edited by Ari Aviram and Mark RatnerNew York Academy of Sciences1998-
- 著者標目...ogen, James C. Shashidhar, Ranganathan
Ranganathan Shashidhar, Bruce Gnade, chairs/editors ; sponsored by IS&T--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, SPIE--the International Society for Optical EngineeringSPIEc2000
- 著者標目Shashidhar, Ranganathan Gnade, Bruce Edward Society o...
edited by Ari Aviram and Mark RatnerNew York Academy of Sciences1998-
- 著者標目...ogen, James C. Shashidhar, Ranganathan
edited by Ranganathan Shashidhar, Uzi EfronSPIEc1995
- 著者標目Shashidhar, Ranganathan Efron, Uzi
Ranganathan Shashidhar, chair/editor ; sponsored by IS&T--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, SPIE--the International Society for Optical EngineeringSPIEc1999
- 著者標目Shashidhar, Ranganathan IS&T--the Society for Imaging...
Ranganathan Shashidhar, chair/editor ; sponsored by IS&T--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, SPIE--the International Society for Optical EngineeringSPIEc1996
- 著者標目Shashidhar, Ranganathan IS&T--the Society for Imaging...
Ranganathan Shashidhar, chair/editor ; sponsored by IS&T--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, SPIE--the International Society for Optical EngineeringSPIEc1994
- 著者標目Shashidhar, Ranganathan IS&T--the Society for Imaging...