editors, Vincent Dujardin, Éric Bussière, Piers Ludlow, Federico Romero, Dieter Schlenker and Antonio Varsori, in collaboration with Sophie Kaisin, preface by Jean-Claude JunckerPublications Office of the European Union2019<A163-D105>
editors, Éric Bussière [and five others], in collaboration with Élisabeth Palmero, foreword by J.M. Barroso.Publications Office of the European Union2014.<A163-B2157>
European commission ; editors Eric Bussière... [et al.] ; in collaboration with Elisabeth Palmero ; foreword by J. M. Barroso, président of the European commission.Office for Official Publications of the European Union2014
Éric Bussière, Bernard Lefebvre, Jean Vavasseurs-Desperriers ; avec la collaboration d'Annie Scottez-de-Wambrechies et de Laurent WarlouzetArtois Presses Universitéc2012