検索結果 111 件
- NDLCA159
- 一般注記"April 2005." Author: Nicola Yeates.
- 著者標目United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
- 内容細目Note continued: References / P......17. Environmental benefits and challenges associated with geothermal power generation / P. von Hirtz 17.1. Introduction / A.C. de Jesus 17.2. Environmental, social, and cultural benefits and challenges of geothermal power generation / A.C. de Jesus 17.3. Developing an environmentally sound and socially responsible project / A.C. de Jesus 17.4. Geothermal energy in the context of sustainable development / A.C. de Jesus 17...... Conclusions / A.C. de Jesus References / A.C. de Jesus 18......Project permitting, finance, and economics for geothermal power generation / A.C. de Jesus 18.1. Int...
- 件名Geothermal power plants.
- タイトル標目Woodhead Publishing in energy ; no. 97.
Interdisciplinary perspectives on COVID-19 and the Caribbean. Volume 1 The state, economy and health
- 要約等"Caribbean countries have had to navigate multiple crises, which have tested their...... through time. In this regard, the regions landscape has been shaped by an interplay of vulnerability and resilience which has brought to th...... possibilities and contradictions. It is within this context that the effects o...... the COVID-19 pandemic must be considered. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Covid-19 and the Caribbean, Volume 1: The State, Economy and Health provides a comprehensive, multi- and interdisciplinary assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, using the Caribbean as the site of e......obilises critical perspectives brought to bear...
- 内容細目Part I State Responses and the COVID-19 Pandemic 1. Introduction 2. COVID-19 and Human (In)Security in the Caribbean: An Assessment of Grenada 3. Navigating Motherhood and Work: Caribbean State Responses in a Global Health Crisis 4. Revisiting Democracy in the Anglophone Caribbean in the Context of COVID-19 and Beyond 5. Elite Authoritarianism Versus Individual Liberty: The Politics of COVID-19 Management in Barbados 6. COVID-19 Pandemic: Mainstreaming Risk Assessment and Management Part II Navigating COVID-19: Economic Development Issues in the Caribbean 7. COVID-19 and the Caribbean: Economic Perspectives 8. Social Insecurity: COVID-19, Unemplo...
- LCCRA644.C67
- 一般注記"On 1 January 2010 Sport in the global society, created by Professor J.A. Mangan in 1997, was divided into two parts: Historical perspectives and Contemporary perspectives...... Series editors: "Historical perspectives", J.A. Mangan, Mark Dyreson, Thi......ret; "Contemporary perspectives", Boria Majumdar
- 関連情報The Olympic movement and the sport of peacemaking A half century of Super Bowls : national and global perspectives on America's grandest spectacle Olympic aspirations : realised and unrealised Sport, militarism and the Great War : martial manliness and armageddon Methology in sports history Martial arts in Asia : history, culture and politics A social and political history of Everton and Liverpool football clubs : the split, 1878-1914 Sport in Europe Rule Britannia : nationalism, identity and the modern Olympic Games Global sport business : community impacts of commercial sport Football : from England to the world A global history...
- 一般注記Also published: Palgrave Macmillan
- 関連情報Climate change, extreme events and disaster risk reduction : towards Sustainable Development Goals Resettlement challenges for displaced populations and refugees Sustainability and resilience planning for local governments : the quadruple bottom line strategy Remote sensing for food security Africa and the sustainable development goals Governance for the sustainable development goals : exploring an integrative framework of theories, tools, and competencies Achieving the sustainable management of forests International development and the environment : social consensus and cooperative measures for sustainability The global engineers...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Sustainable development goals series SDGs series
- 要約等"This handbook provides a comprehensive and cutting-edge analysis of ethnic......se multidisciplinary lenses. It e......lores numerous aspects of ethnicity and how it is linked to a range of contemporary political, economic and social issues at the global, regional as well as local levels. In a world where globalization has enveloped and transformed societ......rough economic and financial integration, social media networks, knowledge transfer, transnational travel, technology and education, there is a tendency to frame issues largely from the standpoint of economic, political and strategic interests of the dominant powers...
- 内容細目Machine-generated. Volume 1: Exploring Global Ethnicity: A Broad Sociological Synopsis / Steven Ratuva Part I Nexus Between Ethnicity and Identity Ethno-cultural Symbolism and Group Identity / Elya Tzaneva Cultural Socialization and Ethnic Consciousness / Sara N. Amin Historical Memory and Ethnic Myths / Cindy Zeiher Indian Identity in South Africa / Kathryn Pillay The State and Minority Nationalities (Ethnic Groups) in China / Roland Boer Ethnic Blindness in Ethnically Divided Society: Implications for Ethnic Relations in Fiji / Romitesh Kant Post-Arab Spring: The Arab World Between the Dilemma of the Nation-State and the R...
