Faces Distribution Corporation presents a John Cassavetes film ; [producer, Al Ruban ; writer/director, John Cassavetes]Manufactured and distributed by King Records[2014], c1977
- 著者標目Ruban, Al Cassavetes, John
directed by John Cassavetes ; screenplay by Ted Allen & John Cassavetes ; exective producer, Al Ruban ; produced by Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン [distributor]c2013
- 著者標目Cassavetes, John Rowlands, Gena Allen, Ted Ruban, Al Golan, Menahem Globus, Yoram
produced by Al Ruban ; written and directed by John Cassavetesキングレコード [distributor]c1997
- 著者標目Ruban, Al Cassavetes, John Rowlands, Ge...