検索結果 1 件
- 目次・記事...ire CMP||3 The hybrid fine particles||4 Performance of hybrid fine particles||5 Performance......ptimization of hybrid fine particles||6 Conclusions 2023-08-05 再収集...
- 要約等...to produce the hybrid fine particles for improving ...... sapphire. The hybrid fine particles are formed by ......particles. The hybrid fine particles could control ......e structure of hybrid fine particles. The hybrid fine particles were produced ......howed that the hybrid fine particles enabled a much......increased. The hybrid fine particles might be modif......to prepare the hybrid fine particles by mixing proc......cterization of hybrid fine particles by TEM and DLS......s by using the hybrid fine particles as the abrasiv......ptimization of hybrid fine particles. We found that......performance of hybrid fine particles in sapphire CMP by varying th...
- 件名Silica particles Hybrid fine particles Novel characteristics CMP Sap...