Jörg, Schumacher, 堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSI, Robert, KerrCambridge University Press2013-01Ten Chapters in Turbulence
- 著者標目Jörg, Schumacher 堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI Robert, Kerr
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSI大学共同利用機関法人 核融合科学研究所2008-04核融合科学研究所一般共同研究成果報告書(平成19年度)p.249-
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSI培風館2008-07乱れと流れ
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIAdvances in Turbulence X, Ed. by Andersson, H.I. et al.2004Advances in Turbulence X, Ed. by Andersson, H.I. et al.p.35-38
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIProc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, ed. by Kasagi, N. et al.2003Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, ed. by Kasagi, N. et al.p.823-828
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIProc. Of ERCOFTAC workshop “Direct and Large Eddy Simulation-V, ed. by Friedrich, R., Geurts, B.J. and Metais, O.2003Proc. Of ERCOFTAC workshop “Direct and Large Eddy Simulation-V, ed. by Friedrich, R., Geurts, B.J. and Metais, O.p.43-44
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSI丸善株式会社2003丸善株式会社
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIEngineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments, Ed. by W.Rodi, Elsevier Sciences Ltd.2002Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments, Ed. by W.Rodi, Elsevier Sciences Ltd.5p.247-
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIProc. of IUTAM Symposium on Geometry and Statistics ofTurbulence, ed. by T. Kambe et al., Kluwer Academic Pub.2001Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on Geometry and Statistics ofTurbulence, ed. by T. Kambe et al., Kluwer Academic Pub.p.249-254
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIDirect and Large-Eddy Simulation IV, Ed. by B.J. Geurts, R. Friedrich and O. Metais2001Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IV, Ed. by B.J. Geurts, R. Friedrich and O. Metaisp.67-72
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSIAdvances in Turbulence VIII, Proc. of the Eighth European Turbulence Conference, Eds. C. Dopazo et al.2000Advances in Turbulence VIII, Proc. of the Eighth European Turbulence Conference, Eds. C. Dopazo et al.
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSI東京大学出版会1998東京大学出版会
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, HORIUTI, KIYOSI丸善株式会社1998丸善株式会社
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 HORIUTI, KIYOSI
堀内, 潔, Horiuti, Kiyosi航空宇宙技術研究所1991-12航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料 = Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory SP-1616p.1-8
- 著者標目堀内, 潔 Horiuti, Kiyosi