volume editors, H-F. Chen ... [et al.]Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon1997
- 著者標目...Peshkin, M. A. Chen, H-F. International Federation of A...
volume editors, H-F. Chen and B. WahlbergPublished for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon1997
- 著者標目...Peshkin, M. A. Chen, H-F. Wahlberg, B. International Fe...
. volume editors, H-F. Chen, B. Wahlberg and G. OlsderPublished for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon1997
- 著者標目...Peshkin, M. A. Chen, H-F. Wahlberg, B. Olsder, G. Inter...