Selected Japanese Fishing Communities. November 1948 [806-950]
- Background Report of Japan: Some Psychological Perspectives. 12 October 1949 [951-977]
- 旧蔵機関名
Public Opinion and Sociological Research Division, Civil Information and Education Section, GHQ/SCAP
- 歴史
民間情報教育局(CIE)分析・調査課(Analysis and Research Division)は、CIEの所管の全事項にかかわる調査、日本の世論にかかわる助言、日本語の新聞出版物を通して日本人に届く情報の分析・評価、日本の報道言論の傾向についての報告、分析調査結果に基づく報告書の配布、CIE Bulletinの作成を任務とした。世論社会学的調査課(Public Opinion and Sociological Research Division)は、分析・調査課の後身で、占領及び復興施策への世論の反応についてのデータを提供し、かつ、政策及び計画の漸次の策定及び変更のための信頼できる基礎となるような必須の世論調査と社会学的調査の実施に関する提言及び指示、日本の調査機関の訓練及び技術的指導、社会学的調査の計画・実施における日本の調査機関及び総司令部の他の専門部との連絡、総司令部内及び米国の政府その他の機関で使用するための研究及び調査報告書の作成を任務とした。
- 原所蔵機関
- 受入
- 検索手段
- 国立国会図書館サーチ
- 収録リポート名リスト(憲政資料室内備付冊子目録)
- 関連文献
- Some aspects of the fishery right system in selected Japanese fishing communities, 1948【333.91-S959s】
※本マイクロフィルムの SOCIOLOGICAL SERIES に含まれているもの。
- Some aspects of the fishery right system in selected Japanese fishing communities, 1948【333.91-S959s】