وضعه أبو الفرج غريغوريوس ابن العبري ; تحقيق ماكس ماير هوف, جورجي صبحيدار بيبليون2005
- 著者標目Bar Hebraeus Māyarhūf, Māks Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī
by Gregorius Abu'l-Farag (Barhebraeus), edited from the only two known manuscripts, with an English translation, commentary, and indices by M. Meyerhof, G.P. SobhyGoverment Press, Bûlâq1940
- 著者標目Ghāfiqī, Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, d. 1165 Bar Hebraeus Meyerhof, Max Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī
by Gregorius Abu'l-Farag (Barhebraeus), edited from the only two known manuscripts, with an English translation, commentary, and indices by M. Meyerhof, G.P. SobhyGoverment Press, Bûlâq1938
- 著者標目Ghāfiqī, Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, d. 1165 Bar Hebraeus Meyerhof, Max Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī
by Gregorius Abu'l-Farag (Barhebraeus), edited from the only two known manuscripts, with an English translation, commentary, and indices by M. Meyerhof, G.P. SobhyGoverment Press, Bûlâq1937
- 著者標目Ghāfiqī, Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, d. 1165 Bar Hebraeus Meyerhof, Max Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī
by Gregorius Abu'l-Farag (Barhebraeus), edited from the only two known manuscripts, with an English translation, commentary, and indices by M. Meyerhof, G.P. SobhyAl-Ettemad printing press & publishing house1932
- 著者標目Ghāfiqī, Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, d. 1165 Bar Hebraeus Meyerhof, Max Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī
تأليف ثابت بن قرةالمطبعة الأميرية1928<Y775-T1>
- 著者別名Thābit ibn Qurrah al-Ḥarrānī Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī
لأحمد بن محمد بن خليد الغافقي، نشره مع ترجمته الانكليزية وشروحات ماكس مايرهوف، جورجي صبحي، انتخبه أبو الفرج غريغيوس المعروف بابن العبريمطبعة الاعتماد[19--?]
- 著者標目Ghāfiqī, Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, d. 1165 Bar Hebraeus Meyerhof, Max Ṣubḥī, Jūrjī