recommended by the IJA-ABA Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards, Irving R. Kaufman, chairman ; approved by the House of Delegates, American Bar Association, 1979 ; Charles Z. Smith, chairman of Drafting Committee II ; Charles Whitebread, reporter ; Michael H. Tonry, special editorBallinger Pub. Co.c1980
recommended by the IJA-ABA Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards, Irving R. Kaufman, chairman ; Charles Z. Smith, chairman of Drafting Committee II ; Robert O. Dawson, reporterBallinger Pub. Co.c1977
recommended by the IJA-ABA Joint Commission on Juvenile Justice Standards, Irving R. Kaufman chairman ; Charles Z. Smith, chairman of Drafting Committee II, Stanley Z. Fisher, reporterBallinger Pub. Co.c1977
by M. Marvin Finkelstein, project director, Ellyn Weiss, Stuart Cohen ; Stanley Z. Fisher, consultantU.S. Dept. of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.1974