tratado y comentado por Arturo Fernandez Pradel y Julio Philippi = treated and commented on by Arturo Fernandez Pradel y Julio Philippi ; translated by Wyndham Anstis Bewes . tratado por A. Schuler = compiled by A. Schuler ; translated by Edward S. Cox-SinclairBoston Book[19--]
tratado y comentado por Arturo Fernandez Pradel y Julio Philippi = treated and commented on by Arturo Fernandez Pradel and Julio Philippi ; translated Wyndham Anstis Bewes . tratado por A. Schuler = compiled by A. Schuler ; translated Edward S. Cox-SinclairSweet & Maxwell[19--]
著者標目Pradel, Arturo Fernandez Philippi, Julio Bewes, Wyndham Anstis Schuler A. Cox-Sinclair, Edward S.