- ジャンル・形式用語Case studies.
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA04187268
- 一般注記On cover of v. 88: Cambridge studies in international relations, Csir On added t.p. of v. 158: editors, Evelyn Goh, Christian Reus-Smit, Nicholas J. Wheeler
- 関連情報Formal theories in international relations Soviet policy towards Japan : an analysis of trends in the 1970s and 1980s The social construction of the ocean Governing global networks : international regimes for transportation and communications South Africa's foreign policy : the search for status and security, 1945......1988 How the weak win wars : a theory of asymmetric conflict Rationality and the analysis of international conflict The realist tradition and the limits of international relations The refugee in international society : between sovere......he power of human rights : international norms and domestic change States, natio...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA83358592
- 関連情報Education as a political tool in Asia Eurasia's ascent in energy and geopolitics : rivalry or partnership for China, Russia and Central Asia? Sexual diversity in Asia, c. 600-1950 China-Malaysia relations and foreign policy From orientalism to postcolonialism : Asia, Europe and the lineages of difference Alterities in Asia : reflections on identity and regionalism Land grabs in Asia : what role for the law? Asian cities, migrant labour and contested spaces Transcontinental Silk Road strategies : comparing China, Japan and South Korea in Uzbekistan The dynamics of social capital and civic engagement in Asia Political participation ...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00668242
- 一般注記Place of publication varies: Dordrecht, Leiden Publisher varies: Brill Nijhoff
- 関連情報Devising an adequate system of minority protection : individual human rights, minority rights and the right to self-determination Human rights : group defamation, freedom of expression and the law of nations Ethno-cultural diversity and human rights : challenges and critiques Protecting children in the digital era : the use of alternative regulatory instruments The r......igious freedom in international law The standard of the best interests of the child : a western tradition in international and comparative law Responding to human rights violations : 1946-1999 The ......h of diversity : human rights and pluralist democracy Monitorin...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA62010812
- 関連情報Fiscal systems for hydrocarbons : design issues Stopping tuberculosis in Central Asia : priorities for action Financial sector dimens...... of the Colombian pension system Measuring social capital : an integrated questionnaire Financial sector development and the Millennium Development Goals The role of communication in large infrastructure : the Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project in post-conflict Sierra Leone The U.S.-Honduras remittance corridor : acting on opportunities to increase financial inclusion and foster development of a transnational economy Sustainability of pension systems in the new EU member states and Croatia : coping with ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)World Bank working paper Documento de trabajo del Banco Mundial
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA22836908
- 関連情報Research report on Qayen earthquake in Iran, May 1997 Enhancing the management of metropolitan living environments in Latin America Conservation based development of Shahjahanabad : the historic capital city of India Metropolitan governance and planning in transition : Asia-Pacific cases 地域開発における開発政......管理に関する日中比較研究 = A comparative study on development policy and management in the context of regional development between China and Japan ISO 14001 and regional environmental management : a case study of central Japan Regional development planning and management techniques : sectoral and areal planning methods Implementing ISO...
- 著者標目United Nations Centre for Regional Development
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA27515537
- 一般注記Description based on: 7801 (Jan. 1978) Formerly issued by Institute of Economic Development and Research, and the Institute's name remained only on cover for 7801(Jan. 1978)-7917(Oct. 1979) imprint on cover
- 関連情報The high-yielding varieties of rice in the Philippines : a perspective Em...... effects of legal minimum wage in Philippine manufacturing industries Towards a more open Philippines : monetary and exchange rate policy Rural savings behavior Local public enterprises in developing countries : issues and practices Special and differential treatment of developing countries in the Uruguay Round agricultural negotiations Growth, inequality, politics, and poverty reducion the Philippines An economic theory of both tenant and landlord : a Philippine case Interlocking directorates, commercial banks, other financial institutions and nonfin...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00291304
- 一般注記v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989:Compiled by Vance Weaver NCID:AA00051776
- 関連情報Cooley's anemia : seventh symposium Nonlinear dynamics in astronomy and physics : in memory of Henry E. Kandrup Computation for cardiovascular research Membrane structure and its biological applications Texas/ESO-CERN Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics Advances in the understanding and treatment of asthma HIV-associated cardiovascular disease : clinical and biological insights The role of I[131]-labeled proteins in biology and medicine Earthquake hazards and the design of constructed facilities in the eastern United States Myelination and dysmyelination A French engineering realizatio...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA50725235
- 一般注記Publishing place varies: Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands Series title ......ished under the: Studies in social policy <BA34151871>
- 関連情報Regulating strikes in essential services : a comparative 'law in action' perspective The legal status of sportsmen and sportswomen under international, European and Belgian national and regional law Reform and perspectives on social insurance : lessons from the East and West Labour law, human rights and social justice Changing industrial relations & modernisation of labour law : liber amicorum in honour of professor Marco Biagi The law on age discrimination in the EU Social security in transition Effecti......rcement of EC labour law Contractualism in employment services : a new form of welfare state governance The ILO and the ...
