Greenwood Press1973.<BU-7-1002>
- 著者標目United States. Congress. Senate. Library. Hupman, Richard D.
- 著者標目...nate. Library. Hupman, Richard D. Thornton, Robert L. Library o...
U.S. Govt. Print. Off.1964.<AU-251-38>
- 著者標目United States. Congress. Senate. Library. Hupman, Richard D. Ravnholt, Eiler C.
- 著者標目...nate. Library. Hupman, Richard D. Johnston, Felton M. United St...
complied under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, Richard D. Hupman by Carmen Carpenter and Polly SargentGreenwood Press1975
- 著者標目Valeo, Francis Ralph Hupman, Richard D. Carpenter, Carmen Sargent, Po...
complied and indexed by Mary F. Sterrett ; under the direction of Flelton M. Johnston, Richard D. HupmanGreenwood Press1975
- 著者標目Sterrett, Mary F. Johnston, Flelton M. Hupman, Richard D.
complied under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, Richard D. Hupman by Carmen CarpenterGreenwood Press1975
- 著者標目Valeo, Francis Ralph Hupman, Richard D. Carpenter, Carmen
U.S. Govt. Print. Off.1960.<BU-8-19>
- 著者標目...nate. Library. Hupman, Richard D. Still, Samuel Hutchins, 1908-...
Indexed and compiled under the direction of Felton M. Johnston, by Richard D. Hupman ... [et al.]Greenwood Press1973
- 著者標目United States. Congress. Senate. Library Hupman, Richard D. United States. Congress
compiled by Richard D. Hupman and Robert L. Thornton ; under the direction of Francis R. ValeoU.S. Govt. Print. Off.1972
- 著者標目Hupman, Richard D. Thornton, Robert L. Valeo, Fr...
compiled under direction of Francis R.Valeo, by Richard D.Hupman, by Robert L.Tienken1968
Compiled by the Senate Library under the direction of Felton M. Johnson [and] Richard D. HupmanGreenwood Press1968
- 著者標目...ton, Felton M. Hupman, Richard D. United States. Congress. Hous...
compiled under the direction of Francis R. Valeo ; by Richard D. Hupman and Robert L. TienkenU.S. Govt. Print. Off.1968
- 著者標目Valeo, Francis Ralph Hupman, Richard D. Tienken, Robert L. Library of...
compiled under direction of Felton M. Johnston ; by Richard D. Hupman and Eiler C. Ravnholt together with Robert L. TienkenU.S. Govt. Print. Off.1964
- 著者標目Johnston, Felton M. Hupman, Richard D. Ravnholt, Eiler C. Tienken, R...
by Richard D. Hupman and Samuel H. Still, Jr. ; compiled under direction of Felton M. JohnstonU.S. Government Printing Office1960
- 著者標目Hupman, Richard D. Still, Samuel H. Johnston, Fe...
U.S.Congress,Senate ; RichardD.Hupman coby ; SamuelH.Still,Jr. coby ; LegislativeReferenceService,LibraryofCongress coby ; SamuelH.Still,Jr. coby ; LegislativeReferenceService,L coby ; Hupman,RichardD. ; Still,SamuelHutchinsU.S.Goverment Printing Office1960
compiled by the Senate Library under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, Richard D. Hupman[Congressional Information Service][19--]
- 著者標目... Francis Ralph Hupman, Richard D. United States. Congress. Sena...
complied under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, Richard D. Hupman by Carmen Carpenter and Polly Sargent[Congressional Information Service][19--]
- 著者標目... Francis Ralph Hupman, Richard D. Carpenter, Carmen Sargent, Po...
compiled by the Senate Library under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, Secretary of the Senate, Richard D. Hupman, librarian[Congressional Information Service][19--]
- 著者標目... Francis Ralph Hupman, Richard D.
compiled by Richard D. Hupman, Senate Library, and Robert L. Thornton, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, under the direction of Francis R. Valeo, secretary of the Senate[Congressional Information Service][19--]
- 著者標目... the Secretary Hupman, Richard D. Thornton, Robert L.