検索結果 321 件
- 要約等... by well-known shock wave researchers fr......ellent view of shock wave research condu......g the field of shock wave phenomena. Amo......personic flow; shock waves in dusty gas; shock wave interaction with various bodi...
- 内容細目My walk in the field of shock waves My adventure ......gation of Weak Shock Waves Induced in In......Application to Shock Wave Problems
- 件名Shock waves Shock waves.
- 件名Shock waves Shock waves.
- 要約等...ppreciation of shock waves has evolved in time. It offe...
- 件名Shock waves Condensed matter Condensed matter. Shock waves.
- タイトル標目Shock wave and high pressure phenomena, ...
- 要約等...l Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW31), hel...... International Shock Wave Institute (ISWI), Shock Wave Research Socie......rical methods, shock waves in rarefied flows, shock waves in dense gases, shock waves in liquids, shock waves in solids, im......s, propulsion, shock waves in internal flows, pseudo-shock wave and shock trai......y gasdynamics, shock waves in space, Ric......x interaction, shock wave reflection/interaction, shock wave interaction wi......h dusty media, shock wave interaction wi......ranular media, shock wave interaction wi...... porous media, shock wave interaction wi......s, sonic boom, shock wave focusing, safety against shoc...
- 件名Shock waves--Congresses. Shock waves.
- 著者標目International Symposium on Shock Waves (31st : 2017 : Nagoya-shi, J...
- 件名Waves. Shock waves.
- 要約等...h of images of shock wave phenomena, gat......nd focusing of shock waves in gases and ...... of underwater shock wave/bubble interac......pplications of shock wave phenomena to m...... interested in shock wave phenomena. How......pplications of shock waves, and are looking for reliabl...
- 内容細目...sualization of shock wave phenomena Chapter 2: Shock Waves in Gases Chapter 3: Shock Wave Diffraction Chapter 4: Shock Wave Interaction wi......pes Chapter 5: Shock Wave Focusing in Gases Chapter 6: Shock Wave Mitigation Chapter 7: Shock Wave Propagation ov...... 9: Underwater Shock Waves Chapter 10: A...... of Underwater Shock Wave Research to Medicine Chapter ...
- 件名Shock waves.
- 要約等...rly focuses on shock waves, offering a u...... derivation of shock wave relations from...... which oblique shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer expansion ...
- 件名Fluid dynamics. Shock waves.
- 要約等... perspectives. Shock waves dynamically produce high pre...
- 件名High pressure chemistry Chemical reactions Shock waves Chimie des hautes pressions ...
- タイトル標目Shock wave and high pressure phenomena, ...
- 要約等...l Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW31), hel...... International Shock Wave Institute (ISWI), Shock Wave Research Socie......rical methods, shock waves in rarefied flows, shock waves in dense gases, shock waves in liquids, shock waves in solids, im......s, propulsion, shock waves in internal flows, pseudo-shock wave and shock trai......y gasdynamics, shock waves in space, Ric......x interaction, shock wave reflection/interaction, shock wave interaction wi......h dusty media, shock wave interaction wi......ranular media, shock wave interaction wi...... porous media, shock wave interaction wi......s, sonic boom, shock wave focusing, safety against shoc...
- 件名Shock waves--Congresses. SCIENCE--Mechanics--General. SCIENCE--Mechanics--Solids. Shock waves.
- 著者標目International Symposium on Shock Waves (31st : 2017 : Nagoya, Japan...
- 件名Explosions--Congresses. Shock waves--Congresses. ......sions. Impact. Shock waves.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Explosion, shock wave and high-strai...... on explosion, shock wave and high-strain-rate phenomen...
- 並列タイトル等Explosion, shock wave and high-strai...... on explosion, shock wave and high-strain-rate phenomen...
- 件名Shock waves--Congresses. SCIENCE / Mechanics / General SCIENCE / Mechanics / Solids Shock waves.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...l symposium on shock waves 1 Title of vo......l symposium on shock waves 2
- 並列タイトル等...l symposium on shock waves 1 Title of vo......l symposium on shock waves 2
- 要約等...用はもちろんのこと、日本運動器SHOCK WAVE研究会(JOSST)認定制度のテキストにもご使用いただけます...
- 著者紹介日本運動器SHOCK WAVE研究会(JOSST)代表世話人 早稲田大学スポーツ科学学術院...
- 典拠情報(件名/「を見よ」参照)Shock waves
- 件名Explosions--Congresses. Shock waves--Congresses. ......sions. Impact. Shock waves.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Explosion, shock wave and high-energ...... on explosion, shock wave and high-energy reaction phen...
- 並列タイトル等Explosion, shock wave and high-energ...... on explosion, shock wave and high-energy reaction phen...
- 要約等...l Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW30), whi......ion, Ignition, Shock Wave Reflection and Interaction, Shock Wave Interaction with Obstacles, Shock Wave Interaction wi...... Porous Media, Shock Wave Interaction wi......ranular Media, Shock Wave Interaction wi......th Atmosphere, Shock Waves in Rarefied Gases, Shock Waves in Condensed ...... and Liquids), Shock Waves in Dense Gases, Shock Wave Focusing, Richtmyer-Meshkov I...
- 件名Shock waves--Congresses. ......anics--Solids. Shock waves. Engineering. Mechanical Eng...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)...l symposium on shock waves 1 : ISSW30 Ti......l symposium on shock waves 2 : ISSW30
- 件名Blast effect. Shock waves. SCIENCE--Mechanics--General...
- タイトル標目Shock wave and high pressure phenomena.
- 件名Laser ablation nanoparticles Shock wave
- 要約等... phenomenon of Shock Wave Boundary Layer......by publisher. "Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction (S...
- 内容細目...; 3. Transonic shock wave boundary layer......; 4. Ideal gas shock wave turbulent boun......; 5. Ideal gas shock wave turbulent boun......tal studies of shock wave/boundary layer...... of hypersonic shock wave boundary layer......V. Candler; 8. Shock wave/boundary layer...... K. Harvey; 9. Shock wave unsteadiness in turbulent shock wave boundary layer interactions P...
- 件名Shock waves. Boundary layer.
- 件名Shock waves. Boundary layer.