sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME ; principal editor, I. T. Kisisel ; contributing editor, J. SinnappanAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineersc1997
- 著者標目...Kisisel, I. T. Sinnappan, J.
sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME ; principal editor, I.T. Kisisel ; contributing editors, J. Sinnappan, D. PetersonAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineersc1996
- 著者標目Kisisel, I. T. Sinnappan, J. Peterson, D. (David) ASME Pre...
sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME ; principal editors, I.T. Kisisel, T.V. Narayanan ; contributing editors, J. Sinnappan, C. Bradley BondAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineersc1995
- 著者標目...rayanan, T. V. Sinnappan, J. Bond, C. Bradley
presented at the 1991 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Diego, California, June 23-27, 1991 ; sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME ; edited by J. Sinnappan ... [et al]American Society of Mechanical Engineersc1991
- 著者標目...iping Division Sinnappan, J.