vorgelegt von Otto ZöcklerJ. Hörning1915
von Otto ZöcklerC. Bertelsmann1907
von Otto ZöcklerBertelsmann1904
von Otto ZöcklerHeyder & Zimmer1897
Ausgelegt von Otto ZöcklerC.H. Beck1891
ausgelegt von O. Zöckler, G. Schnedermann, E. Chr. Luthardt. Die Gefangenschaftsbriefe des Apostels Paulus, Pastoralbriefe, Hebräerbrief, die katholischen Briefe und die Offenbarung Johannis / ausgelegt von G. Schnedermann ... [et al.]C.H. Beck1887-1888
- 著者標目Zöckler, Otto Schnedermann, Georg, b. 1852 ...
ausgelegt von C.F. Nösgen . ausgelegt von Ernst Ch. Luthardt und Otto ZöcklerC.H. Beck'schen Buchhandlung1886
- 著者標目Nösgen, C. F. Luthardt, Ernst Ch. Zöckler, Otto
von Otto ZöcklerC. Bertelsmann1881
untersucht von O. ZöcklerC. Bertelsmann1879
von O. ZöcklerDruck und Verlag von C. Bertelsmann1877-1879
theologically and homiletically expounded by Otto Zöckler ; translated, enlarged and edited by James G. Murphy . theologically and homiletically expounded by Fr. W. Schultz ; translated, enlarged and edited by Charles A. BriggsScribner, Armstrongc1877
- 著者標目Zöckler, Otto Murry, James G. Schultz, Fr. ...
theologically and homiletically expounded by Wilhelm Julius Schröder ; translated, enlarged, and edited by Patrick Fairbairn and Willliam Findlay ; aided by Thomas Crerar and Sinclair Manson . theologically and homiletically expounded by Otto Zöckler ; translated, enlarged, and edited by James StrongScribner[1876?]
- 著者標目Schröder, Wilhelm Julius Fairbairn, Patrick Findlay, William Zöckler, Otto Strong, James
theologically and homiletically expounded by Otto Zöckler ; translated, enlarged and edited by James G. Murphy . theologically and homiletically expounded by Fr. W. Schultz ; translated, enlarged and edited by Charles A. Briggs . critically and theologically expounded, including the homiletical sections of Dr. Schultz by Howard Crosby . theologically and homiletically expounded by Fr. W. Schultz ; translated, enlarged, and edited by James StrongScribner, Armstrongc1877
- 著者標目Zöckler, Otto Murphy, James G. Schultz, Fr....
by Tayler Lewis ; a commentary by Otto Zöckler ; translated from the German with additions by L. J. Evans ; together with a general introduction to the poetical books by Philip SchaffScribner, Armstrong[1874]
- 著者標目Lewis, Tayler Zöckler, Otto Evans, L. J. Schaff, Philip