検索結果 112 件
- 要約等This textbook teaches control theory for multi-agent systems. Readers will ......linear algebra and graph theory, ......ed to describe and solve multi-agent control problems. The ......ress important and fundamental pr......ing: consensus control; coverage control; formation control; distributed optimization; and the viral spre......udents' understanding of the core......or multi-agent control is enhanced th......orked examples and programs in th......lutions manual and the figures in......e for download and can be used fo......cyber-physical systems, robot swarms,......, smart grids, and truck platooni......social science and public health, it applies to ...
- 内容細目....2 Multi-agent Systems in the Real Wo...... Network 1.2.2 Systems Biology 1.2.3 ......an Society 1.3 Control of Multi-agent Systems: Emerging Topics in Systems and Control 1.3.1 Consensus Control 1.3.2 Coverage Control 1.3.3 Formation Control 1.3.4 Controllability of Net......del Predictive Control 1.3.6 Event-Triggered and Sparse Control 1.4 Multi-agent Systems in Other Impor......Linear Algebra and Graph Theory w......2.2.3 Positive and Non-negative M......Canonical Form and Spectral Decom...... 2.2.10 Linear Systems and Matrix Exponen......raph Laplacian and Perron Matrice......ated Dynamical Systems 2.5 Python Codes for Graph Th...
- 件名Multiagent systems--Control Python (Computer program lang...
- 要約等..., this classic and influential bo...... how to understand the characteri......alysis methods and statistical mo......ize prediction and optimal control based on time ......improve safety and reduce environ......en increasing, and the statistica...... AI technology and high-speed com......hip monitoring and control, but also to a...... fluctuations, and it is expected......istics of ship and engine motions......ating the ship and managers ashor......ns statistical control method to desi......topilot system and the governor o......ary for understanding these topic......n, probability and statistics, Kalman filter and statistical optimal control t...
- 内容細目Covariance function and spectrum Fourier transform and its properties......ysis of linear systems Cross-spectrum......alysis of ship and engine motions in waves Continuous and discrete time series Au......deling of ship and engine motions...... changing ship and engine motions Analysis and prediction of ship and engine motions......ation of trend and seasonal adjustment models and time-varying s......gressive model and statistical analysis of ship and engine motions Optimal control of ships by st...... ship motions, and propulsion the......stical optimal control theory
- 要約等...urable dynamic systems. It differs fr......nty in dynamic systems. It begins wit...... the problems, and ways of their ......which contains discrete EFDS identific...... fuzzy dynamic systems will be of int......ormal, extreme and monotone processes in nature and society. Graduate students co...
- 内容細目...epresentations and weighted fuzzy......ng of extremal and controllable extremal ......ptimization of continuous controllable extremal ......uzzy processes and the choice of ......ication of the discrete possibilistic ......ithms approach and software library.
- 件名Fuzzy decision making. Fuzzy systems. Artificial intelligence.
- 件名Control theory
- 件名(識別子)Control theory
- 関連情報McGraw-Hill series in electrical and computer engineering
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical references and index
- 関連情報Systems & control
- 掲載誌Systems & control
- 件名Control theory Mathematical optimizat...
- 件名(識別子)Control theory Mathematical optimizat...
- 一般注記Includes bibliographical references and index
- 一般注記Gautam Biswas and Sheila McIlraith, Cochairs In...
