written by Ilsa Sharp ; photographed by Alain Compost ; foreword by HRH Duke of Edinburgh ; tribute by Thomas E. Lovejoy ; research consultant Anne NashOxford University Press1994
著者標目Sharp, Ilsa Compost, Alain Lovejoy, Thomas E. Nash, Anne
Henri Cardinal de Lubac ; introduced and annotated by Loïc Figoureux ; foreword by François-Xavier Dumortier, S.J. and Jacques de Larosière ; preface by Jacques Prévotat ; translated by Andrew Stefanelli and Anne Englund NashIgnatius Pressc2015
Henrici Denzinger ; quod emendavit, auxit, et adiuvante Helmuto Hoping ; edidit Petrus Hünermann = Heinrich Denzinger ; revised, enlarged, and, in collaboration with Helmut Hoping ; edited by Peter Hünermann for the original bilingual edition ; edited by Robert Fastiggi, Anne Englund Nash for the English editionIgnatius Pressc2012
著者標目Denzinger, Heinrich Hoping, Helmut Hünermann, Peter Fastiggi, Robert L. Nash, Anne Englund