S.S.Wilson, Brent Maddock [脚本], 吉岡平 訳・構成近代映画社1989.2<KS175-E152>
- 著者標目Wilson, S. S Maddock, Brent 吉岡, 平, 1960-20...
Barry Sonnenfeld and Jon Peters ; including the complete screenplay by S.S. Wilson ... [et al.] ; foreword by Barry Sonnenfeld ; additional text by Diana Landau ; photographs by Murray Close, industrial light & magic, and other photographersNewmarket Pressc1999
- 著者標目Sonnenfeld, Barry Peters, Jon Wilson, S. S. Landau, Diana Close, Murray
directed by S. S. Wilsonジェネオン・ユニバーサル・エンターテイメント [distributor]c1996
- 著者標目Wilson, S. S. Ward, Fred Gartin, Christoph...
H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and A. Staudt ; translated by S.S. WilsonInstitute of Physics Pub.c1995
- 著者標目Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H. V. (Hans Volker) Staudt, A. (Andreas) Wilson, S. S.
produced by David Foster, Lawrence Turman ; directed by John Badham ; written by S.S. Wilson, Brent MaddockTri-Star Picturesc1992
- 著者標目Foster, David Turman, Lawrence Badham, John Wilson, S. S. Maddock, Brent