- 関連情報Control and dynamic systems : advances in theory and applications
- 掲載誌Control and dynamic systems : advances in theory and applications
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Control and dynamic systems
- 関連情報...ial inclusions and applications F......imation theory and their applicat......tional errors Handbook of optimiz......ision modeling and behavior in complex and uncertain envi......ation : theory and applications S......ing : modeling and optimization w......ems Estimation and control problems for s......alued mappings and enlargements o......ctor functions and continuous optimization T......sional optimal control Multicriteria ......io management Handbook of functio......of mathematics and informatics in science and engineering Optimization and logistics chal...... equations in random normed space......on : structure and applications New approaches t...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)SOIA Springer series in optimization and its applications Optimization and its applications
- 並列タイトル等SOIA Springer series in optimization and its applications Optimization and its applications
- 一般注記Vol. 1-8 published under the title: Advances in control systems 子書誌あり
- 関連情報Digital control and signal processing systems and techniques Mul......ry engineering systems : design and optimization techniques and their applicat......ce improvement and optimization techniques and their applicat......s in aerospace systems Nonlinear and Kalman filteri...... Techniques in discrete-time stochastic control systems Robust control system techniques and applications Discrete-time control system analysis and design Digital......g : techniques and applications Advances in control mechanics Digital control systems implementation......ing techniques and applications M......ltidimensional systems : signal processing and model...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Advances in control systems
- 関連情報...ience Wavelets and multiscale analysis : theory and applications M...... : mathematics and applications F......tions, spaces, and expansions : m......ols in physics and engineering Ex......unction theory and the Heisenberg......aging Harmonic and applied analys......s in classical and modern analysi......urier analysis and convexity Meth......urier analysis and approximation ......ry Convergence and summability of......ier transforms and Hardy spaces I......Distributional and fractal calcul......ral transforms and wavelets Excur......alytic methods and modern applica......presentations Landscapes of time-frequency analy...
- 内容細目...racy Address standard, U.S. Agent......AD) Coordinate systems Coordination o......INE) Copyright and intellectual p......rary Direction Discrete versus continuous phenomena Dist......Effect, First- and Second order E...... Environmental Systems Research Insti......odesy Geodetic control framework Geog......c information. systems (GIS) Geograph......LIS Consortium and Conference Ser......puter Graphics and Spatial Analys......trophy Kernel Land information systems Layer Legend L......Licenses, Data and software LiDAR......aphor, Spatial and map Motes and bounds MicroSt......ic Information and Analysis (NCGIA) National Geo...
- 件名Geographic information systems -- Encyclopedias.
- 関連情報Random sets : theory and applications L......Markov chains, and queueing model......ions Diagnosis and prediction Par...... processing of discrete problems Random media Membrane transport and renal physiolo......tial equations and scientific com......uclear, atomic and molecular phys......c differential systems, stochastic control theory and applications Twist mappings and their applicat......computational, and statistical an......obotics Robust control theory Radar and sonar Grid generation and adaptive algor......ular structure and dynamics Graph theory and sparse matrix ......ainty : energy and power Recent developments in ...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)IMA volumes in mathematics and its applications
- 並列タイトル等IMA volumes in mathematics and its applications
- 関連情報... using regular and quantized obse......near SPDEs I Quandles and topological pa......mmetry, knots, and cohomology Hypernumbers and extrafunctions......an field games and mean field type control theory The low...... of the sphere and of Z[B[4](S[2]......zing manifolds and non-markovian ......ctions, theory and applications P......rders, metrics and coding theory ......ul, harmonious and magic type lab......gs : relations and techniques An ......troduction to random interlacemen......ities for sums and martingales An......ptic operators and Hörmander's Vector Fie......pplications of discrete-time Markov chains and poisso...
- 一般注記Series A: Monographs and treatises, v. ......l theme issues and proceedings, v. 1-10 (c1993-c...
- 関連情報...nference Chaos and nonlinear mech......uim 308 "chaos and noise in dynamical systems", Spala, Poland, September 1993 Universality and emergent compu......actional order systems : modeling and control applications L......ergetics Chaos and complexity in ......cs Bifurcation and chaos in nonsm......oth mechanical systems Applied nonlinear dynamics and chaos of mechanical systems with discontin......tial equations Discrete systems with memory Dy......s of nonlinear and disordered systems Modeling love ...... oscillators : controlling and synchronization Qualitative and asymptotic ana......quations with random perturbations Propagation o...
- 関連情報...enjoy, Perron, and Henstock Appli...... singularities Discrete differential g......gebraic curves and Riemann surfac......mula Dualities and representation......y, lie groups, and symmetric spaces Random operators : ......uantum spectra and dynamics Globa......ysis, geometry and physics The jo...... superalgebras and enveloping alg......emann surfaces and the modular gr......ion identities and combinatorial ......quantum groups and crystal bases ...... combinatorial and differential t......ions of finite and compact groups...... fifth problem and related topics......their analysis and numerical solu......ebraic numbers and functions Lectures on quantum...