by Sir John Temple ... ; to which is added, Sir Henry Tichborne's history of the siege of Drogheda, in the year 1641 ; as alſo, The whole tryal of Connor Lord Mac-Guire, with the perfeƈt copies of the indiƈtment, and all the evidences againſt him ; together with the Pope's bull to the Confederate Catholicks in IrelandPrinted by and for Aaron Rhames, and are to be ſold by the bookſellers, 17241724
by Sir John Temple ... ; to which is added: The state of the proteſtants of Ireland under the late King James's government; in which their Carriage towards him is juſtified, and the abſolute Neceſſity of their endeavouring to be freed from his Government, and of ſubmitting to their preſent Majeſties is demonſtratedPrinted for Patrick Campbell, and are to be sold at his shop ...1713