translated by Francis X. Glimm, Joseph M. F. Marique, Gerald G. WalshCatholic University of America Press1969
- 著者標目Glimm, Francis X Marique, Joseph M. F. Walsh, Gerald G.
SaintAugustine ; GeraldG.Walsh tral ; Augustine,Saint,BishopofHippo ; Walsh,GeraldG. ; Augustine,Saint,BishopofHipp ; Walsh,GeraldG.Doubleday1958
Saint Augustine ; trans. by Gerald G. Walsh ...[et al.] ; with a condensation of the original foreword by Etienne Gilson ; ed. with an introduction, by Vernon J. BourkeImage Books, Doubledayc1958
- 著者標目Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo Walsh, Gerald G. Gilson, Etienne Bourke, Verno...
Saint Augustine ; translated by Gerald G. Walsh and Grace MonahanCatholic University of America Pressc1950-c1954
- 著者標目...ishop of Hippo Walsh, Gerald G. Monahan, Grace Honan, Daniel ...