adapted from the original screenplay by Quentin Tarantino ; adaptation by Reginald Hudlin ; art by R.M. Guéra, Jason Latour, Denys Cowan, Danijel Zezelj, John FloydDC Comicsc2013
- 著者標目Hudlin, Reginald Tarantino, Quentin Guéra, R. M. Latour, Jason Cowan, Denys Že...
writer, Jason Aaron ; artist, R.M. Guéra ; colorist, Giulia Brusco ; letterers, Phil Balsman and Steve WandsDC Comicsc2008
Jason Aaron, writer ; R.M. Guéra, artist ; Lee Loughridge, colorist ; Phil Balsman, lettererDC Comicsc2007