Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition, Northeast-Midwest Senate Coalition, Northeast-Midwest Institute 1983. <AU-361-A19>
著者標目 Amdur, Shelley. Merkowitz, David. Northeast-Midwest Institute (U.S.) Charles Bartsch, senior editor ; Andrew S. Kessler, assistant editor Northeast-Midwest Institute , The Center for Regional Policy1989
著者標目 Bartsch, Charles Kessler, Andrew S. Center for Regional Policy ( Northeast-Midwest Institute ) Diane De Vaul, Clifford Pearlman, Nan Beth Rosso Northeast-Midwest Institute , The Center for Regional Policy[1988]
Stanley E. Collender Northeast-Midwest Institute 1982-
一般注記 Published 1983 by: the Northeast-Midwest Institute ; 1984- by: the Urban Inst... 著者標目 Collender, Stanley E. Urban Institute Northeast-Midwest Institute (U.S.) このタイトルの巻号 Charles Bartsch, senior editor ; Marian Barber, assistant editor, Margaret Quan assistant editor Northeast-Midwest Institute , The Center for Regional Policy, 1988