as told by a knight of Elvas and in a relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedma, factor of the expedition ; translated by Buckingham Smith ; together with an account of De Soto's expedition, based on the diary of Rodrigo Ranjel, his private secretary, translated from Oviedo's Historia general y natural de las Indias ; edited with an introd. by Edward Gaylord BourneAMS Press1973
著者標目...night of Elvas Biedma, Luis Hernández de, 16th cent Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés,...
written by a gentleman of Elvas, employed in all the action, and translated out of Portuguese by Richard Hakluyt ; edited with notes and an introduction, and a translation of a narrative of the expedition by Louis Hernandez de Biedma, factor to the the same, by William B. RyePrinted for the Hakluyt Society1851
著者標目Knight of Elvas Hakluyt, Richard Rye, William Brenchley Biedma, Luis Hernandez de, 16th cent.