検索結果 3 件
- 一般注記...cal references and glossaries
- 著者標目Heidegger, Martin McNeill, William Ireland, Julia
- 要約等...mecoming, homeland, and Heimat. This e...... of Hölderlin and his turn towar......language, art, and poetizing as a......f homelessness and the abandonment of the g......onal Socialism and his attempts t......lack Notebooks and Heidegger's metapolitics, eve...
- 内容細目...Philosophical "Andenken" : Hölde......uage, "ethos," and the ethicality......erlin's hymns "Germania" and "The Rhine". "Hölderlin" and the Great War ......on Hellingrath and the Hölderlin......myth Heidegger and the "secret" Germania Hölderlin without history "The Rhine" : Heidegger and originary spri......nentsprungene" and the vocation o......es. Hölderlin and "The national"...... Jews, Greeks, and the occlusion ......f the festival and the Graeco-Ger......inoctial time, and the balance of......to the foreign and the journey ho......(foreign) homeland. "Hölderlin" ......tional harmony and the Böhlendorff logic Transl...
- 件名...976--Political and social views. ......onal socialism and philosophy.
- 関連情報Derrida and the inheritanc...... consciousness and the force of c...... reminiscence, and writing : on t......n The ancients and the moderns Di......reader Derrida and Husserl : the ......omenology Race and racism in cont......life of understanding : a contemp......meneutics Kant and the problem of......h Between word and image : Heidegger, Klee, and Gadamer on gesture and genesis Of myth, life, and war in Plato's......ation of Anaximander and Parmenides Con......phanes, logos, and eros More radi......s Laws : force and truth in politics Bremen and Freiburg lectu...... that which is and basic principl......utics, ethics, and the dispensation of the good ...