口石, 茂, 渡辺, 重哉, 植田, 修一, 丹野, 英幸, 小室, 智幸, 佐藤, 和雄, 伊藤, 勝宏, Kuchiishi, Shigeru, Watanabe, Shigeya, Ueda, Shuichi, Tanno, Hideyuki, Komuro, Tomoyuki, Sato, Kazuo, Ito, Katsuhiro宇宙航空研究開発機構2006-03-31宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 = JAXA Research and Development ReportJAXA-RR-05-030E
- 件名...ce measurement heat flux measurement high enthalpy shock tunnel wi...
- 一般注記...s of force and heat flux measurements conducted at ......original data. Heat flux measurement tests used a chromel model wi...
渡辺, 泰夫, 松崎, 貴至, 石田, 清道, 三保, 和之, 福井, 利夫, 濱村, 修, Watanabe, Yasuo, Matsuzaki, Takashi, Ishida, Kiyomichi, Miho, Kazuyuki, Fukui, Toshio, Hamamura, Osamu航空宇宙技術研究所1999-06航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1388p.1-9
- 件名...rc heated flow heat flux measurement slug type calorimeter high en...
- 一般注記...rimeter to the heat flux measurements of an arc-heated flow, and e...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Heat flux measurements by a slug calorimeter in an ...
植田, 修一, 櫻中, 登, 斎藤, 俊仁, 伊藤, 勝宏, 若松, 義男, 今井, 究, Ueda, Shuichi, Sakuranaka, Noboru, Saito, Toshihito, Ito, Katsuhiro, Wakamatsu, Yoshio, Imai, Kiwamu航空宇宙技術研究所1992-12航空宇宙技術研究所報告 = Technical Report of National Aerospace Laboratory1187Tp.1-16
- 件名...mal protection heat flux measurement heat transfer crossflow type ...