Augustin Cournot ; translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon ; with an essay on Cournot and mathematical economics and a bibliography of mathematical economics by Irving GisherHafner1960
- 著者標目Cournot, A. A. (Antoine Augustin) Bacon, Nathaniel T. (Nathaniel Terry) Fisher, Irv...
The Macmillan company1897.<129-192>
- 著者標目Cournot, Antoine Augustin, 1801-1877 Bacon, Nathaniel T. Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947
by Augustin Cournot ; translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon ; with an essay on Cournot and mathematical economics and a bibliography of mathematical economics by Irving FisherMacmillan1929, c1897
- 著者標目Cournot, A. A. (Antoine Augustin) Bacon, Nathaniel T. (Nathaniel Terry) Fisher, Irv...
by Augustin Cournot ; translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon ; with an essay on Cournot and mathematical economics and a bibliography of mathematical economics by Irving FisherMacmillan1927, c1897
- 著者標目Cournot, A. A. (Antoine Augustin) Bacon, Nathaniel T. (Nathaniel Terry) Fisher, Irv...
by Augustin Cournot, 1838 ; translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon ; with a bibliography of mathematical economics by Irving FisherMacmillan1897
- 著者標目Cournot, A. A. (Antoine Augustin) Bacon, Nathaniel T. (Nathaniel Terry) Fisher, Irv...