- 一般注記In 1996 "Avebury, Dartmouth and Variorumis" unified to "Ashgate". They are former imprints associated with Ashgate Publishing. Publisher varies: Routledge
- 関連情報Restructuring regional and local economies : towards a comparative study of Scotland and Upper Silesia A region in transition : North East England at the millenniu......ment discourse and housing Towards visitor impact management : visitor impacts, carrying capacity and management responses in Europe's historic towns and cities Regional development and spatial planning in an enlarged European Union De-coding new regionalism : shifting socio-political contexts in Central Europe and Latin America Consensus planning : the relevance of communicative planning theory in Dutch infrastructure development Corporate city? : partnership...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00216728
- 一般注記Publisher varies: London : Butterworths; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press: Edited by William Twining and Christopher McCrudden
- 関連情報The law of contract Practising self-government : a comparative study of autonomous regions Reconstructing criminal law : text and materials French legal cultures Law as a means to an end : threat to the rule of law British government and the constitution : text and materials Cases and materials on the English legal system An introduction to law Trusts law : text and materials Atiyah's Accidents, compensation and the law Computers and the law Labour law Seeking asylum in the UK : problems and prospects EC competition law Lawyering skills and the legal process The law-making process Sentencing and criminal justice Shakespeare ...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA77509387
- 一般注記Formerly known as: Regional development and public policy Published by Routledge in association with the Regional Studies Association
- 関連情報Urban competitiveness : theory and practice Geographies of the new economy : critical reflections Re-framing regional development : evolution, innovation, and transition The unequal city : urban resurgence, displacement and the making of inequality in global cities Creative regions : technology, culture and knowledge entrepreneurship Making 21st century ......edge complexes : technopoles of......lish regions? Can neighbourhoods save the city? : community development and social innovation Urban innovation systems : what makes them tick? Dynamics of economic spaces in the global knowledge-based economy : theory and East Asian cases B...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA71807724
- 一般注記Series editor: Philip McCann
- 関連情報Regional knowledge economies : markets, clusters and innovation Innovation, agglomeration and regional competition Agglomeration, clusters and entrepreneurship : studies in regional economic development The management and measurement of infrastructure : performance, efficiency and innovation Firm mobility and organizational networks : innovation, embeddedness and economic geography Endogenous regional development : perspectives, measurement and empirical investigation Sustainable innovation and regional development : rethinking innovative milieus Innovation in developing and transition countries Spatial dynamics, networks and mo...
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00472659
- 関連情報The performance of industrial development corporations : the case of Jamaica Agribusiness in Latin America The Structure ......Soviet economy : analysis and reconstruction of the 1966 input-output table Turkish economic, social, and political change : the development of a more prosperous and open society T......e production, marketing, and consumption of copper and aluminium The Fertility of working women : a synthesis of international research The role of trade unions in the development process : with a case study of Ghana Natural gas imports from ......e Soviet Union : financing the North Star Joint Venture Project Strate...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Praegers special studies in international economics and developmen
- NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00169399
- 関連情報United States - Pakistan relations Educational exchanges : essays on the Sino-American experience Asia and the major powers : domestic politics and foreign policy United States-Thailand relations U.S.-China economic relations : present and future Geopolitics and trajectories of development : the cases of Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and Puerto Rico Pakistan-U.S. relations : social, political, and economic factors After Saigon fell : daily life under the Vietnamese Communists Korea-U.S. relations in a changing world United States-Korea relations Pacific-Asian issues : American and Chinese views Pacific-Asian economic policies ...